Scare stories or for real!?

The Dangerman

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I'm just over 2 months in, no side effects for me at all. Maybe they will happen at some point in the future, who knows.

It's a personal choice whether to go on finasteride or not. It's clear no matter what the jealous ones say that sides are uncommon. However they can and do happen so if all your doing to do is worry about sides and what finasteride "might be doing to my body" then I would just advise not to go on it. Go bald, it's not the end of the world. But fretting and worrying your whole life about what might happen will probably reduce your quality of life more then baldness.

You can't have it both ways, either go on finasteride and (in all likelyhood) keep your hair or don't go on finasteride and potentially go bald, or certainly increase the likelyhood if your pre-disposed to male pattern baldness. What does bug me those who cry about not wanting to go on finasteride and who also cry about not wanting to go bald. Be a man and either accept finasteride or accept the possibility you may go bald.

Over to you.


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The Dangerman said:
I'm just over 2 months in, no side effects for me at all.

Hey. I started finasteride around the same time as you, no sides for me either. Any reason you're only on 0.5mg ?


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abcdefg wrote:

johnny what happened to your hair after being on propecia? did propecia just lose its effect eventually then?

Yes, I believe that it's losing it's effect on me. I don't know if my body built a tolerance to it, or if my male pattern baldness is just really starting to kick it into high gear. I don't really notice any shedding anymore at all (weird) but still my hair just keeps looking worse and worse. Either way, I feel that it's a great med for people just starting to lose hair. I'll say it over and over that it worked great for me for a very long time.


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I started finasteride in january and was doing fine untill I started reading about people having long-term or permanent sides. It got to the point that I was searching for sites and reading forums daily where people complain about serious sides so I quite finasteride in february.
I was off finasteride for a few weeks but continued to use rogain foam and then I noticed all the new hair the foam was growing. You, think I would have been happy about this but I wasnt really because I knew that without a dht inhibitor I didnt have much hope. I started researching topicals and eventually came to the conclusion that there is no way id stick to applying all these things daily.
I decided at the end of february to get back on finasteride. This time, ive gone nowhere near any of the sites and forums talking about horrible sides and I am now completely relaxed about taking this drug. I want to keep my hair and I know I would have really regretted not sticking with finasteride in the future.
My advice to anyone who is being put off taking finasteride by any of these sites is to ignore them, take finasteride for yourself and see how you tolerate it and if you get sides, deal with them then.


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I actually came to sites such as these a few years ago after searching on finasteride side effects. I couldn't figure out why suddenly my erect penis had a dull sensation. I could no longer maintain a hard erection, and my aerolas started changing color and shape, and became puffy. Yet, it seemed to totally coincide with my taking finasteride. And lo and behold, what do you know. Those were some of the known side effects of finasteride. I basically discovered something that was already known, but hidden.

Although, people on forums like these are becoming far more receptive to side effects. Only a few years ago you could expect to be mocked (or shouted down) for daring to even mention gyno, or the practice of lowering dosage to decrease sides. To be honest, I'm fairly surprised how many people still blindly trust the FDA, and the entire drug approval process, in general.


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joseph49853 said:
I actually came to sites such as these a few years ago after searching on finasteride side effects. I couldn't figure out why suddenly my erect penis had a dull sensation. I could no longer maintain a hard erection, and my aerolas started changing color and shape, and became puffy. Yet, it seemed to totally coincide with my taking finasteride. And lo and behold, what do you know. Those were some of the known side effects of finasteride. I basically discovered something that was already known, but hidden.

Although, people on forums like these are becoming far more receptive to side effects. Only a few years ago you could expect to be mocked (or shouted down) for daring to even mention gyno, or the practice of lowering dosage to decrease sides. To be honest, I'm fairly surprised how many people still blindly trust the FDA, and the entire drug approval process, in general.

joseph? are you being serious about this?......are you taking anti depressents?


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joseph49853 said:
Only a few years ago you could expect to be mocked (or shouted down) for daring to even mention gyno, or the practice of lowering dosage to decrease sides.

I don't remember this. Same ol responses like you will find today.


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Jm0311 said:
joseph? are you being serious about this?......are you taking anti depressents?

Not only am I not taking anti-depressants, but I can actually spell the word. And I'm probably in the top percentile in terms of health, having worked out since a teenager. I don't even drink or smoke. I only ever took a drug called finasteride.


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ok so long have u been on? do u still have these sides?

could u think that your bodys chemicals could have already been inbalanced in the first place?


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Cassin said:
joseph49853 said:
Only a few years ago you could expect to be mocked (or shouted down) for daring to even mention gyno, or the practice of lowering dosage to decrease sides.

I don't remember this. Same ol responses like you will find today.

For starters, I especially remember Radio used to be quite vocal about erectile dysfunction and gyno being in everyone's head. And he would tactlessly use pejorative terms for anyone making those claims. And then there were the contingent with their 1mg of finasteride or bust mantra. And that type of talk was being generally encouraged, at the time.

Back then, people would fill my PM box about these sides without dare mentioning anything in the public forum. That was before the side effect forum existed. At least here, I think a lot has changed. This place has become open, and maybe more skeptical. Especially in today's cut-throat multi-national pharmaceutical market, a good deal of skepticism is just simple common sense.


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Jm0311 said:
ok so long have u been on? do u still have these sides?

could u think that your bodys chemicals could have already been inbalanced in the first place?

You can check my message history. I've been very candid and vocal. I'll bet most people would even be ashamed to talk about gyno, but not me. My sides weren't life threatening, but they greatly changed the quality of my life. And that was enough to make me finally stop. YMMV.


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joseph49853 said:
Cassin said:
joseph49853 said:
Only a few years ago you could expect to be mocked (or shouted down) for daring to even mention gyno, or the practice of lowering dosage to decrease sides.

I don't remember this. Same ol responses like you will find today.

For starters, I especially remember Radio used to be quite vocal about erectile dysfunction and gyno being in everyone's head. And he would tactlessly use pejorative terms for anyone making those claims. And then there were the contingent with their 1mg of finasteride or bust mantra. And that type of talk was being generally encouraged, at the time.

Back then, people would fill my PM box about these sides without dare mentioning anything in the public forum. That was before the side effect forum existed. At least here, I think a lot has changed. This place has become open, and maybe more skeptical. Especially in today's cut-throat multi-national pharmaceutical market, a good deal of skepticism is just simple common sense.

There is zero difference in people attitudes about side effects today then when I first joined. The number of posters and posts has simply multiplied time and time again.


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Cassin said:
There is zero difference in people attitudes about side effects today then when I first joined. The number of posters and posts has simply multiplied time and time again.

The only thing having not changed is that there's zero censorship. This I appreciate greatly. Otherwise, more people than ever are talking about lowering their dosage of finasteride even. I also believe the "Dealing with Side Effects" forum has been a huge change, and a good one. You don't see people not suffering side-effects in there very often. People also don't fill my PM any longer at the simple mention of gyno.


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DHT does a lot of important functions in the body so far that science knows of. Removing it for years can probably lead to some problems like men in here post about. It is just a chance you risk. No drug is perfect thats why its a drug. Its science and its best attempt at a drastic solution to a drastic problem. Its a game of chance you never played the lottery?


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joseph49853 said:
Cassin said:
There is zero difference in people attitudes about side effects today then when I first joined. The number of posters and posts has simply multiplied time and time again.

The only thing having not changed is that there's zero censorship. This I appreciate greatly. Otherwise, more people than ever are talking about lowering their dosage of finasteride even. I also believe the "Dealing with Side Effects" forum has been a huge change, and a good one. You don't see people not suffering side-effects in there very often.

Here is why I disagree with you and mind you were simply having a discussion about attitude on this exact forum.

I think it was simply easier to follow posters once upon a time because there was about 40 regulars posters posting within a given time and nowadays we have probably 300 regular posters posting daily. So I think the threads were more heavily monitored by most people on the forum and thus stood out more whereas now it is easy to get lost in your own little threads since there is simply too many threads and posters to follow.

Yeah and I love the side effects forum, I do my best to sort as many threads there as possible. I think its great that you can park it there for days and read as much as you possibly can and its all neat and organized for consumption.


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abcdefg said:
DHT does a lot of important functions in the body so far that science knows of. Removing it for years can probably lead to some problems like men in here post about. It is just a chance you risk. No drug is perfect thats why its a drug. Its science and its best attempt at a drastic solution to a drastic problem. Its a game of chance you never played the lottery?

True. It is like the lottery. And I decided not to play any longer. I do have respect for people who continue to play. But I would never allow myself to remain in denial. My health and quality of life is worth a lot more than a full head of hair.

I just know, on finasteride I couldn't maintain an erection. Off of finasteride, I am now rock hard again. That's enough for me. And I refuse to take medication for my medication. I'm done.


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Cassin said:
Yeah and I love the side effects forum, I do my best to sort as many threads there as possible. I think its great that you can park it there for days and read as much as you possibly can and its all neat and organized for consumption.

Back then, I just didn't appreciate how certain people would follow me around to harass or try to discredit me. I think that happens less now on the side effects forum. Eventually it forced me to stop posting here, for a long time, and eventually come back with a new name.

Yeah I believe some of the side effects are overstated. Maybe it's because so many of us are self-medicating without being under a doctor's care. There's only so much information and support a forum like this could provide without proper consultation. But I actually feel a great responsibility to maintain a reasonable outlook, stick to the facts, and yes, not scaremonger.


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You know now that I think about it there was a propecia side effects group from MSN or yahoo was spamming the hell out of the place so maybe that caused some of backlash against you.


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joseph49853 said:
I actually came to sites such as these a few years ago after searching on finasteride side effects. I couldn't figure out why suddenly my erect penis had a dull sensation. I could no longer maintain a hard erection, and my aerolas started changing color and shape, and became puffy. Yet, it seemed to totally coincide with my taking finasteride. And lo and behold, what do you know. Those were some of the known side effects of finasteride. I basically discovered something that was already known, but hidden.

You talk like it's the end of the world. Brain fog, decreased ejeculation, limp dick, large nipples. depression, behavioural manic patterns, etc.... In the process all of us have some kind of this. There's no free lunchs. Everything is a trend.

And what about baldness? Isnt this the major cause of the former things? How many students, soccer players, don juan's folk succedded with baldness? Few of them and this few struggled a lot more than the so called full head of hair.
So some people are willing to take the risk because they know that if they dont take the risk they'll still be in hell.

I've some side effects from finasteride: dizzyness, puffy nipples and lack of strenght but i'm with hope because i see a light, though dim, in the end of the tunnel.

The Dangerman

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flimflam said:
Hey. I started finasteride around the same time as you, no sides for me either. Any reason you're only on 0.5mg ?

No real medical reason, but I'm not totally comftable ordering from internet pharmacies so I just pop down to my local pharmacy and it turns up next day. Cutting into halves just keeps the cost down and it's nearly as effective. If nearly isn't good enough then I'll have to deal with that.