Mate I understand that your can-do attitude is the only option, but people come here to vent negativity and share impulsive insights about this society that cetainly doesn't put bald men on a pedestal. OP is venting like any of us does. You say that you see baldites with cute girls. I like to think that quality pussy is obtainable even with a non-<NW2 too, but I certainly don't see it here in my social circles and uni. Not even low quality pussy for that matter, and not even outside my social circles. You might understand that obsession with aesthetics is a very Italian thing.
Some of us are too young. Reaction is the ONLY option and you're right in that, but man the emotional burden is heavy and this is probably the only place many of us can vent negativity in.
I am not saying its easy. I am saying, nothing worth while ever came easy. Women already got a pussy. They don't need another.
The trick is in shifting your mind to be the outlier rather then following the beaten path. The alternative is what? Escorts? Hookers? Renting a mini van and going GTA? The level of resentment rarely stays dormant. Many motion picture's depict the consequence of resentment. Star wars and the dark side. The one thing about that but job who went GTA on the world, he had the resentment, and the balls to ho through with it. Many cucks are angry and resentful enough to fantasize about mayhem. They just lack the spine, balls, and ability to put their sick fantasy into motion.
I am not Chad. If anything, I am closer to those other guys then Chad. The difference is integration of what Jung calls the shadow. Going into a dark place and becoming a angry sick f*** isn't the solution. What is? That's the question. The answer deserves some investigation. A bit of exploration.
Imagine, spending over five years doing good approach day or night. Imagine swiping right at life rather then in a app in cowardice function. What is possible? The veil of delusion gets pulled. You begin seeing female nature as it is. Not how you wish it to be.
One thing that's evident, most women allocate top form SMV to Chads, when thin, young, and attractive. When she has squandered her youth, its baby rabies, white picket fence, and putting on the good girl act to rope in betas who eat it up.
There's no room for amateur hour. If you're low born, there's no time for pity party, and self loathing. Acquire resources, seek self knowledge, explore consciousness, and obviously, go get baee. I am thirty. I pursue top form SMV. Anything otherwise is stupidity because of the trade off. I am not saying the journey is easy or that women aren't egomaniacal junkies who think their sh*t don't stink. I am saying, I don't care. I won't raise Chad's baby or marry cratered SMV. She gets the ring after dedicating her best not her worst years.
Most cucks marry the first semi decent looking woman willing to show any sort of attention. The divorce stat in this country isn't due to abuse or infidelity. Its females entitlement. Its what a man gets for marrying Chad's booty call