I wrote some python to find a fuzzy match between genes regulated by androgenic alopecia and estrogen. Then pulled the ones that had opposite regulations (up vs down). I did a fuzzy match because I don't know the naming conventions for genes and I figured I'd pull anything that was somewhat close character-wise. So if you see widely different genes compared or duplicates, just ignore it. Also, there's only a few as I'm working based off data I find. If someone wants to contribute please provide data for upregulation/downregulation for estrogen and androgenic alopecia in the following format (U for up, D for down):
"CSPG4": "U",
"MAP2K2": "U",
"PTK7": "U",
"GSTP1": "U",
"CCND1": "U",
"ERCC2": "U",
"NFATC4": "U",
"COL11A1": "U",
"CTNNB1": "D",
"MCM5": "D",
"PDZK1IP1": "D"
If you can't put in that format, it's fine, I can parse the data.
The results are here, process (AA or Estrogen), what gene it matches on, and what the regulation directions are, each 'match' indexed with the square brackets:
['[AA: Gene-CXCL10 U | Estro: Gene-BCL10 D]', '[AA: Gene-CXCL10 U | Estro: Gene-CXCL1 D]', '[AA: Gene-MMP12 U | Estro: Gene-MMP1 D]', '[AA: Gene-TSNFRS17 U | Estro: Gene-TNFRSF1A D]', '[AA: Gene-TSNFRS17 U | Estro: Gene-TNFRSF19 D]', '[AA: Gene-CCL13 U | Estro: Gene-CXCL1 D]', '[AA: Gene-CD38 U | Estro: Gene-CD36 D]', '[AA: Gene-CD38 U | Estro: Gene-CD34 D]', '[AA: Gene-COL1A U | Estro: Gene-COL6A3 D]', '[AA: Gene-COL1A U | Estro: Gene-COL12A1 D]', '[AA: Gene-CCL8 U | Estro: Gene-CCT8 D]', '[AA: Gene-PTGDS U | Estro: Gene-PTGDS D]']
I bolded the interesting ones.