Very interestjng article
They need 4.8M Dollar.
The team is seeking 500 million yen (
$4.8 million) in donations from companies and individuals. The money will be used not only for clinical testing on the safety of the hair transplant technology, but also for other trials, such as regenerating teeth.
“Transplanting follicles has the advantages of not being life-threatening and
easily removable if something went wrong since it would be placed on the skin surface," said team leader Takashi Tsuji. "We are asking for support in our research and development because this is a problem concerning a wide part of the population and because this could lead to promoting a new industry from Japan.”
"They will first conduct clinical testing on bald men because the mechanism for that condition is better understood."
The safety of the technology has
already been confirmed through testing on animals, and the
team had gained approval to begin human clinical testing when its business partner could not proceed with development.