Seriously bummed, suicidal do you guys cope?


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I paid 9,6800 for 2270 grafts FUT.

**** all for what it did for my self esteem, and how I carry myself now. I'm have been reincarnated, a shell of my former ridden, and enclosed self.

Seriously if U can't afford to save 10,000 in a year... it's time to reevaluate the field of work your in, and where its going.


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this is all irrelevant, why the fvck are you all advising OP to get a hair transplant when he is 20 yrs old and apparently losing hair quite fast. By the time he grows out his hair transplant who knows how much of his native hair will have been lost. From what I am reading he is obviously depressed and desperate enough to follow advice in getting a transplant. Stabilising his hairloss is what he needs

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You don't get it.

33k after taxes is peanuts when you have to pay so much for all the necessary expenses after. In the end, you're not saving much on the side for an hair transplant. I don't care if $1.05 is cheap for you or if some people make 3,000/year. It's all relative... and even at 3k/year your proving my point; hair transplant's are expensive. PERIOD.

It's even worse in Australia. Rent in capital cities cost about $20-25k a year (just for an apartment) so forget getting a mortgage unless you earn $120k+
In fact heaps of people I know who have graduated uni and are working fulltime still live at home if they want any chance of getting a down payment on even a small apartment


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To bilboswaggins--Nah dude I actually agree with you. That's why I said that getting a hair transplant doesn't seem like a viable option for me. I may be desperate and depressed, but I haven't lost my mind(yet) even though sometimes it feels like I have. I would love to get a hair transplant, but I'm VERY cautious about going through with it.


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Yeah a hair transplant should be out of the question given your age and current progression. As much as it sucks right now, you are gonna feel heaps worse if you dish out $10k for a transplant and you look even worse than before because the rest of your hair kept falling out.

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if that dweeb could grow facial hair he would look alright


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Yeah a hair transplant should be out of the question given your age and current progression. As much as it sucks right now, you are gonna feel heaps worse if you dish out $10k for a transplant and you look even worse than before because the rest of your hair kept falling out.

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if that dweeb could grow facial hair he would look alright

Yep...agreed. hair transplant sounds appealing but I'll have to wait a little while'll take a lot to convince me. And actually, I think that guy looks decent. But yeah...a little stubble would do him a world of good.


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The answer to your question OP:-
Realise that you CANNOT let your hair judge your worth and you mental sanity. Society and media are doing an A class job on that.

Hair is important but, your mental sanity is too. If you had any sides on finasteride then just look for other treatments like that one with Soy isoflavons and capsaicin study.
Try the S5 cream and check yourself if you are a good responder or not.

uncomfortable man

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I would be afraid of what I would do to anyone who would even look at me the wrong way, if I had those muscles. What the **** are you looking at?! You laughing at me cuz im bald?! Lets see how funny it is when I chase you down and give you a curb stomp on a fvcking parking block. I have too much hate in me, I would just become the most confrontational guy ever.would be fun to turn those smirks upside down though.


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Guys, I can't thank you enough for your responses and sympathies. It means a lot. Like I said, I've been lurking on here for a while and it's awesome to finally join in on the hair loss conversation!

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I feel like you, I cant cope with this... Cant afford a hair transplant either... Hope you feel better with time and learn to accept it..
Stay strong're not alone!

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ohhh bassist?

Do you play bass?
Sure do man!! Been playing for about 5 years now...but unfortunately I've been slacking a bit lately.


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First step is medication. If you're able to maintain, and have a hault in the progression then you're a good candidate. If you continue you to receed unforunately youre not.

best step... get on med's for a year then assess your situation from there.


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"Halt the progression." I still don't get that statement. Finasteride stops hair loss forever now? Why are the NW2's worrying about here then?

Actually, I was under the impression that basically anybody can be a candidate for hair transplant if they are on finasteride. This is the rhetoric that you hear on hair transplant websites.


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Im living paycheck to paycheck, have a child to support on top of gettimg my wages garnished by the state.

I would be pissed if I was dealing with this too. NW5 is cherry on top.


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Those are strong words with a very frightening road.
Id totally consider it for sure if i was not a pussy for coming out of my comfort zone


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Everytime I challenge that rethoric, they don't know what to reply. Not only finasteride doesn't stop hair loss forever (otherwise we would have a "cure"), but there are so many reasons to stop it.

Conceiving a child (yes it's still debated, but I wouldn't take any chances), side-effects, getting paranoid bout side-effects, thinking you might get side-effects one day.

You're NW3 and on finasteride, you get 5000 grafts for your front and temples. Then you can't get it up anymore and you have to stop finasteride, what then?

That's why I like my strategy, as painful as it was, go fully bald, and then only throw grafts at that bald head.

You pretty much didn't have a choice, NW5 at 24, serious hair transplant surgeons don't even do hair transplant's at people younger than this.
But imagine you would slowly lose hair up to , let's say, 30-35. I don't know if you'd have the patience to wait so much.

Go fully bald and then throw grafts? Poor advice, for some, fully bald means NW6-7, i don't know how much of a candidate for a hair transplant is a NW6, especially for FUE. It can be done, but it's not the ideal candidate, in fact, you said that 2 or 3 very famous hair transplant's surgeons sent you home for being too bald.
Only dr de Reys understood that your area is not that big and you could look good with fewer grafts, because your hair is very light, so little contrast with the scalp. I'm amost sure that, for someone with very dark hair, that coverage you have would look crappy, no matter if long or short.
You see, Fred, you assume everyone is like you and has the same situation. You pretty much throw everyone in "the same pot" with you, which is not quite right. If it worked for you, it doesn't mean it works for everyone. If you feel smth, doesn't meen everybody feels the same, etc.


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Sure do man!! Been playing for about 5 years now...but unfortunately I've been slacking a bit lately.

cool, just picked up a nice ZOOM multi effects pedal from amazon for 79$ as a replacement for my old ones I lost in my house flood.

What do you play (style)?

I play bass and some drums. Can play a bit of rythm guitar. Been slacking myself lately but really trying to get back into it, I was damn near lead bass (lol) skill at one point.
Hey hair loss or not, you can get into a band at least, that gets more girls than any amount of hair will. I mean playing bass is the lowest level of the band unless you are in a funk or jazz group but its still something better than nothing.

This guy rocks and is bald as schit

Ive been trying to put together a bass and drums only duet group for a while now but people are so mainstream theyre afraid to try anything new.
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Yeah a hair transplant should be out of the question given your age and current progression. As much as it sucks right now, you are gonna feel heaps worse if you dish out $10k for a transplant and you look

even worse than before because the rest of your hair kept falling out.

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if that dweeb could grow facial hair he would look alright

Society doesn't like bald men with facial hair. At least 90% of bald men are clean shaven.
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stubble is fine

Is that right! What happens if you are fair, stubble is hardly noticeable, and what happens if you are baby faced like the man in the have to grow youre facial hair out which society hates.

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What about a fair haired man who stubble is virtually invisible?He has to grow his facial hair out for it to be "prominent" Stay clean shaven then I hear you cry. What about if one is as baby-faced as the man in the pic.
I will rephrase, society hates proper facial hair, full and thick as nature intended.


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My Regimen
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I paid 9,6800 for 2270 grafts FUT.

**** all for what it did for my self esteem, and how I carry myself now. I'm have been reincarnated, a shell of my former ridden, and enclosed self.

Seriously if U can't afford to save 10,000 in a year... it's time to reevaluate the field of work your in, and where its going.

Thats ridiculous. Not everyone is entitled to a 6 figure salary. Someone has to make less in order for someone else to make more.


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My Regimen
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Is that right! What happens if you are fair, stubble is hardly noticeable, and what happens if you are baby faced like the man in the have to grow youre facial hair out which society hates.

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What about a fair haired man who stubble is virtually invisible?He has to grow his facial hair out for it to be "prominent" Stay clean shaven then I hear you cry. What about if one is as baby-faced as the man in the pic.
I will rephrase, society hates proper facial hair, full and thick as nature intended.

yeah and what if the guy is half reptile with lobster claws for hands.... it was a general statement, just like yours before it.