Rooney Young (this 7 Word Title sh*t Is Ridiculous)


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Of course I do but that's not what he says, he mentions discrimination based on looks not on his ineptitude or lack of social skills hence why everyone questions what he says.

It has happened, I'll get stared at in public and have had being scoff and make faces at me before. Even holding a door open for someone I'll get the "don't fuckin do that for me thx" face made at me.

Also yesterday I went out to eat something and discuss business with someone and a waitress who was serving us kept looking at me (caught her several times and would look away immediately when I caught her) also makes me insanely uncomfortable. I don't like being looked at.. makes me feel like I look like the monster from goonies. And this isn't just me thinking this, I catch people all the time. 100% dead Srs.


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You pump oil for a living you f*****g cretin so I'd watch who you're calling a moron. A lot of us on here have anxiety problems, we just don't all choose to trumpet them from the rooftops. Read my earlier posts on this thread and you'll see that I have in fact urged @Baldhurts to consult a psychiatrist literally dozens of times. And he does (apparently have problems with his looks), he's talked about how 'ugly' he thinks that he on several different threads now. The irony in your post is unreal mate - "Are you a moron or just accept what you want to read?" Right back at ya big boy x

Listen moron, you are nothing. Cant even afford a hair transplant.

I probably earn more in a few months then you wage in an entire year.

come clean my floors before you compare yourself to someone who is superior.


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Also yesterday I went out to eat something and discuss business with someone and a waitress who was serving us kept looking at me (caught her several times and would look away immediately when I caught her)
Umm.... Obviously I wasn't there, but I'd take this as a positive.


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I have hired shook privately for $500 a week to be official spokesman and representative regarding all issues.

not sure if not srs


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waitress who was serving us kept looking at me (caught her several times and would look away immediately when I caught her)

she wanted you to rape her


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Imagine Baldhurts taking the metro/tube underground in Europe, everyone and I mean everyone will stare at everyone multiple times because the windows just show concrete walls fly by so people stare at others to entertain, he would have a meltdown.


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Imagine Baldhurts taking the metro/tube underground in Europe, everyone and I mean everyone will stare at everyone multiple times because the windows just show concrete walls fly by so people stare at others to entertain, he would have a meltdown.

Doesn't matter, wearing this from now on at all times in public.



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Look how long your posts are lol. Obsessive.

You replied aggressively to 90% of Fred's posts for 18 months and refused to believe he was having sex with women on tinder. That is f*****g weird.

You are an obsessive stalker. You earned that title, now you want to run away from it but you give your mindset away in your novel length posts. Just accept it and stop arguing and writing obsessive novels.

It was pretty hard to avoid Fred's posts for a long time, as he posted with such volume and every opinion was so imposing, I never had to seek anything out. I don't know what I'm doing in particular "pretending like nothing happened" because I've noted a few times that I've had major problems with Fred in the past, and now I don't really care.

I wrote at the time, and still mean this, that it became annoying how much I replied to Fred, that I intentionally tried to avoid doing so, and whenever he posted something else mental my honest reaction was "Aw f***, not this again" but it was all so ridiculous that I felt compelled to have to say something. I did the opposite of seek it out, even at the worst of times, I really hated the fact I had to keep at him but everyone else seemed passive to these mental opinions (which by the way, are polar opposites to what he's saying now, only a year later).

I don't want to have problems with you but you seem to enjoy niggling at me, and the irony that you insist I'm the stalker. If you are wary of me and think I'm such a danger then stop making comments towards me, simple as that. When we had arguments back in the day, I once came on here to see that you had replied to me in 4 different threads, FOUR, nothing was directed at you, you just went off in a spat of insanity. I think this "stalking" thing is psychological projection, I posted a thread irrelevant to hair loss the other day, as many people do, and you reply within minutes with your little whiny complaint. I know that as long as I post on here, you're always going to be the freak around the corner, accusing me of sh*t when I don't even care anymore.

So we had that comment in the thread I made, and now "You're a strange guy h.l." I mean why did you feel the need to post this completely irrelevant opinion? Are you just desperate to talk about me? Dench mentions me and you're jumping at the opportunity to give your broader opinion, and nobody gives a sh*t what you think generally never mind about me.

Anyway what are you actually wary of? What am I going to do to you? What a f*****g pussy.

Maybe I should indulge in my apparent stalkerdom and PM you every day with just "BOO!" to f*** with you, because you're so frightened of whatever the f*** it is I apparently do.
Well like I said, I don't really care anymore, but I'm also not desperately going out of my way to prove I've changed or anything, so I have no problem admitting your evaluation is spot on.

And parts of it reminds me of cocohot actually, we had a debate recently about how he is this mastermind in retorting to bald comments and it's "easy". The rest of us must be idiots for getting hurt by them huh?

Well I called him out on this, how often has he actually done this, and what exactly did he say? Of course the results were disappointing, not often at all, and wouldn't give an example of what he says.

More importantly, he didn't just leave it because he was wrong, he definitely wouldnt admit to being wrong, instead he twists the whole thing into how I'm a stalker and he can't give an example as I'll stalk him and twist his words. What kind of bullshit is that? It was such an obvious escape route, and despite him being a complete pituitary retard, I felt I remained calm and acted more decently than he deserved, and now will I continue that? f*** no.

But much like Fred, he diverted from the situation with a character assassination, and one that he's keeping up with.

Apparently it's not good enough that I'm no longer "stalking" Fred, he has to remind me of that period, bring up the topic of Fred to me, because he's a f*****g sh*t stirrer. How does that make any sense at all?

It's a good thing a stalker like me has someone like cocohot keeping me under constant surveillance, ensuring I'm not being naughty. Maybe he keeps a f*****g log of what I'm up to, making sure I'm not a danger to others.


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Look how long your posts are lol. Obsessive.

You replied aggressively to 90% of Fred's posts for 18 months and refused to believe he was having sex with women on tinder. That is f*****g weird.

You are an obsessive stalker. You earned that title, now you want to run away from it but you give your mindset away in your novel length posts. Just accept it and stop arguing and writing obsessive novels.

I do think your hatred of me runs far deeper than anything to do with Fred, and I had to look this up and search our previous battles, you felt I was baldshaming you, when I didn't mean to.

I can apologise again, and keep apologising, but it won't make any difference, your mindset is, set. And that is that.

Please stop bringing up irrelevant old battles. In your attempt to "stop" me talking about Fred, you've already made me talk about Fred again.


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Just watching united play Leicester now. Rojo's incredibly thick nw1 is on another level. Literally won the hair genetic lottery.


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And he doesn't even realise what this does to us. What a f*****g bastard.

Not bitter.