Sandalore - Chemical Used In Perfumes To Mimic Sandalwood Triggers Growth?


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What I mean is, you should not change your looks to be liked by others, it will make you look and feel even more insecure. You should look in a way that makes you happy and confident, attention from others will follow.

funny that this comes from you. im mean im not the one here who puts minoxidil on his face to grow a beard...

are you even self aware at this point bruh?


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Ok I re-did my formula to make it .01% concentration or 1 part sandalore to 1000 parts ethanol. Put it in a sprayer bottle and sprayed my scalp for the first time. Even with very thin and diffuse hair, it was still difficult to cover my scalp. I think the next time I will use a dropper instead of the sprayer to apply. Hopefully that also means I can monitor how much I'm applying. Plan on dropping around 2 ml onto my scalp and rubbing it in with my fingertips. Anyone else applying this way or is everyone using a spray bottle?
I also have a diffuse pattern, but as I buzz my hairs I will use the spray (in ethanol/distilledwater).obviously For people with long hairs it's always easier to apply with dropper applicator or long spray applicator. Now I have no idea if we should apply this once or twice a day... Or maybe I missed the information? but I think you have to apply bioscalin SR once a day,so ..
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I never touched minoxidil in my life bro.

fair enough

but you are considering to put some other stuff on your face to promote beard growth..,

and why are we all here and fighting our hairloss? i mean there are some people who claim they just do it for themself but would they still care about their hair if they were the last remaining person on earth? i highly highly doubt at this point...

how you look is only important in relation to other people


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fair enough

but you are considering to put some other stuff on your face to promote beard growth..,

and why are we all here and fighting our hairloss? i mean there are some people who claim they just do it for themself but would they still care about their hair if they were the last remaining person on earth? i highly highly doubt at this point...

how you look is only important in relation to other people
I want to beat hair loss because it looks like sh*t to me, even if somehow baldness and patchy beards made you the most attractive person to everyone on earth I'd still be here doing what I do. It doesn't look like me, this is not how I want to look like.


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I also have a diffuse pattern, but as I buzz my hairs I will use the spray (in ethanol/distilledwater).obviously For people with long hairs it's always easier to apply with dropper applicator or long spray applicator. Now I have no idea if we should apply this once or twice a day... Or maybe I missed the information? but I think you have to apply bioscalin SR once a day,so ..

I'm starting off with only once per day application and only going to leave on for 2-3 hours before showering. I may make adjustments later, but if this makes me shed more hair I will discontinue immediately.


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I want to beat hair loss because it looks like sh*t to me, even if somehow baldness and patchy beards made you the most attractive person to everyone on earth I'd still be here doing what I do. It doesn't look like me, this is not how I want to look like.

i wished we would live in such a reality
yes you can do that, i'd mix it roughly like that: 47% castor oil, 47% coconut oil, 5.5% rosemary oil 0.5% Sandalore.
There is no general consensus on how high the concentration of Sandalore should be. They used only 0.01% in the test. But I think that since they actually soaked those skin pieces in that solution and left it there for 6 days while i just put 1 or 2ml on my scalp daily we should use a higher concentration (but it's just my opinion i'm not a scientist)

Sandalore is synthetic, you're confusing it with Sandalwood oil, Sandalore is a brand name for a specific synthetic Sandalwood scent.
This is a European (UK) source:

found another source from the nl...shipping costs are lower 10Eur compared to 20 eur for germany


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Hi! guys i prepare the patented formula with:
0,5ml sandalore
3ml castor oil
15ml alcohol
80ml distiled water

the liquid doesn't smell to sandal wood, anybody can tell me if they mix smell to sandalwood?
pell wall send me a test and it smells to sandalwood but the bottle with sandalore it doesn't smell to anything!


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There are a few chemicals which mimic the scent of sandalwood and are used in most cosmetic preparations, likely including shampoos. Sandalwood trees are endangered and the oil, while available in limited harvests, is strictly controlled and rare to be found in commercial supply. if you can find it, it's expensive. A couple years ago I was interested in a sandalwood fragrance advertised as having sandalwood. After a convoluted effort, I got through to one of their technical people who happened to be a chemist. Once he realized I wasn't a crazy person or a lawyer, he volunteered the compound in question was "their proprietary" sandalwood essence. Judge for yourself what a company with big money is using.
Also, of note, in the USA recent changes in laws have strictly regulated importation of various woods and their byproducts further making importation of such things of non-interest because of very heavy fines involved. Google the near destruction of the Gibson guitar company by this type of government over reach.


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Why is this a patented formula? You are at around 5x the concentration in the study, be wary of any side effects.

Question; are we interested in sandalwood or just specifically sandalore? I mean, sandalwood has not been tested has it? It could well be that any chemical compound similar to sandalwood/sandalore has the same effects on hair follicles:

Couple of products I have found containing sandalore/sandalwood, for anyone interested:

Sandalwood shampoo:

Argan oil & sandalore (conditioner/overnight treatment):
Available under brand name Rejuvenile: can be found through through google search: rejuvenile sandalore

Pure sandalore available as a perfume ingredient: for those wishing to mix their own:


No, only Sandalore and Brahmanol are the synthetic sandalwood odorants capable of reaching the OR2AT4 receptors. Sandalwood oil will do zero.

And in the study i think they used 0,01% (500 uM) which would be around 50x less of that formula above. But noone really knows what the right quantity is, because the study applied sandalore directly to the cells.


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Ayer hablé con la clínica que lleva el estudio del sándalo en Las Palmas y me comentan que solo estamos usándolo en las mujeres y solo para evitar la caída pero no ha crecido pelo nuevo

The balding god

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I've been monitoring this thread since it's creation and created an account to post this. I bought sandalore and a non-perfumed lotion. I mixed it as 1ml of sandalore and 100ml of nonscented lotion. I've been applying it religiously, at least once a day every time I've showered and once at night, over the spots where my hairline used to be and over the balding part of my forehead. Ive been balding for 3 years now, and there were barely any hairs previously. I've grown vellus hairs all over my bald spots, where previously I had zero hair. I'm curious as to whether or not the vellus hairs could grow into permanant hairs. Im going to upload a video to YouTube to show my progress using just sandalore as a treatment (never used rogaine and tried propecia for 3 days only), but I'm waiting until i have visible results or at least a few months until nothing changes but vellus hairs growth (and the hairs don't even show up in photos). So any idea if vellus could grow stronger and darker if i keep at it?


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I've been monitoring this thread since it's creation and created an account to post this. I bought sandalore and a non-perfumed lotion. I mixed it as 1ml of sandalore and 100ml of nonscented lotion. I've been applying it religiously, at least once a day every time I've showered and once at night, over the spots where my hairline used to be and over the balding part of my forehead. Ive been balding for 3 years now, and there were barely any hairs previously. I've grown vellus hairs all over my bald spots, where previously I had zero hair. I'm curious as to whether or not the vellus hairs could grow into permanant hairs. Im going to upload a video to YouTube to show my progress using just sandalore as a treatment (never used rogaine and tried propecia for 3 days only), but I'm waiting until i have visible results or at least a few months until nothing changes but vellus hairs growth (and the hairs don't even show up in photos). So any idea if vellus could grow stronger and darker if i keep at it?
what kind of lotion are you using to mix it with?

The balding god

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what kind of lotion are you using to mix it with?
It's a non scented lotion from amazon. Vanicream is the brand name. Cheap stuff. I mixed a bit of vaseline for sensitive skin in there too, because i felt like it wasnt hydrating my scalp enough. So technically the mixture is slightly more diluted than 1%, but not much

The balding god

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I´m interested in trying this, i have a receding hairline like Mr.Ledger in my profile picture so perhaps i could apply it to just one temple to see if it actually does anything!
Where did you buy the sandalore?
I bought it from perfumer supply house. Checked Reddit, they said the website was legit. Of course they advertised the hair loss remedy thing all over their website, and they look like a shotty website, but it seems like the stuff is legit since it's doing something. Bought a 30ml bottle, should last me a while. I guess everyone on this website should keep in mind that i haven't tried other hair loss remedies, so maybe this is a short fluke and ill lose all my hair soon enough. But I'll be honest, my existing hair feels stronger than it did previously


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I bought it from perfumer supply house. Checked Reddit, they said the website was legit. Of course they advertised the hair loss remedy thing all over their website, and they look like a shotty website, but it seems like the stuff is legit since it's doing something. Bought a 30ml bottle, should last me a while. I guess everyone on this website should keep in mind that i haven't tried other hair loss remedies, so maybe this is a short fluke and ill lose all my hair soon enough. But I'll be honest, my existing hair feels stronger than it did previously

Please post ur video/pictures/before and after whenever possible. Someone else on reddit claimed the same thing about vellus hairs and I'd love to see if its real.


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@Trichosan I though this was also available in powder form but I was wrong. I received my small batch in same container as you just weight 10mg of the liquid,you put in 100ml vehicle and that's it? ty