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Girls have rejected me in the past because I was bald. Girls have broken up with and have explicitly mentioned baldness for doing so.

People have mocked me publicly for being bald. You know the story about the guys singing in the bar. Or the kids shouting "egghead!" on the street.

Yet I've also had people tell me that I was too negative when I tell these stories? WTF? It happened, I didn't make it up, yet I'm negative somehow?

These people and women sh*t on bald men and we're just supposed to keep smiling and take it, you know, because if we dare to complain about it, we're negative!

That's why I've just stopped talking about it completely. Guys are often more understanding, but even telling the bar story to a girl will sound like complaining.

For women, men don't have a right to complain, we're supposed to roll with the punches. They often have that look on their face, they look away, say "it's so sad".

But you know what they're thinking: "What a whiny little b**ch! It's only hair!", and you know what guys are thinking: "Thank god it's not happening to me, bald loser..."
Fred, I was targeted in a similar way you were but with my skin and my "turkey legs". It scarred me for life but once you don't care about what people think and realize where you are "blessed", then its makes life some what bearable. Once you stand tall and realize no one is better than you, you will start to realize those who conform to society's shallow standards are just not worth your time. The best privilege in life is you can chose who you want to be around and who you chose to avoid when it comes to your social circle. And sometimes, even if your social circle is very small, it still will be enough to satisfy your social needs.


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Fred, I was targeted in a similar way you were but with my skin and my "turkey legs". It scarred me for life but once you don't care about what people think and realize where you are "blessed", then its makes life some what bearable. Once you stand tall and realize no one is better than you, you will start to realize those who conform to society's shallow standards are just not worth your time. The best privilege in life is you can chose who you want to be around and who you chose to avoid when it comes to your social circle. And sometimes, even if your social circle is very small, it still will be enough to satisfy your social needs.

+1. We all get **** in life we are nothing special just because we are bald, time to deal with it folks, yeah its crap it shouldnt happen but thats life, if you can stop it be my guest but until then i do what house does and stop giving a damn and spend time with people who care about me.


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Short men are f*cked. This is 2015. If you're 165 cm, good luck finding a girl who's interested.

You are right. Short men are more f*cked than bald men, although bald men definitely have a huge disadvantage. But that only goes for really short men, like under 170 cm.


My Regimen
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Most women wouldn't consider 175cm never mind 165cm. But not all men this height are completely ****ed because there are a lot of short girls around (and what guy gives a damn about a girl being short? Petite is fine) and some 5 feet tall are usually fine with a short guy as long as he's taller than her.


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We all have to be in some big *** denial to truly think short people and bald people are doomed, just look around yourself, not everyone is 6 foot and over, and not everyone has hair you lot are talking as if its rare, lets be real here, lets not take some random comment from someone you know, or a convo on twitter for examples, but what you actually see in the outside world, we all have perferences and opinions but still, just look at couples and you see this convo is silly.


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Lol. Fred the deluded
Maybe you should have done interns
Ive almost finished my honours after my two undergraduate degree and have a job lined up as an analyst for ubs. Thats because i did 3 internships on top of not whinging like a b**ch 24 7

Life is ****ibg tough. Its not supposed to be easy even if you do postgrad. Theres thousands of people who are just as qualified degree wise as me and you, plus limited jobs so of course employers are gonna choose the best candidate for the role.

g.i joey

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I interned 3 months in one of the top Belgian political parties.

I also did a 5 months internship in the best company anyone could hope to work for here in Europe.

I even got paid 1200€ per month while working there.

I also worked as a journalist and I own 6 websites, one of them having generated 1000 visits a day at a point.

I also have a good mastering of the English language, in case I should even mention it.

Yes, I've been called and interviewed by employers (mainly for webmaster of course), but they also want perfect mastering of Dutch, which I don't have (yet).

And they dare to tell me all my other achievements are worth sh*t because I don't speak a language spoken by 5% of the people of my city, and the 48th most spoken language in the world.

Which proves my point that employers are behaving like girls standard-wise. The most ridiculous shortcoming becomes a deal breaker.

You should keep your comments to yourself sometimes.

language is no excuse, i moved to montreal from the US when i was 15 had to learn the whole french language and have a couple job prospects lined up for when i get out of COLLEGE, my sister went to school and became a certified CA after moving here at 21 with only highschool done. Im sorry, but in the sense of finding work, balding or being bald should not effect you at all. Actually, it may help because bald guys tend to give off more of a serious vibe. Stop acting like fullheads have their life made just cause they got more hair on their head. The only thing they have over us is the fact that they dont have to go through the whole ****ty hairloss process, one less worry but its not a complete game changer in the working world.


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Tell her to lop her feet off 4 inches and maybe she won't be so lonely then.
Short men are f*cked. This is 2015. If you're 165 cm, good luck finding a girl who's interested.

While men don't give two sh*ts about small boobs. As I've said, we're much more forgiving.

Women compare settling for a short guy to a death sentence: "But what if I wear heels?!"

Oh that must be so horrible sweetheart, the end of the world!

I was talking to this girl who is 178 cm tall. She said she wanted a guy she could wear heels with.

And I was like: "Do you realize it eliminates 90% of the men out there?" "Yes, but come on, I can't date a guy who is shorter than me."

She's been single for years. A girl who went to school with my girlfriend is taller than me (I'm 190 cm). She never had a boyfriend at all.


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Not an excuse at all, I actually speak Dutch quite well and have been told my level is well above the average non-native speaker.

The thing is, it's never enough for employers. Make a little mistake on the phone about a pronoun or use the wrong gender, and you're out.

When you are in front of you a 22 year old HR girl, you'd better have f-ing hair on your head, because she won't care about your skills.

What she will tell the employer once you leave the room will be something like this: "I don't know, something felt off, he didn't exude confidence!"

And you know exactly why she will say that. My girlfriend's sister worked in HR, and she filled her company with guys she found attractive.

We went to her office party, and all the guys she hired were there: all tall, dark, handsome thick NW1's.

You're delusional if you think being bald won't affect your chances on the job market.

Sounds like the company I worked for 5 years ago. It's essentially discrimination, but privileged fullheads aren't willing to admit it.


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The poll gives 3 options, brunette, blonde, and bald, nearly 1 in 10 preferred bald over brunette and blonde, which is nearly the same as those who liked the blonde look. I'm trying to get my head around how you took this from a very straightforward poll, even if bald was at 1% and blonde was still 10%, what you just wrote still wouldn't make any sense because brunette's still in the mix, meaning it's still not conclusive as lots of brunette votes could have voted for either blonde or bald if they had to choose one or the other. I don't know why I'm trying to explain that, if you didn't understand how the poll works there's no chance you'll understand what I just wrote.

But basically if you're referring to how bad he in particular looks blonde, there's still the option of brunette, and 1 in 10 women picked bald over his normal look. That's the point (which shouldn't need explaining). I mean he looks like crap blonde, but blonde still beat bald, is that still not good enough for you? Even as **** as he looks blonde, bald is still (marginally) worse, and you still need to beat down any sliver of hope for bald guys?

You said in the other thread that you try to be a positive influence on plenty of guys on here, all I've seen so far are childish, repetitive jokes about CONFIDENCE, and other posts such as the one I've just quoted where you refute basic maths just to put bald guys down, it's masochism.

I mean fair enough if you want to question how valid this poll is, I did myself- it could be down to how bad Levine looks as a platinum blonde; it could be 1/10th of women jumping on the recent news story that he's gone bald; it could be that women love that he did it for charity. You see those would be some decent reasons to question it, instead you went out of your way to create a reason that simply doesn't exist and makes no sense, all in the name of putting your negative slant on something that's technically positive.

Good blonde hair, but Levine's platinum look was flat out evil and scary looking. Jared Leto looks like someone even women want to punch:


Looks like a ****ing baby ferret.

There's only one guy I can think of who looked just about OK with it:


But that's partly because he was a badass. It still looks like dried instant noodles.

1) Your trying to hard, its making you sound desperate and crazier than you already do.

The poll gives 3 options, brunette, blonde, and bald

The poll is about those three things on ADAM LEVINE, NOT any regular guy in those three categories stupid, stop reaching so hard youre gonna pop a shoulder

2) 2 guys who looked okay with it


also i re edited some of these since I was using my phone to type last night and that usually ends with more gibberish than usual due to auto corrects.
Sorry now you have to spend another 8 hours up, trying to come up with something to say.


My Regimen
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I already covered your only point there, my issue is that you seemed to take from this that they only preferred bald over blonde (being the operative part), and you conveniently left out that they also preferred bald over his normal brunette look, because that doesn't suit your constant put down of baldness even under any circumstance.

It doesn't matter if it is just about Levine or guys in general (you're completely missing the point), you took very simple stats and purposely looked at them in the most negative way, ****ed with them so bad they didn't make any sense.


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I already covered your only point there, my issue is that you seemed to take from this that they only preferred bald over blonde (being the operative part), and you conveniently left out that they also preferred bald over his normal brunette look, because that doesn't suit your constant put down of baldness even under any circumstance.

It doesn't matter if it is just about Levine or guys in general (you're completely missing the point), you took very simple stats and purposely looked at them in the most negative way, ****ed with them so bad they didn't make any sense.

I "really" cant dumb myself down any more to explain it to you, maybe someone else will, you give me a headache.


My Regimen
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I didn't miss anything and don't need further explanation, I got your point and you're struggling to accept mine.