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Good God now he's shown up!

why don't we all just meet on an island somewhere and beat the crap out of each other?


Senior Member
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:lol: you guys are funny.will you people quit taking sh*t to heart by someone you don't know. it's pathetic. i say sh*t the way it is. accept it


hopewas said:
:lol: you guys are funny.will you people quit taking sh*t to heart by someone you don't know. it's pathetic. i say sh*t the way it is. accept it

mmmmmmmm........let's have a quick look at this very thread.....

hopewas said:
it makes me look petty and jealous? my god you are the biggest idiot i've ever seen on this board.

lets feed that one into the taking sh*t to heartâ„¢ meter and it reads.......7 !!

Hopewas said:
i'm not bothered by what people say to me on this board for me to try to "b**ch" back..if that's what you want to do vicci, i suggest you start posting on the women's forum.

and lets feed that last line "i suggest you start posting on the women's forum" into the b**ch Backometerâ„¢ and it reads.......9 !!

and what's this we have here?..

Hopewas said:
i'm secure with myself to not have to defend myself over stupid posts like yours

well let's just feed this little fella....

Hopewas said:
i just wish that when he says things he finds another way to try to b**ch about me without getting inspiration from looking at the reflection on his computer..because everything he says sounds more like himself then it does me..oh yeah,m is it me or do the attempts at insulting, joking, whatever, sound like he's 5 years old

...into the defendmyassometerâ„¢...and it reads..........error...error...error...defensive overload....error...error...error...defensive overload....error...error...error...defensive overload....error...error...error...defensive overload....error...error...error...defensive overload....error...error...error...defensive overload....error...error...error...defensive overload....error...error...error...defensive overload....error...error...error...defensive overload....error...error...error...defensive overload....error...error...error...defensive overload....error...error...error...defensive overload....error...error...error...defensive overload....error...error...error...defensive overload....error...error...error...defensive overload....error...error...error...defensive overload....


Chujgcha said:
If I may borrow a quote from the great "Columbo Wins Again". This quote is a gem!

Eight posts "of incessant steaming turd spewing from your mouth."

right on brother! :rockon:


Established Member
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hopewas said:
:lol: you guys are funny.will you people quit taking sh*t to heart by someone you don't know. it's pathetic. i say sh*t the way it is. accept it

hopeless, you make me laugh....
i told you before, I post on here regarding issues that im interested in, and issues I feel I can answer respectfully.
I dont post spam type highschool sh*t on here like you....
btw...people like gardner, chugja, kalika,etc...know who i am, we have answered and questions to one another before

im not known on here as a jackass like you
nor am I craving attention on here like your dumbass


The Gardener

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I have to thank you most specially for one thing in particular that you said... that I am here giving good advice. That makes my day, thanks.

But to the general point here, different strokes for different folks. I have an internal sense for when I come across good people. I like meeting people, especially if I have talked to them online or on the phone or at work or whatever. I'm the guy who initiates and pulls together happy hour events on Fridays for coworkers I think are cool. I'm the guy who always, and I mean every year, prod all my old fraternity brothers to do the long skiing weekend in Lake Tahoe every year in February. I'm the guy who is the type to be the first person to 'say hello', so to speak, at a club or wherever. I'm the person who likes initiating conversation, connecting dots, networking, whatever word you like to use for it.... it is just who I am and this aspect of my personality I would never trade for anything.

Then again, there are those who laugh at people who like to take chances like I do. People who say:

hopewas said:
well..with all of you over..your shiny heads could give me the urge to play pool..which works out because i have a pool table at home.


hopewas said:
no one is going to fly to another state for a barbecue..that's all i'm saying,..and if they do, they need to get lives in my opinion..that's all..i mean i like and appreciate a lot of you guys for helping me, but wake up/

Well, those types can stay at home and 'play pool' by themselves. And I have vacationed at far less of a drop of a hat than that. I 'fly to another state' every year to ski with my fraternity brothers, and attend concerts and meet, God forbid, complete strangers.

I suppose it is just a matter of how adventurous one is. Sometimes, it takes even a stupid reason or stupid context to initiate a great social gathering if you know the company would be good. And, I am just one of those people who is the 'spark plug' type who likes socializing and making new and yes, God forbid, random connections. This trait has helped me be very successful in my professional life, and has made my life richer both in terms of human contact and in terms of treasure and income.

But, there are places for people in the world who have the opposite mentality. They have a firm place along the wall of the dance floor, watching me talk to 'random stranger' girls while they make useless and jealous color commentary about how 'desperate' I am or about how much I 'need a life'. If that is what makes them feel better about their situation, then so be it. But I am gonna dance, and have fun, meet people, and leave them to their own pursuits which seem more directed at taking away from the aspirations of others rather than being a positive force in making new connections.


Experienced Member
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Very observent post Gardener,

Im like you in the fact that your very out going and very assentric, i agree with you on people lookin on the sidelines as you make a move to meet people,just think if i had a mindset like hopewas i would never meet friends unless i met them at work or school(wheres the fun in that or challenge?).

BTW....on the whole Hopewas thing about Vicci not posting till this thread thats untrue he has been around as long as i have i do remember him from awhile back but like he said hes very selective in his posts,and never posts sh*t like sometimes alot of us do just for the hell of it.


The Gardener keep up the good work, I am sure the vast majority of visitors appreciate your input. Hopewas cheer up mate, life's not that bad.


Senior Member
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LoL........Why not? I know it sounds a bit odd but it may be fun.

I think this could work if we had roughly 100 people locked in for sure.

I think a place to hang out for a bit might be my apartment complex. Lots of stuff to do within the complex. Plus I live 20 minutes away from Love Field and 10 minutes away from 3 hotels.

The biggest con about my area is the weather is absolutely brutal until mid september.


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blue said:
Very observent post Gardener,

Im like you in the fact that your very out going and very assentric, i agree with you on people lookin on the sidelines as you make a move to meet people,just think if i had a mindset like hopewas i would never meet friends unless i met them at work or school(wheres the fun in that or challenge?).

BTW....on the whole Hopewas thing about Vicci not posting till this thread thats untrue he has been around as long as i have i do remember him from awhile back but like he said hes very selective in his posts,and never posts sh*t like sometimes alot of us do just for the hell of it.

i just figured vicci posted in the women's section because he feels more at home there. but apparently from the sound of most of you,..he's decided that none of you are different them him any longer that he can start posting here again..har har.


Established Member
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To Gardner, you welcome, I meant it...Your posts are always informative and you always have something to say when you post....unlike hopeless who just posts so he can be heard (kinda like a squeeky wheel on an old bike) like the b**ch that he really is....

Hopeless....your a joke on this forum..... I guarantee you this fact

no one here respects you and you have no respect for one here...so f*** you go away...no one wants to here your sh*t no more...f*** you

you dont belong here, jackass



Senior Member
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ha ha.. you people should be happy that i f*** with you guys. it's not like anyone else does..har har. anyways, if you want to dish sh*t out, be prepared to take it back. don't be a pussy about it when i do..because if you're a pussy, i'm going to f*** with you. i should be a poet


Established Member
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not visited for several months, good to see hopewas is still his usual useful self :)


Cant we all get along! End this bald on bald anger!

Lets make hair not despair!

Whose the poet now!


Established Member
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well u know, it's definitely an strange idea.... but i think it's a good one.... spontaneous adventures like that are what make life i say.... but anyway.... i would like to put a real personality behind some of the people i have come into contact here.... and would definitely like to see cassins wisdom in action in real life..... but unfortunately i'm only 24, i live in canada, and i dont have the funds for such an adventure.. unless u all decide to come to canada!! the goood news is u wont be as likely to get shot !?
