Setipiprant For Hair Loss - Mega Thread


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btw forgot to update you on this: had whp seti nmr-tested.
as reported by another user on saga, it's made by 2 seti "dynamic isomeres".
long story short: approx 99% pure.


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Try using swiss vehicle
This is the reason I have doubts. Kane seti literally will dissolves in anything.
But you were having good maintenance on Kane's seti as I remember? I read it in that seti group buy thread.

How did things go after that?


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But you were having good maintenance on Kane's seti as I remember? I read it in that seti group buy thread.

How did things go after that?

Pretty good, I dont really shed anymore, even with a bad sleeping schedule and diet of junk food. I'm getting some regrowth, all over my hairline. I started pge2 like a month ago, recently started upping my dose on that.

btw forgot to update you on this: had whp seti nmr-tested.
as reported by another user on saga, it's made by 2 seti "dynamic isomeres".
long story short: approx 99% pure.

Whats whp seti?


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Does anyone know how much Clearvision charges and where he is located? I am in Canada and was looking to get a group buy going just for Canada as I have no clue if sending it to the US will result in seizure?!? Anyone have experience with this? My source is Wuhan Pharma on Alibaba as well. They charge $4700 USD for a Kilo (1000 grams) so $6250 Canadian or so. Plus shipping plus taxes and duty I'm assuming. Ill look into that. No one has gotten back to me yet except Hellouser. Id rather pay a small premium to someone who already has WHP product and can ship me 100 grams. I would only do the group buy if everyone donated to a go fund me or something so Im not left holding the bill for 1000G of Seti. If there are any americans who want to get in on this I can calculate the shipping charges to you and do all the work to figure out you cost. But again I do not know if it will make it to you?? Anyone had any problems?


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Does anyone know how much Clearvision charges and where he is located? I am in Canada and was looking to get a group buy going just for Canada as I have no clue if sending it to the US will result in seizure?!? Anyone have experience with this? My source is Wuhan Pharma on Alibaba as well. They charge $4700 USD for a Kilo (1000 grams) so $6250 Canadian or so. Plus shipping plus taxes and duty I'm assuming. Ill look into that. No one has gotten back to me yet except Hellouser. Id rather pay a small premium to someone who already has WHP product and can ship me 100 grams. I would only do the group buy if everyone donated to a go fund me or something so Im not left holding the bill for 1000G of Seti. If there are any americans who want to get in on this I can calculate the shipping charges to you and do all the work to figure out you cost. But again I do not know if it will make it to you?? Anyone had any problems?

Thats 4.7$ per gram?!? Unless my math is wrong, that's insanely cheap.

Pretty sure Canada to us is fine. Most people have problem with China>Canada
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Thats 4.7$ per gram?!? Unless my math is wrong, that's insanely cheap.

Pretty sure Canada to us is fine. Most people have problem with China>Canada

No, your math is not wrong haha. Just like buying anything in bulk your going to get a crazy discount. Its crazy the mark up people charge for this stuff when anyone like you or me can get the same stuff from the same place. I guess not everyone is willing to take that risk though.

I will talk to customs canada and make sure everything is done through the proper channels as I know some people there.

If I get the proper clearances and can guarantee I get it here I will let everyone know. I will ship to the US. If i am taking on the full payment on my own however I will be selling for a profit (sorry guys). I will post all the detailed information about getting it here 100% by declaring the shipment before it arrives, I will let you know. Anyone who wants the stuff at cost can let me know and I will set up a go fund me or something before I make the purchase. I do not want to make a profit on this but if Im left to buy the stuff solo Im going to charge for it.

Just being open and honest. Not looking to take anyone for a ride, its just what it is. Id rather everyone pitch in a get it a cost TBH. This disease of male pattern baldness is not something I even feel right trying to make a profit on. Paying $15/USD/Gram for me as a Canadian when I can get it all in for around $7/CDN/Gram is ridiculous :mad:.

Let me know what you guys think.....

Does anyone know what people are charging out there for PGE2 as well? I can look into that if anyone wants. I guess US and Canadian guys only ?? :confused:
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No, your math is not wrong haha. Just like buying anything in bulk your going to get a crazy discount. Its crazy the mark up people charge for this stuff when anyone like you or me can get the same stuff from the same place. I guess not everyone is willing to take that risk though.

I will talk to customs canada and make sure everything is done through the proper channels as I know some people there.

If I get the proper clearances and can guarantee I get it here I will let everyone know. I will ship to the US. If i am taking on the full payment on my own however I will be selling for a profit (sorry guys). I will post all the detailed information about getting it here 100% by declaring the shipment before it arrives, I will let you know. Anyone who wants the stuff at cost can let me know and I will set up a go fund me or something before I make the purchase. I do not want to make a profit on this but if Im left to buy the stuff solo Im going to charge for it.

Just being open and honest. Not looking to take anyone for a ride, its just what it is. Id rather everyone pitch in a get it a cost TBH. This disease of male pattern baldness is not something I even feel right trying to make a profit on. Paying $15/USD/Gram for me as a Canadian when I can get it all in for around $7/CDN/Gram is ridiculous :mad:.

Let me know what you guys think.....

Does anyone know what people are charging out there for PGE2 as well? I can look into that if anyone wants. I guess US and Canadian guys only ?? :confused:

Im very interested. :) Are you going to get it third party tested?

for pge2 its 300 $ for 100 mg


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Im very interested. :) Are you going to get it third party tested?

for pge2 its 300 $ for 100 mg

I will be talking to my customs connect tomorrow and I will get around to calling a lab in my area sometime early next week. I want to get on this but Im am stupid busy with life atm. Although trust me my hair is a huuuuuge priority. Ill update everyone once I know. Ill also look into the PGE2.


Rick Grimes

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does anyone here know a lot about Seti and vehicles? i looked around the forums and it seems like folks had shied away from using a straight ethanol/propylene glycol vehicle because they had trouble dissolving the Seti ... however i did read about one user mixing the seti into the ethanol first, and then adding the PG without problems... otherwise people seem to have settled on the ethanol+polysorbate 80+DMI+ drop of DMSO vehicle because of success in dissolving... do you guys think the latter more complex vehicle is my only option? i am about to mix my first 5% Seti topical (super psyched) but would prefer to use a more conventional, simpler vehicle if it works just as well....but i did buy all the stuff for the second more complex one however... anyone out there have any experience/knowledge to lend me some advice before i start mixing?


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No, your math is not wrong haha. Just like buying anything in bulk your going to get a crazy discount. Its crazy the mark up people charge for this stuff when anyone like you or me can get the same stuff from the same place. I guess not everyone is willing to take that risk though.

I will talk to customs canada and make sure everything is done through the proper channels as I know some people there.

If I get the proper clearances and can guarantee I get it here I will let everyone know. I will ship to the US. If i am taking on the full payment on my own however I will be selling for a profit (sorry guys). I will post all the detailed information about getting it here 100% by declaring the shipment before it arrives, I will let you know. Anyone who wants the stuff at cost can let me know and I will set up a go fund me or something before I make the purchase. I do not want to make a profit on this but if Im left to buy the stuff solo Im going to charge for it.

Just being open and honest. Not looking to take anyone for a ride, its just what it is. Id rather everyone pitch in a get it a cost TBH. This disease of male pattern baldness is not something I even feel right trying to make a profit on. Paying $15/USD/Gram for me as a Canadian when I can get it all in for around $7/CDN/Gram is ridiculous :mad:.

Let me know what you guys think.....

Does anyone know what people are charging out there for PGE2 as well? I can look into that if anyone wants. I guess US and Canadian guys only ?? :confused:

I'm interested going in on both the seti and pge2, I'll pay in advance once you've figured out the details if that helps you out. I've gotten major sides from avodart and propecia and can no longer take them so I need to add something stronger to my regimen than just minoxidil and nizoral.


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I'm interested going in on both the seti and pge2, I'll pay in advance once you've figured out the details if that helps you out. I've gotten major sides from avodart and propecia and can no longer take them so I need to add something stronger to my regimen than just minoxidil and nizoral.

Update. I spoke to customs, I have to contact the Trade department to make sure the substance in question Setipiprant is allowed in the country and then they will tell me if the 6.5% duty applies to it and I already know there will be 5% GST. So by Monday I will have all those answers. Then I will contact WHP again and try to negotiate the price with them and see if they can do anything and find out what the shipping costs are.

After I know all the details Ill post them along with a way for anyone who wants in to send the funds.



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does anyone here know a lot about Seti and vehicles? i looked around the forums and it seems like folks had shied away from using a straight ethanol/propylene glycol vehicle because they had trouble dissolving the Seti ... however i did read about one user mixing the seti into the ethanol first, and then adding the PG without problems... otherwise people seem to have settled on the ethanol+polysorbate 80+DMI+ drop of DMSO vehicle because of success in dissolving... do you guys think the latter more complex vehicle is my only option? i am about to mix my first 5% Seti topical (super psyched) but would prefer to use a more conventional, simpler vehicle if it works just as well....but i did buy all the stuff for the second more complex one however... anyone out there have any experience/knowledge to lend me some advice before i start mixing?

The guys from ******** groupbuys claim seti undissolves in eth/pg. ClearVision claimed the same about the seti he synthesized. However, Kane's seti dissolves well in eth/pg. He claims his seti is salted. At least two users claimed success on Kane's seti as I remembered, one of which being @alebaba in this thread. So, the info is mixed and I suggest you try both and judge for yourself.

To add a question: can you mix seti with minoxidil (whose solvent is basically eth/pg with a bit water)? Is there any drug interaction? Did anyone tried that with OK results?

Rick Grimes

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The guys from ******** groupbuys claim seti undissolves in eth/pg. ClearVision claimed the same about the seti he synthesized. However, Kane's seti dissolves well in eth/pg. He claims his seti is salted. At least two users claimed success on Kane's seti as I remembered, one of which being @alebaba in this thread. So, the info is mixed and I suggest you try both and judge for yourself.

To add a question: can you mix seti with minoxidil (whose solvent is basically eth/pg with a bit water)? Is there any drug interaction? Did anyone tried that with OK results?

thanks for the info WMQ ... so last night i made my first attempts ... some observations for anyone interested:

1) mine must not be the salted kind... the first batch 1 tried i used 100 ml of solution the was 70/30 eth/pg ... the stuff didn't mix well... it clumped and wouldn't mix

2) the second batch the i mixed with the eth+DMI+polysorbate80+DMSO vehicle and it did dissolve a lot better

3) i can see why some people using the eth+DMI+polysorbate80+DMSO would use it at night before bed: my hair was wet/oily... when i woke up my hair was still bit oily... i sure this is great for absorption, which is awesome, but i wouldn't want to go to work that way.. might be a different story for a norwood 5+... i am at norwood 2 or 3 and the hair i did have would be too oily to apply in the AM

4) the glass stirring rod from my first failed batch: it had the muddy undissolved seti on it and it did not want to rinse off... so i left it in water overnight... when i woke up the stirring rod was clean and the water had turned light yellow

5) inspired by the stirring rod, it tried a new 70/30 eth/pg batch... I stirred it for 20 mins, and it finally dissolved... not sure if it will undisolve but i am going to keep an eye on it

6) i imagine if you put the ingredients for a 70/30 eth/pg mix in a dropper bottle and shook the sh*t out of it, it would dissolve in just a few minutes...

7) Seti has a distinct smell when mixed... its not a bad smell per se, but it is distinct...the stuff has a light mustard-ish tint to it

8) the Seti powder is light and clingy, has some clumps, and likes to hop around a bit when you are measuring it... so for those mixing for the first time, you might waste a tiny bit of it as it flys off the scale, sticks to spoon, etc. but its manageable

but with all that said, yeah WMQ, i wonder how it would mix with minoxidil?... i'll try that experiment soon... i am guessing with the shaking method it will mix pretty good... we'll see if it undissolves over time.. but my other question would be this: would we need to worry about Seti and minoxidil having any kind of reaction that would degrade either? consolidating the two, for people like me trying various modified kitchen sink approaches, would be friggin awesome in terms of reducing the number of topical applications needed in a given day... any of the chemist type out there, do you think we need to worry about any type of minoxidil + Seti reaction if working them into the same topical?
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thanks for the info WMQ ... so last night i made my first attempts ... some observations for anyone interested:

1) mine must not be the salted kind... the first batch 1 tried i used 100 ml of solution the was 70/30 eth/pg ... the stuff didn't mix well... it clumped and wouldn't mix

2) the second batch the i mixed with the eth+DMI+polysorbate80+DMSO vehicle and it did dissolve a lot better

3) i can see why some people using the eth+DMI+polysorbate80+DMSO would use it at night before bed: my hair was wet/oily... when i woke up my hair was still bit oily... i sure this is great for absorption, which is awesome, but i wouldn't want to go to work that way.. might be a different story for a norwood 5+... i am at norwood 2 or 3 and the hair i did have would be too oily to apply in the AM

4) the glass stirring rod from my first failed batch: it had the muddy undissolved seti on it and it did not want to rinse off... so i left it in water overnight... when i woke up the stirring rod was clean and the water had turned light yellow

5) inspired by the stirring rod, it tried a new 70/30 eth/pg batch... I stirred it for 20 mins, and it finally dissolved... not sure if it will undisolve but i am going to keep an eye on it

6) i imagine if you put the ingredients for a 70/30 eth/pg mix in a dropper bottle and shook the sh*t out of it, it would dissolve in just a few minutes...

7) Seti has a distinct smell when mixed... its not a bad smell per se, but it is distinct...the stuff has a light mustard-ish tint to it

8) the Seti powder is light and clingy, has some clumps, and likes to hop around a bit when you are measuring it... so for those mixing for the first time, you might waste a tiny bit of it as it flys off the scale, sticks to spoon, etc. but its manageable

but with all that said, yeah WMQ, i wonder how it would mix with minoxidil?... i'll try that experiment soon... i am guessing with the shaking method it will mix pretty good... we'll see if it undissolves over time.. but my other question would be this: would we need to worry about Seti and minoxidil having any kind of reaction that would degrade either? consolidating the two, for people like me trying various modified kitchen sink approaches, would be friggin awesome in terms of reducing the number of topical applications needed in a given day... any of the chemist type out there, do you think we need to worry about any type of minoxidil + Seti reaction if working them into the same topical?
Your experience matches what others describes. And just curious, where did you get your seti from?

As for minoxidil, I found this in a s*Androgenetic Alopecia thread:

The guy said his friend is a chemist and did tests to the mix. The two compounds remained stable as he claimed. Don't know if it's absolutely reliable but I guess that sheds some light. Don't know which minoxidil he was talking about either (different minoxidil have different vehicles) but at least it seems there's no drug interactions happening here.

My major concern about kane's seti is the fact that my batch NEVER undissolved. It remained clear. Even if a compound is salted (i.e. a different form of crystalline) it wouldn't make any difference after it's dissolved I suppose?

And just to add a lil bit more into the info pool: there was a debate in another thread, where a guy tested his seti (which we thought was from kane) and found it only 60% pure. Turned out that batch was from WHP, and that the batch actually contained 99% pure seti distributed as two forms after they ran more tests with the lab. (Still I wouldn't suggest taking this as a reassurance to all Kane's drugs)


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My major concern about kane's seti is the fact that my batch NEVER undissolved. It remained clear. Even if a compound is salted (i.e. a different form of crystalline) it wouldn't make any difference after it's dissolved I suppose?

And just to add a lil bit more into the info pool: there was a debate in another thread, where a guy tested his seti (which we thought was from kane) and found it only 60% pure. Turned out that batch was from WHP, and that the batch actually contained 99% pure seti distributed as two forms after they ran more tests with the lab. (Still I wouldn't suggest taking this as a reassurance to all Kane's drugs)

Kane seti doesn't undissolved but it does turn a darker shade of yellow. The vehicle I used is Neogenic stemox, and I only do 4 days worth of batch otherwise it starts to oxidize. The cl custom vehicle seem to last a lot longer, the color stays the same even at 7 days.


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Hey guys. So I'm in the middle of waiting to hear back from Health Canada as to Setipiprants classification and admissibility. I spoke to a CBSA officer who told me if Seti is not listed on any schedule based on its molecular structure (grey area) then I need to call him back and talk to his senior agent.

While I wait, I was wondering.... The US just lets SETI in no problem eh? Or do you think the guys who get it get the packages labeled differently and then hope it doesn't get inspected?


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Hey guys. So I'm in the middle of waiting to hear back from Health Canada as to Setipiprants classification and admissibility. I spoke to a CBSA officer who told me if Seti is not listed on any schedule based on its molecular structure (grey area) then I need to call him back and talk to his senior agent.

While I wait, I was wondering.... The US just lets SETI in no problem eh? Or do you think the guys who get it get the packages labeled differently and then hope it doesn't get inspected?
