
Sandalore - Chemical Used In Perfumes To Mimic Sandalwood Triggers Growth?


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@relevantme thanks for posting dude! It's only been 5 days, keep it up and keep us posted. So far looking good! This could be huge, I would give it a month and see if you have any better results or more sprouting hairs. Even getting some peach fuzz/baby hair in 5 days is insane! Also just hard to tell if this is gonna work since the study has only been out for about 2 or so months. Patience is a virtue!

@rxmn I see that he says that but who knows, he has only been applying for two weeks, so we have to give it some time! Stay optimistic!
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Also, think I am gonna mix 1ml of sandalore in my canola oil, peppermint oil, tea tree oil mixture, and apply that like 3 times a week. But making a little spray concoction to apply every morning would be very ideal as well because the oils make my hair texture super funky. Any ideas on a spray application??


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I already apply a mix of castor and coconut oil every night. Ive mixed 9 ml 96% ethanol with 1 ml sandalore to make a 10ml solution. I'm adding 1ml of this solution to an approx 25ml solution of the oils. No idea what % this is but going to see how i get on. Can't really smell the sandalore in the mix.


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I already apply a mix of castor and coconut oil every night. Ive mixed 9 ml 96% ethanol with 1 ml sandalore to make a 10ml solution. I'm adding 1ml of this solution to an approx 25ml solution of the oils. No idea what % this is but going to see how i get on. Can't really smell the sandalore in the mix.

I've mixed mine in 70% rubbing isoprobyl rubbing apcholol, do you think that will work?


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I bought some as well, why not? Will be placing a few drops into a 30ML bottle of Adenogen.


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I already apply a mix of castor and coconut oil every night. Ive mixed 9 ml 96% ethanol with 1 ml sandalore to make a 10ml solution. I'm adding 1ml of this solution to an approx 25ml solution of the oils. No idea what % this is but going to see how i get on. Can't really smell the sandalore in the mix.

Hey, hows your hair coming along? Have you still maintained the massive gains you made on oral AAs?


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So initially I did not see a reduction in shedding. Around day 2 or 3 maybe I actually thought I was shedding a lot more and my hair was super limp/dead and I started getting worried, but pressed through regardless; after all, shedding can be a good sign as well. But now, a week or so into it, I just ran my hand through my hair over and over and normally hairs would be falling all over, but I saw only 1 hair fall. Additionally, my hair has not felt this good and healthy in I don't know how long. Could just be a really good hair day and all nothing more than coincidence, or it could all go to sh*t next week. Who knows.

I don't have inflammation and itching almost at all since I started Regenepure Dr years ago, so no comment there. I can say the Sandalore has not irritated my scalp yet though at all as far as I can tell.

Hi @relevantme please can help. I do have scalp inflamation redness and somtimes small itchiness. The most unpleasant thing is i have to wash my hair every day to severe oilness bevause of sebum. My hair becomes oiller but its too much. I had this condition bavk 2 years ago from a telogene effluvium episod. What did work for you to remive the scalp inflammation. This is my only concern as my hair is holding even thought i lost 25 % density. I am stuck with this now. I tried a lot of multibitamins and anti oily shampoos but nothing work. Sometimes i can feel something waling in my scalp. It could be nerf response due to inflamation. Thanks in advance for the help. I hope the best for you too.
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Has anyone tried the Rejuvenile argan oil & sandalore lotion available on website ? Or is it a scam ?
it's useless since you can make it yourself for few pennies. you know what you are doing: hoping balding guys in despair will buy you the lotion so you can make easy cash.... that's not great. what is your profit %? Too bad people still buy this lotion from there! I advice people to make the lotion themselves and not buy this lotion on this website.


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Hi @relevantme please can help. I do have scalp inflamation redness and somtimes small itchiness. The most unpleasant thing is i have to wash my hair every day to severe oilness bevause of sebum. My hair becomes oiller but its too much. I had this condition bavk 2 years ago from a telogene effluvium episod. What did work for you to remive the scalp inflammation. This is my only concern as my hair is holding even thought i lost 25 % density. I am stuck with this now. I tried a lot of multibitamins and anti oily shampoos but nothing work. Sometimes i can feel something waling in my scalp. It could be nerf response due to inflamation. Thanks in advance for the help. I hope the best for you too.

Regenepure DR shampoo every few days for 5-10 mins almost completely got rid of my itchiness and irritation my scalp had been experiencing. I also use their NT shampoo every other day or so.


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Anyone else been having results after using Sandalore? If so if you could post some pictures that would be great! I just started, put 1ml in my mix of essential oils and castor oil and will apply 3 nights a week. Then got a spray bottle put some essential oils and some water with 1ml of Sandalore to spray on my hairline daily. I will keep you all posted!


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¡¡Buena suerte!!
Un jabón de manos con sándalo en la cabeza me ha vuelto a producir manchas rojas y acné.
Definitivamente no tolero el sándalo de momento.


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No me leas tu amigo.
El estudio de sandalo se está haciendo en España.
Creo que todos estamos en la misma causa.
A no ser que seas racista...


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No me leas tu amigo.
El estudio de sandalo se está haciendo en España.
Creo que todos estamos en la misma causa.
A no ser que seas racista...
Its not meant as a racist attack, even if you could call it racism. I’m pretty sure more than one race speaks Spanish, just like more than one race speaks English or French. Regardless, it would be most beneficial to post in the language that the website is written in, and the fourms are using for discussion, as the target audience can not easily understand your dialogue. This would be both beneficial to us and you. It is the best way to contribute to this discussion, and have others who visit the site respond back. We all are fighting the same fight, so help us help you and post in the language that most community members can understand.


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I have been using sandalore mixed with ethyl alcohol for the past week. I used a few drops in about 70 ml of alochol because that is all i had left. Im planning on getting propyelene glycol and mixing it half and half or 70/30 with alcholo and then adding a few drops of sandalore.

It is definitley working for me. My itching and inflammation is pretty much gone whenever I use it. My hair is no longer sore when i move it around. It feels like I have normal hair again. I will be taking pics and monitoring for regrowth.


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I have been using sandalore mixed with ethyl alcohol for the past week. I used a few drops in about 70 ml of alochol because that is all i had left. Im planning on getting propyelene glycol and mixing it half and half or 70/30 with alcholo and then adding a few drops of sandalore.

It is definitley working for me. My itching and inflammation is pretty much gone whenever I use it. My hair is no longer sore when i move it around. It feels like I have normal hair again. I will be taking pics and monitoring for regrowth.

Hello, this is a great news. The sandalore can reduce itchiness inflammation at the scalp. Do you have an oily scalp too. Did it reduce the scalp oilness. I am definitely will be trying the sandalore. One more question, whats the shampoo are you using ?