Scaring myself into a hermit life


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Even if you look bad "bald" you can still get jobs. I think if you emit this aura of miserableness and not giving a f***, then you probably won't get far at all. Because people can sense that your miserable and your insecurities are literally bashed into peoples retinas because it's so obvious.


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superfrankie said:
Nene said:
The only real impediment baldness causes is in the dating scene. It won't hurt your professional life.

Are you kidding me!? I cant believe you said that.

You get let in much easier in every aspect of life if you have a pleasant appearance. Especially when it comes to social situations.

For example: Do you know how much harder it is for a young lad with severe hairloss to get a job? Its very though! You get damned very often. Looks matter in this area. Every hot women I know have never had any problems whatsoever getting a job. Is it their fantastitc personality that gets them the jobs? Of course not!!

Its better to be physically attractive and unclever than being a genius and very unattractive in our society.

How much of an impediment it is in life for a guy with hair loss depends on the individual. Some hold it up well and notice no difference in the treatment from others, but the majoirty have it much harder from the time they began losing their hair. And this is not just a confidence thing. Far from it! Anyone who assert otherwise are full of BS.

Yes I should rephrase this, baldness will overall harm your social life because people make judgements based on appearance. However, they do not affect jobs, in fact baldness can help with getting a job. There are studies done about it.


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Nene said:
superfrankie said:
Nene said:
The only real impediment baldness causes is in the dating scene. It won't hurt your professional life.

Are you kidding me!? I cant believe you said that.

You get let in much easier in every aspect of life if you have a pleasant appearance. Especially when it comes to social situations.

For example: Do you know how much harder it is for a young lad with severe hairloss to get a job? Its very though! You get damned very often. Looks matter in this area. Every hot women I know have never had any problems whatsoever getting a job. Is it their fantastitc personality that gets them the jobs? Of course not!!

Its better to be physically attractive and unclever than being a genius and very unattractive in our society.

How much of an impediment it is in life for a guy with hair loss depends on the individual. Some hold it up well and notice no difference in the treatment from others, but the majoirty have it much harder from the time they began losing their hair. And this is not just a confidence thing. Far from it! Anyone who assert otherwise are full of BS.

Yes I should rephrase this, baldness will overall harm your social life because people make judgements based on appearance. However, they do not affect jobs, in fact baldness can help with getting a job. There are studies done about it.

Can help with getting a job? Maybe if you want to become a part of the building trade or want to become a bodyguard.

people make judgements based on appearance, YES and the same thing happens on working interviews. The employers are no different. They will also judge you based on your looks.

The only logic I see in your statement are A) If you shave and have a slim body you get people´s respect more easily, they fear you so to speak and B) baldness can make you look smarter or brighter. This may be an advantage in some jobs but not if you are a young lad searching for jobs in stores for example.


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If your bald and looking for jobs in clothing stores and non fast-food chains...good luck because that thick NW1 will take your place in a heartbeat.

On the other a profession like law/business majoring in whatever, I'm sure you could get a job if you're bald.


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Aco_KK said:
If your bald and looking for jobs in clothing stores and non fast-food chains...good luck because that thick NW1 will take your place in a heartbeat.

On the other a profession like law/business majoring in whatever, I'm sure you could get a job if you're bald.

Totally agree on that. But its not just clothing stores. Getting unqualified jobs where you have to sell something to customers is much harder if youre bald. Unfortunately for me 90 % of the unqualified jobs are these kinds of jobs. NW1:s and hot women have it much easier cause a good appearance is almost everything here.

Ofc, the more professional the jobs are the less the appearance matter, but it will always be harder if you are perceived as unattractive.


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superfrankie said:
Aco_KK said:
If your bald and looking for jobs in clothing stores and non fast-food chains...good luck because that thick NW1 will take your place in a heartbeat.

On the other a profession like law/business majoring in whatever, I'm sure you could get a job if you're bald.

Totally agree on that. But its not just clothing stores. Getting unqualified jobs where you have to sell something to customers is much harder if youre bald. Unfortunately for me 90 % of the unqualified jobs are these kinds of jobs. NW1:s and hot women have it much easier cause a good appearance is almost everything here.

Ofc, the more professional the jobs are the less the appearance matter, but it will always be harder if you are perceived as unattractive.

Yeah i'm referring to professional jobs. Finance, law, medicine etc. I'm in law school so I'm pretty sure when I try to get a job, being bald won't hurt. The guy who interviews me just might be a baldy himself and I'm sure the firm will be full of bald guys as well. Obviously if you want to be a model, actor or work at abercrombie&fitch, you need hair, but you also need good looks. My advice to all you guys out there, is if your relatively smart, look into college and graduate school. Since I don't party cause I'm too self conscious about my hair loss, I actually have more time to study which should pay dividends.


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Nene said:
Since I don't party cause I'm too self conscious about my hair loss, I actually have more time to study which should pay dividends.

If you can study and forget about all the fun going on around you, then you are really strong. That is not the youth I want though. I know I will take suicide in the future if I allow myself to do that. I cant take to look back at my youth and realize I missed all the fun. It doesnt matter if I get super successful later on in life. There are some things money or jobs cant buy.


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superfrankie said:
Nene said:
Since I don't party cause I'm too self conscious about my hair loss, I actually have more time to study which should pay dividends.

If you can study and forget about all the fun going on around you, then you are really strong. That is not the youth I want though. I know I will take suicide in the future if I allow myself to do that. I cant take to look back at my youth and realize I missed all the fun. It doesnt matter if I get super successful later on in life. There are some things money or jobs cant buy.

I admit my way of dealing with this isn't the healthiest way. It's obviously much better if you can accept your baldness and still have some fun. Also though, I'm almost 27, I know that's still young but I've spent a lot of my early 20s partying and so it's not so hard for me to put most of that behind me. I know you're a bit younger so it's harder to live my kind of lifestyle.


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superfrankie said:
Nene said:
Since I don't party cause I'm too self conscious about my hair loss, I actually have more time to study which should pay dividends.

If you can study and forget about all the fun going on around you, then you are really strong. That is not the youth I want though. I know I will take suicide in the future if I allow myself to do that.[/b] I cant take to look back at my youth and realize I missed all the fun. It doesnt matter if I get super successful later on in life. There are some things money or jobs cant buy.

Seriously, go out and get help. Doing suicide over that is never worth it. You can still have fun in your thirties if you feel incapacitated right now.


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whos going to help? no one gives a sh*t and people view baldness as a joke.


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Nene said:
I'm almost 27, I know that's still young but I've spent a lot of my early 20s partying and so it's not so hard for me to put most of that behind me. I know you're a bit younger so it's harder to live my kind of lifestyle.

Well, that explains a lot. If I was in your shoes I may have been able to deal with it aswell since I then could have looked back at my early twenties without feeling a big empty black hole.

Im sorry guys, sometimes I just feel sh*t about my hair situation. Its a rollercoaster battle. It has always been like that ever since I began losing my hair. I rarely stay emotionally stable for more than a couple of weeks. Its up and down, up and down. And visiting this place does not make it any better, I know. But its the only place in the whole world where I feel understood when it comes to my hair loss. And even though I feel understood it does not take away the pain I feel. Im sorry.


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Agreed, i am almost certain my 20's are over, and i started my 20's with hair loss...... no one in my family is bald, have one relative who is a nw5/6, my dad is only just starting, and he's 50, its not even really noticable but i can see it because im obcessed with this stuff. and here i am, with nearly 2/3 of my density gone, in less then 2 years, and its gone from being just the top and a bit of the front, to diffuse all over in like 11 months, and 1/3 of my orig hair denisty has been lost in the past 11 months.... my life ended at 20, i have no hope for the future, but continue to trudge on because of the 1/20million chance that i *might* find something that works....


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I feel for you dude ^ BUT i guarantee you no one gives a f*** about your hair loss. No ones laughing at you, no one cares. (ps im talking random people here) You are not being ridiculed.


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I feel for you dude ^ BUT i guarantee you no one gives a f*** about your hair loss. No ones laughing at you, no one cares. (ps im talking random people here) You are not being ridiculed.


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slipy said:
whos going to help? no one gives a sh*t and people view baldness as a joke.

I agree, no one knows how traumatic it is, regardless of what level of loss you are. People who arent balding will just say man up.


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Nene said:
It's true. If you don't care about dating and girls, then why do you want hair? So you can be pretty for the sake of being pretty? What Geminix says is true. I hate going bald, but I have no control over it. The only thing I have control over is how I react to going bald. I can be a hermit and hate life, or I can try to make the best of this sh*t situation. It's too easy to hate life and quit, I choose the latter path. To figure out a way to continue living. Life is only so long, you can spent it upset about being bald, or you can spend it making the best of every day.

It's not even CLOSE to true. Sorry.

Dating and social is only one part of it. But not being stared at when you go to work, does this not count? Not having people you are talking with during work meeting constantly make jokes about your baldness, or just glaring at it, do THEY not count?

Sorry but how you look DOES affect jobs you can get.

Again, I will repeat myself. Talk to me when you are a NW6.


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What jobs are you guys talking about?

I work on client sites all the time, and I'm a 5'10 transsexual and an obvious one at that. I'm also a career contractor so I dare say I've had more job interviews than most people on this forum; yet I'm being head-hunted constantly.

Prior to this I was NW6 and ugly, guess what, I was always in a job and never found it difficult to find work.

You guys who believe it's hard to get work when you're bald, you're utterly wrong.

I do believe it's hard for *you* to find jobs and interact with people, but it's not the baldness which is causing the problem, though it may have been the catalyst which gave you those negative personalities.


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Im talking about social jobs which requires you to speak to customers and sell a product. Not jobs in factories or warehouses where you dont have to expose youself to people.


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And as I said, I'm constantly on clients sites and speaking with customers, It's been a large part of my career; As long as I look presentable everything else is about my competence. In my last role I was involved in almost every client visit to our company (one of the largest IT outsourcing companies in Europe), often spending hours with clients to help secure the contract.

The only real jobs where looks will matter will be in bottom tier sales, where often a pretty smile from a young and cute sales "executive" will get the middle aged director reaching for their chequebook. Those kinds of sales jobs are almost always selling superficial "petty cash" type products, hardly a career.