“On the 10th, research teams such as RIKEN announced that they have developed a regeneration technology that cultivates hair cells collected from mice, grows them in large quantities, and transplants them into the skin of mice to regenerate them periodically. did. Until now, the mechanism of re-growth was unknown, but the cells essential for re-growth and the optimal culture conditions were identified and realized. They are also ready for clinical research on humansThis would mean that yadonkey was right!
Yes, they can, but this article doesen't fully convince me.Could they cut a lot of corners and jump directly from mouse to humans? They could, and I actually wish for it. But I'm not getting my hopes up about the outcome if that happens.
It is the best thread in the history of this forumThis thread reminds me of the Brotzu thread, all that hype and then everyone being put back with their feet on the ground again.
So in conclusion: they're still working on it, progress is being made and don't get hyped with "cloning hair" that will not be available for a long, long time.
Sounds negativ3 ?
In that case, this is amazing!!!! I think we need a proper interpretation of the implications of this study before making judgements about progress.“On the 10th, research teams such as RIKEN announced that they have developed a regeneration technology that cultivates hair cells collected from mice, grows them in large quantities, and transplants them into the skin of mice to regenerate them periodically. did. Until now, the mechanism of re-growth was unknown, but the cells essential for re-growth and the optimal culture conditions were identified and realized. They are also ready for clinical research on humans”
this is what we were expecting
"According to the team, they are already ready for clinical studies to transplant into patients with alopecia to confirm their safety and efficacy. However, since the venture company that was scheduled to be implemented stopped its business due to the influence of the new corona, etc., it started soliciting cooperating companies and donations from the 10th. Team leader Takashi Tsuji said, "I want to put it to practical use as soon as possible and improve the quality of life for people suffering from hair loss."チームによると、脱毛症患者に移植し安全性と効果を確かめる臨床研究の準備が既にできているという。ただ、実施予定だったベンチャー企業が新型コロナなどの影響で事業を停止したため、10日から協力企業や寄付金の募集を開始した。辻孝チームリーダーは「一刻も早く実用化し、脱毛に悩む人たちの生活の質を向上させたい」と話している。
Sounds incredible, one of the major problems was that follicles didn't regenerate and died.これらの細胞を大量に培養し移植したところ、形成した毛包の約80%が3回以上、生え替わった。
Sounds negativ,e ?
Im confident sure these trials weren't meant for optimization but to prove the possibility of hypothesis. So Id say not bad news at all.これらの細胞を大量に培養し移植したところ、形成した毛包の約80%が3回以上、生え替わった。
Sounds negativ,e ?
80 percent of the initially “transplanted” hair cells is how I read thatbut only 80 percent of the hair after 3 rounds. Who knows it looks like after three years?
This thread is so sad...It is the best thread in the history of this forum
It's a little bit different, 80% of the hair completed 3 or more cyclesbut only 80 percent of the hair after 3 rounds. Who knows it looks like after three years?
I think they will now grow many hairs on single mice first and study cycling and long term hair follicle maintenance. Then human trial. They have perfected their technique now@yadonkey
do you think they will start soon?
I wonder if they tested more than thatIt's a little bit different, 80% of the hair completed 3 or more cycles
I agree with yadonkey here. Furthermore, potential investors will be much more apprehensive due to COVID so RIKENs excuses are very valid. Human trials are naturally the next step since theyre technology is proven in mice. Further optimization in the mice model, in my opinion, will not trump that of the human model. So they would not be cutting corners.You're conflating so many things, Riken is partially government funded.
Organ technologies recieved govement funding via the partnership with Riken (who founded it as a subsidiary).. When corona hit there's no doubt that the government had to offset allocation of funds and its more than likely that this would have been affected.
The notion that they hit a hurdle and just gave up and closed shop is nonsensical, the majority of r&d and pre-clinicals is to overcome obstacles. You don't just give up when you hit them.
Also ready for human trials means that they're ready for them, not that they've got the funding and are starting them. If Stemson was ready to start clinical trials, they would announce it in hopes of securing additional funding.