Sexless In Silicon Valley: Why Nobody's Getting Laid In America's Tech Hub


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Maybe I did, but not in the past few weeks. I'm doing very poorly right now and am having trouble concentrating and it's harming my work performance. I would be crying right now if my tear ducts were bigger and there's a huge hole in my heart.

I actually wish i was better at coping and being delusional.

Sorry to hear David, but I truly feel like this is my impression of you in the past, and if I'm right and that is usually the normal David, then that isn't going anywhere and hopefully will be around the corner soon.


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still can't see connection with Trump and incels can't get laid

Maybe they had hairstyles like him, or a personality like his?

Then again, isn't his wife in her thirties? That's good for a seventy year old.


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His posts will be like Shookwun's soon. I've seen this transition before in Fred and Zircon.

Fred's transition was before my time but Zircon's transcendence was glorious to behold

I am rooting for David more than anyone on here. The realest nigga who has bared his soul to us. When his tip hits that palpitating pleasure tunnel, all worries will wash away
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Fred's transition was before my time but Zircon's transcendence was glorious to behold

I am rooting for David more than anyone on here. The realest nigga who has bared his soul to us. When his tip hits that palpitating pleasure tunnel, all worries will wash away

I'm rooting for you to write a screenplay, you're the funniest guy here.


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Cope could as well, or maybe it's the broken English that makes everything he says so funny

cope is the funniest poster, the broken english adds to the charm. i'm sure he's very articulate in his native tongue

that masterful Donald Trump gif is possibly the only post that's made me laugh out loud

and when I say laugh out loud I mean smile and exhale through my nostrils


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Here's something funny. In Italy it's even worse: 8 million people gave up on girls completely and "decided" to stay single, for different reasons (money, depression, ...). They call them "Sneet" (LOL I'm serious unfortunately) :D

I guess I'm one of them. Needless to say, the article portray those people as problematic/probably sick. They don't mention that Italian sl*ts are picky as f*** in terms of looks and money. They even talk about "love". What a bunch of crap.
A proposed solution in Japan is the 'Handsome Tax.' The theory behind it is to make handsome men pay a lot more tax so that they become too poor to date, and it will thus give normal or even ugly men a chance to date beautiful women.

It was a serious policy and one that was actually considered by the government to help improve the decreasing birth rates.

Here's a little article on it:


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A proposed solution in Japan is the 'Handsome Tax.' The theory behind it is to make handsome men pay a lot more tax so that they become too poor to date, and it will thus give normal or even ugly men a chance to date beautiful women.

It was a serious policy and one that was actually considered by the government to help improve the decreasing birth rates.

Here's a little article on it:

I didn't think anybody else here would be a zerohedge reader.

I wonder if google and facebook will attempt to destroy that site.


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Please don't read Zerohedge, guys. Or, at least read it with ten pinches of salt.

Unfortunately, the collapse of traditional media requires the use of alternative media if one wishes to inform, within which zerohedge fulfils a role.

However, the commentators there are useless.

nakedcapitalism and the intercept are my current favourites, which partly reflects my philosophy.


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Please don't read Zerohedge, guys. Or, at least read it with ten pinches of salt.

Just to add a bit to why I'm saying this: ZH is more or less a crank site populated by hardcore adherents of Austrian economics, which is a competing system to the mainstream perspective ("heterodox" economics). Austrian economics has little institutional acceptance and rejects most math-based approaches to economics. Most Austrians are hardcore free marketers who are fundamentally opposed to government intervention. More often than not they are also gold bugs, i.e. people who believe we should revert to the gold standard, a system where paper money was exchangeable for fixed amounts of gold.

One of the biggest problems with Austrians is that they tend to make a lot of doom and gloom predictions because the system isn't working the way they think it should. Case in point, they believe that since money has no intrinsic value (like it would have were it backed by gold), and can essentially be printed freely by the central banks, we should be experiencing very high inflation. Thus you see places like ZH continually predicting imminent hyper-inflation, which of course never materializes.

It's a fun read once in a while but it's not a serious source of information and certainly nothing that Facebook or Google should be afraid of.

Hyperinflation has not materialized -- the government reports an inflation rate of 2.2% which you may be satisfied with if you believe everything the government tells you.

However, it's quite clear that the government massages the statistics to underestimate inflation. As Harvard economist Gregory Mankiw has pointed out, this was done in the 1990s (likely among other periods) to lower the cost of social security premiums. Since those are linked to inflation, the government can save money by reducing the standard of living of seniors by simply lying about the inflation rate. Methods include hedonics and substitution, for example if the price of steak goes by, the inflation rate should shift to the price of ground beef, so as to keep the inflation rate low.

The cost of housing, and the cost of food, are also not included properly. I'm not sure if post-secondary education and childcare are properly included.

Shadow statistics reports an inflation rate of ~10%
Which is closer to what people experience.

During the last election, Donald Trump was regularly quoting much higher inflation and unemployment numbers than the official numbers. The media laughed at him as they accept the narrative that there's 4% unemployment and 2% inflation, in spite of that being impossible in traditional economics as per the Fischer relation. People however experience the world differently, only those who live in upper-middle class coastal bubbles and similar enclaves believe the official statistics.

tldr; zerohedge is overestimating the current calamity, but the mainstream media underestimates it.


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WSJ, FT, Bloomberg and Reuters still remain very reliable sources for business news, and are doing okay financially too. Broadly speaking, Zero Hedge is not a reliable source and a poor way to stay informed unless you're hyper-literate in finance and economics and able to use it as a sort of contrarian signal.

I find that there's a lot of excellent journalism in Bloomberg.

FT and Reuters do decent job, but their articles are shorter and less detailed.

WSJ I consider to be a neocon mouthpiece. Some good material sometimes ends up in there but there's also a lot of problematic material. It is owned by Rupert Murdoch and is consistent with Fox News in its limited world view.


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Hyperinflation has not materialized -- the government reports an inflation rate of 2.2% which you may be satisfied with if you believe everything the government tells you.

However, it's quite clear that the government massages the statistics to underestimate inflation. As Harvard economist Gregory Mankiw has pointed out, this was done in the 1990s (likely among other periods) to lower the cost of social security premiums. Since those are linked to inflation, the government can save money by reducing the standard of living of seniors by simply lying about the inflation rate. Methods include hedonics and substitution, for example if the price of steak goes by, the inflation rate should shift to the price of ground beef, so as to keep the inflation rate low.

The cost of housing, and the cost of food, are also not included properly. I'm not sure if post-secondary education and childcare are properly included.

Shadow statistics reports an inflation rate of ~10%
Which is closer to what people experience.

During the last election, Donald Trump was regularly quoting much higher inflation and unemployment numbers than the official numbers. The media laughed at him as they accept the narrative that there's 4% unemployment and 2% inflation, in spite of that being impossible in traditional economics as per the Fischer relation. People however experience the world differently, only those who live in upper-middle class coastal bubbles and similar enclaves believe the official statistics.

tldr; zerohedge is overestimating the current calamity, but the mainstream media underestimates it.
Shadowstats is part n parcel with jsmineset (mindless set)
Band of gold selling idiots who bamboozle people out of their hard earned money


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Inflation and other economic statistics are not unbiased indicators, they are certainly open to manipulation through inclusions/exclusions and changes in methodology and frequently are manipulated this way. China's GDP figures are a prime example. There is a whole cottage industry of consultants that scrutinize the official statistics to see whether some obscure factor is being blown up to make the figure edge up a decimal or two. Without having looked at that site I can completely accept 8-10% as a "perceived inflation" figure. Certainly assets like stocks and real-estate have appreciated a lot in value under the low interest rate regime.

But that's not what the ZH and the like are talking about. They have been predicting Zimbabwe- or Venezuela-style hyper-inflation, and imminently. They were doing this as early as 2009, IIRC. They do it because their ideology compels them to, they cannot accept anything but collapse being imminent because the current system runs contrary to how they believe the economy should work.

The Fisher equation describes the relation between nominal and real interest rates and has nothing to do with unemployment. Are you sure you are not talking about the Phillips curve (low unemployment leads to high inflation and vice versa)? The Phillips Curve is frequently taught in macroeconomics but it is certainly not accepted as some iron law of economics. In general, the relationships predicted by this theory have shown not to hold other than in the immediate short-term.

Yes, I meant the Phillips curve, thank you. Whether or not it holds depends on which inflation and unemployment rates you use, so it's very difficult to assess. It cannot be accepted as an iron law as mainstream economics is largely about condoning government policies that benefit the wealthy, which includes endorsing official numbers. The fact there's a cottage industry to discuss the second decimal place only proves my argument.

You are ignoring my point about balancing media. I'm not endorsing zerohedge as a primary news source, rather I'm endorsing it as part of a balanced news diet which is necessarily dominated by obscurantist mainstream outlets like the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Washington Post, etc who have peddled non-stop fake news. You have concerns about goldbugs, and I share them but let us agree that the reporting on Vladimir Putin assuming command and control of the New England power grid is far more damaging and inaccurate.

In a world where the journalistic integrity of mainstream media had not collapsed there would be no need for zero hedge.

We are not in a Zimbabwe situation right now, but we are in a very difficult situation. I expect continuing declines in life expectancy, as well as increases in unemployment and inflation. Trump will do his best to fight it but even if he somehow takes good decisions (I'm skeptical) there are limits to what he can do. The USA is simply in a very unfortunate situation.

Bill Clinton inherited victories in the Gulf War and Cold War, and he squandered it on parties and on promoting instability in Eastern Europe, he didn't channel the economic boom he inherited. Bush tried to leverage the strong position of the USA, but he failed with the Iraq war which was counterproductive. The cost was enormous, and the increase in oil prices benefited Russia and Iran. Between the opioid economic, the increasing cost of living, the most expensive health care system in the world, etc etc etc there are a lot of significant problems that the media is ignoring.

But that's ok: bread and circuses are abundant. Would you like to hang out? We can order an XL pizza and watch some Kim Kardashian interviews.


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Sorry David but you are bringing in a ton of unrelated stuff and firing off a barrage of vague points here that are hard to understand, let alone respond to. I had no idea you had moved so far into a conspiratorial direction.

I only made one point.

The mainstream media offers a very limited and narrow perspective of the world, from which it is impossible to acquire a clue if one wishes to do so. Alternative media is thus necessary to help fill-in-the-blanks, regardless of its own problems.

Everything else is supporting arguments. There were no conspiracies in my post, and regardless conspiracies are part of the real world so there's nothing wrong with referencing conspiracies.


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No, you also made several points that were largely unrelated to your broader one about the mainstream media, about the Philips Curve (where you handwaved away my correction and refused to give ground),
I didn't handwave your correction, I acknowledged it.

You can have the last word here as I won't be pursuing this argument further.
I don't feel like responding further to what were and are largely (surprising) character attacks. Your posts were inappropriate and tone-deaf so I'm done.

Your post #44 will be the last argumentative post on these issues.


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why did you post the thread title like its a surprise david? obviously its silicon valley, ofc no one is getting laid lol. and just lol at the article. "web developer that didnt know the alphabet"? sounds like a straight up lie. probably because he was ugly lol.


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why did you post the thread title like its a surprise david? obviously its silicon valley, ofc no one is getting laid lol. and just lol at the article. "web developer that didnt know the alphabet"? sounds like a straight up lie. probably because he was ugly lol.

I used the exact same thread title as the article headline, I think that's more honest.

It's good for us to have an honest, rational discussion about how media inaccurately portrays dating.