*** RESPONSE REQUIRED *** - HairLossTalk.com Barbecue


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This response is to Axon and Hopewas,

I see what you guys are saying and do agree with you guys,it is unreasonable and optimistic,but....

i do think if i have nothing to do for a weekend and or feel like visiting a place ive never been ..i mean i would rather do that then sit at home and watch tv or worse being bored......i dont know if you guys have been to Tampa but theres not much sh*t to do here even though its a big metropolitan area, but the thing that sucks is i dont think i will go if its going to be a hundreds of dollar type weekend i can do more with that money then just have a BBQ.


G, if you really want to do this HairLossTalk.com barbeque thing, it should be a regional thing. This really isn't reasonable for me to go somewhere far to meet a bunch of balding fucks that i met online. Thats just weird. But say a regionaly one in cali. Lets just meet up in the middle of the state, say Fresno. I'd if we had a fatass smoke out. But then again, i probably wouldn't come, because that would just be too weird.


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blue said:
This response is to Axon and Hopewas,

I see what you guys are saying and do agree with you guys,it is unreasonable and optimistic,but....

i do think if i have nothing to do for a weekend and or feel like visiting a place ive never been ..i mean i would rather do that then sit at home and watch tv or worse being bored......i dont know if you guys have been to Tampa but theres not much sh*t to do here even though its a big metropolitan area, but the thing that sucks is i dont think i will go if its going to be a hundreds of dollar type weekend i can do more with that money then just have a BBQ.

If it was within driving distance, I'd go. But to fly cross-country with my money tied up in law school? I just can't do it fellas.

The Gardener

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Great input, fellas.

hopewas said:
again with this kind of thread? no offense, but even though i appreciate some of the info i've gotten here, you guys need to get lives

no one is going to fly to another state for a barbecue..that's all i'm saying,..and if they do, they need to get lives in my opinion..that's all..i mean i like and appreciate a lot of you guys for helping me, but wake up.

I would fly to another state for a BBQ. And yes, I do have the money to do it. Get a life? Well, although it is a very random and adventurous suggestion I am making, there are some people here unlike you who are interested in doing things that are somewhat adventurous in the name of having a good time. Where is your sense of adventure? And just because you don't have one, please don't shoot down ours by resorting to personal attacks. All it does is make you look petty and jealous. If you didn't like the idea, all you had to say is no, or just not say anything in reply to this thread at all.

Brasileirao, you know I love Rio, one of my three favorite places in the world I have ever been in my travels. That would be the ultimate, a f*****g fantastic time. It would be awesome to go to Rio with a good group of guys, rent out a few adjoining flats in Ipanema so we could walk to most everything, and just let loose, soak up the sun, play volleyball, and enjoy the world-renowned hospitality and warmth of the Brazilians. Ah, I miss the cachaca-laced coconuts. And Chujgcha, Grand Cayman would be awesome too. So would Vegas, can't go wrong there. What if we all syncronized a nice Vegas weekend? Take over a craps table and just gamble, drink, rape and pillage?

I think the logistics would be difficult for most, so, this really should be something that takes us to a destination that we would want to go anyway, and that would be fun. Why the hell not? I am starting to think the Vegas idea would not be a bad one...

(an edit addition here)... BHD.. if it ends up just being us Cali folk and those willing to travel to join us, then having a nice smokeout in Fresno would be just fine. Of course, we could do better than Fresno.... why not rent a houseboat and have the smokeout on the Sacramento Delta? Now that would be REAL fun. Or perhaps make it a winter affair up at Lake Tahoe, skiing during the day, then the Goldschlager in the jacuzzi with the ski bunnies, then gamble and party all night!... ah, options, options...


Senior Member
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The Gardener said:
Great input, fellas.

hopewas said:
again with this kind of thread? no offense, but even though i appreciate some of the info i've gotten here, you guys need to get lives

no one is going to fly to another state for a barbecue..that's all i'm saying,..and if they do, they need to get lives in my opinion..that's all..i mean i like and appreciate a lot of you guys for helping me, but wake up.

I would fly to another state for a BBQ. And yes, I do have the money to do it. Get a life? Well, although it is a very random and adventurous suggestion I am making, there are some people here unlike you who are interested in doing things that are somewhat adventurous in the name of having a good time. Where is your sense of adventure? And just because you don't have one, please don't shoot down ours by resorting to personal attacks. All it does is make you look petty and jealous. If you didn't like the idea, all you had to say is no, or just not say anything in reply to this thread at all.

Brasileirao, you know I love Rio, one of my three favorite places in the world I have ever been in my travels. That would be the ultimate, a f*****g fantastic time. It would be awesome to go to Rio with a good group of guys, rent out a few adjoining flats in Ipanema so we could walk to most everything, and just let loose, soak up the sun, play volleyball, and enjoy the world-renowned hospitality and warmth of the Brazilians. Ah, I miss the cachaca-laced coconuts. And Chujgcha, Grand Cayman would be awesome too. So would Vegas, can't go wrong there. What if we all syncronized a nice Vegas weekend? Take over a craps table and just gamble, drink, rape and pillage?

I think the logistics would be difficult for most, so, this really should be something that takes us to a destination that we would want to go anyway, and that would be fun. Why the hell not? I am starting to think the Vegas idea would not be a bad one...

(an edit addition here)... BHD.. if it ends up just being us Cali folk and those willing to travel to join us, then having a nice smokeout in Fresno would be just fine. Of course, we could do better than Fresno.... why not rent a houseboat and have the smokeout on the Sacramento Delta? Now that would be REAL fun. Or perhaps make it a winter affair up at Lake Tahoe, skiing during the day, then the Goldschlager in the jacuzzi with the ski bunnies, then gamble and party all night!... ah, options, options...

it makes me look petty and jealous? my god you are the biggest idiot i've ever seen on this board. i have the money to travel too.. but i'd rather spend it on proscar than fly to meet a bunch of people i met in a messageboard. doesn't that sound kind of weird to you? maybe even pathetic. i like a lot of people on this board. but my god. listen to yourself. spend that traveling money on something better like hairloss products.


Established Member
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Hopewas...i have been on this board a while now and i must admit, I cant reacall any of your posts to be anything but pure sarcastic comments, sh*t talking etc...
Compare your style to gardners...night and day, hes a good guy with sound avice to people...

I think Gardner has a positive idea that might not be positive for many ...finacially, time wise, etc..
so You dont have to call him an idiot for thinking of it..your the blithering idiot not him...

do me one favor....god forbid you lose your day job of selling oranges off the freewway, DONT ever go into motivational speaking or suicide negotiations.....why dont you do us all a favor and call 1800-get -lost

and go get happy somewhere or get a new girlfreind, or something man....you seem like a jackass to me



Senior Member
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worst. joke. ever VICCI. you know which joke I'm talking about. Don't act like you're not ashamed.


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i don't think vicci gets that he's the joke. anyways, i'm not bothered by what people say to me on this board for me to try to "b**ch" back..if that's what you want to do vicci, i suggest you start posting on the women's forum. i'm secure with myself to not have to defend myself over stupid posts like yours. you tell me to do all things things yet i think i'll ignore you like everybody else does to you in reality


Established Member
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hopeless....you truly are a jackass and i hope you do ignore me and all other posters on here....no one really gives a sh*t about whta you post on here anyway...your like a f*****g wart that keeps coming back

mother f****r needs to be burned off


Senior Member
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the funny thing is this vicci guy has all these posts and i've only noticed him today on this board. i honestly never heard of him prior to today. have any of you? i just wish that when he says things he finds another way to try to b**ch about me without getting inspiration from looking at the reflection on his computer..because everything he says sounds more like himself then it does me..oh yeah,m is it me or do the attempts at insulting, joking, whatever, sound like he's 5 years old


Established Member
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hopeless...first im 32...

second im selective when i post...unlike you
i post when i need a serious question answered and i answer a post if i have something to say thats relevant to the topic.......
unlike you where all you do is try and create chaos here and make mickey mouse comments.




Hopewas wrote:

but my god. listen to yourself. spend that traveling money on something better like hairloss products.

LMFAO!! If that line came from anyone else I would think it was humorous sarcasm.

i'm secure with myself to not have to defend myself over stupid posts like yours.

...but that is exactly what you are doing!!