Scaring myself into a hermit life


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I've been dying my hair various colors since I was 15. I'm 33 now. My hair loss started to become noticable so I started taking propecia and that helped. This last time, though, I think I over did it and a lot of hair was destroyed. So I'm really scaring myself right now because I begining to not to want to go out. SO instead of losing it i'm researching hair loss and fixing it. But i do not know where to start/not sure what's real and what are ads hidden in informational/review sites for hair loss. Could I get suggestions?


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Well the big 3 is what recommended mostly, which is Propeia (/finasteride) Nizoral shampoo and Rogaian (/Minoxy).

you are lucky tho you only start losing at age of 33, please dont let it control your life man!


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Also be prepared that there is no guaranteed full proof cure (as some people seem to think) otherwise we would'nt all be on here for years.
You're already doing the most effective thing (finasteride).

uncomfortable man

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Video games are awesome if you are a bald hermit, especially if you can get online. If you have no life, might as well have fun pwning fools while you do it.


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This thread made me wonder if anyone ever has really become a modern-day hermit and given up on life solely due to hairloss.


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Maelstrom said:
This thread made me wonder if anyone ever has really become a modern-day hermit and given up on life solely due to hairloss.
You can be sure it has, just imagine Taug or even Hoppi if they actually had highly noticible hairloss. I know my life would be alot different if I never had to go through this sh*t.


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Maelstrom said:
This thread made me wonder if anyone ever has really become a modern-day hermit and given up on life solely due to hairloss.

Very sad and warped individual, and I don't mean those people who still have a job or go to school but those who drop out and do nothing but hang out at home.


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Obsidian said:
Maelstrom said:
This thread made me wonder if anyone ever has really become a modern-day hermit and given up on life solely due to hairloss.

Very sad and warped individual, and I don't mean those people who still have a job or go to school but those who drop out and do nothing but hang out at home.

You just described me. :whistle:


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Very sad and warped individual, and I don't mean those people who still have a job or go to school but those who drop out and do nothing but hang out at home.[/quote]

I'm sad and warped for wondering this?

Well, you could be right. It's not just hairloss I have a problem with but many things. I live alone and find it harder to even go to work these days. In fact, I've even been thinking about going on sick leave which would ultimately end up in me losing my job.

It's not just male pattern baldness but a whole body dysmophic thing thats very hard for people to even begin to comprehend.


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Maelstrom said:
Very sad and warped individual, and I don't mean those people who still have a job or go to school but those who drop out and do nothing but hang out at home.

I'm sad and warped for wondering this?

Well, you could be right. It's not just hairloss I have a problem with but many things. I live alone and find it harder to even go to work these days. In fact, I've even been thinking about going on sick leave which would ultimately end up in me losing my job.

It's not just male pattern baldness but a whole body dysmophic thing thats very hard for people to even begin to comprehend.[/quote]

Never said you were, just made a general statement.

To me it's sad because these people could get help if all they did was reach out and at the same time realize they needed help.

Why would you want to lose your job? Especially in this economy where to me if you still have a job, you still have something. That would be the worst thing to do.

To me that's why if you have BDD/OCD tendencies you do need to have help with it from a professional.

Still talk to someone about it, a professional, that's what they're paid to do.


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Obsidian said:
Maelstrom said:
This thread made me wonder if anyone ever has really become a modern-day hermit and given up on life solely due to hairloss.

Very sad and warped individual, and I don't mean those people who still have a job or go to school but those who drop out and do nothing but hang out at home.

I was so, so close to going down that route. About a year ago I had no job, no real social life as such, just housemates, occasional trips to the pub and VERY occasional parties. I spent most of my time working on my forum (which is actually quite successful), and a site that aimed to make money online (less successful.. lol).

In a way hair loss actually shook me out of this and made me do MORE. Because, rightly or wrongly (topic for another thread), I blamed my health and lifestyle, I started to replan and restructure my life :) now, I am back at Uni, chatting to an awesome girl, and about to join some wicked uni societies and stuff to get out there and have more fun with more people! I'm not at the end of this road yet, but I'm feeling a LOT more confident! :)


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Maelstrom said:
This thread made me wonder if anyone ever has really become a modern-day hermit and given up on life solely due to hairloss.

I almost became that person. I all did was stay online all day and frequent this site. I was unemployed and had little social life. I'm in law school now and although it's an incredible amount of work, it keeps me busy and I hardly worry about my hair loss anymore.


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^^^ Great to hear that man...Although my job is a shitty one ,it helps me forget about my hair for 10 hours.


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Yeah that's cool to hear Nene! I still think about my loss far too much still, hopefully at some point I'll either find a way not too, or come to treat it totally successfully :)

That's cool that our situations parallel each other's a bit though! :)


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Hoppi said:
Yeah that's cool to hear Nene! I still think about my loss far too much still, hopefully at some point I'll either find a way not too, or come to treat it totally successfully :)

That's cool that our situations parallel each other's a bit though! :)

Thanks Hoppi and mpbsux. I basically used my lack of a social life to my advantage because it just gives me more time to study. I've come to accept that I'll never be cured, don't think a hair transplant is for me, so I know one day I'll be a norwood 5/6, but hopefully with the big 3 that won't happen for a good 10 years (fingers crossed). I know male pattern baldness will bother me my whole life, but I'm trying to do something positive and productive with my life so that my hair, or lack thereof will only be a footnote in my life story. There is so much more to life than having or not having hair, take advantage while you're still here guys!

Hoppi you still have plenty of hair, I doubt your hair loss will ever be severe, but if it is I'm sure you can find something in your life to help you move on.


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Nene said:
Thanks Hoppi and mpbsux. I basically used my lack of a social life to my advantage because it just gives me more time to study. I've come to accept that I'll never be cured, don't think a hair transplant is for me, so I know one day I'll be a norwood 5/6, but hopefully with the big 3 that won't happen for a good 10 years (fingers crossed). I know male pattern baldness will bother me my whole life, but I'm trying to do something positive and productive with my life so that my hair, or lack thereof will only be a footnote in my life story. There is so much more to life than having or not having hair, take advantage while you're still here guys!

Hoppi you still have plenty of hair, I doubt your hair loss will ever be severe, but if it is I'm sure you can find something in your life to help you move on.

Yeah :)

My social life is a bit quiet too, but it seems like the best idea is to join societies at the Uni, my friend actually formed pretty much her whole Uni social network through one society! lol

I also really like Urbex, but that's unlikely to have a society xD


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Wouldn't it be nice if we could all do this? I'd love to forget about my hair for 10 hours a day. Can't really do that when all I see in mirrors and glass is my white chrome dome staring back at me.

People who are nw3's and struggling, just no there are nw6's and 7's who would DIE to just be a NW3.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
Wouldn't it be nice if we could all do this? I'd love to forget about my hair for 10 hours a day. Can't really do that when all I see in mirrors and glass is my white chrome dome staring back at me.

People who are nw3's and struggling, just no there are nw6's and 7's who would DIE to just be a NW3.

I know this has been all said before but.. I would probs just get a hair piece and continue with life as usual lol :)


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Hi Obsidian, and others.

many of us are struggling with hair problems, coupled with other problems. Simply put, majority of us losing hair are facing some physiological problem, not to mention emotional, mental, and maybe even spiritual :) problems. But perspective is important- let us remind ourselves that baldness is not a deadly disease, and let's count our blessings, or whatever that we'd like to count (except hair in the towel). Let's learn to love and like ourselves as we are, and extend the same to others.

Since you mention that there are difficulties in other spheres of your life, and I can relate, its worthwhile, imho, to start on a holistic treatment which takes time to show results. A treatment that addresses various dimensions of wellness. This forum, not to mention the web, is filled with information that will improve other parts of our being apart from hair, and the whole organism becoming well can only improve the condition of hair. Thus, a positive feedback loop is set for hair, and for all other problems we might be facing. What you'd like your treatment to be- search the thread and decide what you'd like to try, do not expect miracles, but remember great results do happen. Imho, its better to try natural treatments, as they even detoxify the body. Some extracted or synthesized drugs can do the opposite, increase toxicity. Make a wise choice- choose your own regimen, search and research. Solutions to problems often lie in the process of seeking them, not in their merely being supplied by someone else. This way the mind-body gets into a readiness mode for a solution to work.

good luck to all of us!