proved in mice and should work in humans, have fun, 5 more yearsPosted on Twitter
マウスの毛を作り出す「毛包」という器官を丸ごと大量に作る方法を開発したと、理化学研究所の辻孝チームリーダー(再生医学)らが10日、科学誌サイエンティフィック・リポーツに発表した。人間への応用も進めており、脱毛症に対する治療方法に発展させたいとしている。 実験では、添加する栄養分などを変えながら培養jp.mobile.reuters.com
Wait, so the newly transplanted follicles will most likely stop producing hair after 3 cycles? Did I understand that correctly??
Unfortunately, this is the world of research after allproved in mice and should work in humans, have fun, 5 more years
5 more years for hair cloning? WHERE SHALL I SIGN?proved in mice and should work in humans, have fun, 5 more years
5 more years for an update5 more years for hair cloning? WHERE SHALL I SIGN?
Forget my sign5 more years for an update![]()
Hairclone will still accept your sign and a few thousand dollars to refrigerate your hairForget my sign
You are talking about things you don't know.You're conflating so many things, Riken is partially government funded.
Organ technologies recieved govement funding via the partnership with Riken (who founded it as a subsidiary).. When corona hit there's no doubt that the government had to offset allocation of funds and its more than likely that this would have been affected.
The notion that they hit a hurdle and just gave up and closed shop is nonsensical, the majority of r&d and pre-clinicals is to overcome obstacles. You don't just give up when you hit them.
Also ready for human trials means that they're ready for them, not that they've got the funding and are starting them. If Stemson was ready to start clinical trials, they would announce it in hopes of securing additional funding.
Clinical trials for definition happen in humansNext step is to start clinical trials...in what? hopefully not mice again, maybe next step pigs? best case scenario they start human trials and rich people can participate after a specific time due to Japanese fast approvement etc
My bad...any other news or announcements except the ones from Twitter?Clinical trials for definition happen in humans
80% regenerated for 3 cycles or more.but only 80 percent of the hair after 3 rounds. Who knows it looks like after three years?
Interesting paper. Thanks for share it.Tenascin, Expression of tenascins around embryonic tooth buds
(PDF) Tenascins in stem cell niches
PDF | Tenascins are extracellular matrix proteins with distinct spatial and temporal expression during development, tissue homeostasis and disease.... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGatewww.researchgate.net
Teeh and hair have similarities regarding tenascin
Another player in the puzzle