Shaved My Head With No Guard And...


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If it looks like McGregor when he fought Floyd then you're in a very good position and perhaps don't belong on this section. Of course it wouldn't stop you from 'getting Bae'. On the contrary, it would help you. Here's an example of the scale. Which one are you?

i have McGregor haircut as in buzzed cut. It's summer. Not his hair line. I think I am receded and thinner at vertex. Sure, there are worst off then me.

Who here buried there father and sister due to a motor vehicle drunk driving incident? Who here had cystic acne, the type that craters skin? Who here has male pattern baldness due to Accutane?

You don't understand how dark it is or how bad this life can get?

The difference? I am not a pussy. I still go get Bae. I get ghosted, flakes, women being snobs or c****. I don't care.


If you're white or black and NW3 or better at age 30 then you're Chad. It's not up for debate because that's the definitive definition. Chad isn't a state of mind so you can't argue with that. It's terrible that you lived through all that stuff and I know that it must have taken a lot of internal strength to go out and hustle and try to find women. It probably took more strength than it takes the average NW6. But, the difference is that, when you found your strength and did so, the women received you well and gave you chance. That doesn't happen with NW6 men.

Listen to a Rogan podcast on dmt. Read Terence McKenna and Rick strausman on dmt. Fight club has it right.

'only after you lost every, you're free to do anything.'

Listen to life after deaths stories.

Nothing forces you into ego death then great loss or psychedelics.

I buried my sister and father. I would gladly trade places with them.

I piss on their grave if I were cowardice and not living a life worth remembering. I owe it to them. You owe it to yourself to step up or step aside.

They date up but it's not always money. That's because lots of women are doing very well in their lives and have more than enough money. I've met women who drove fancy cars, owned their own apartment or their own business etc. Why would she need money? She dates up on the Norwood scale and that's her hypergamy. If money were so important then I wouldn't have been getting any dates as a student. Money is important and I'll still pursue it but I'm not delusional enough to believe that it will change anything. Like I said, we alphas don't pay for a thing for a woman so where does the money come into the mix?

Women date up. Female hypergamy.

A woman doctor doesn't date the paper boy or a bus boy.

Women have girl power, have promo for being a sl*t, single mother victimhood, and can always fallback on beta males or the state. Society as well as feminism is cheering women off the cliff.

If you're fate is genes weeded out of existence, you have nothing to lose. You're dust and bones. So, I say f*** it. Swing for a hail Mary.

Acquire top form SMV or Netflix and chill. Go get Bae. sh*t or get off the pot.

Hair loss won't stop you because you don't have it. But I have serious respect for you for overcoming all of the other terrible things. So you don't aim for career women? Then you've implicitly lowered your standards, don't you think? Anyway, those are my standards. They're my choice/opinion so again, you can't argue with them. Tell me again how I'd "go get Bae" when my idea of a top quality woman is what I described. Once again, the puas do not get these women. They get the tourists/visitors and I'm not even focusing on them.

I've been through more than enough crap. Lesser guys who been through have would become incel or mgtow.

Far from Chad's status. Probably got the smallest horn on the forum lol women are quick to note once I stop seeing her or they get mad. Accutane induced hair loss.

Gratitude goes a long way. I had a father. Many of these tramps don't (not that it's a excuse). I had a sister.

The only thing that I agree with you is that, women are entitled. Huge ego especially when on top form but, they are fake. It's ego at youth and its victim hood when SMV has cratered. When Chad's stop calling. Acquire youth.

Once again, you're ignoring the fact that I am alpha and do have the appropriate balls. I've been rejected numerous times because of my NW6. I'll keep trying my hustle, as alphas do, but I'm not expecting my fortunes to change. That's because it's not up to me or my work rate; it has been decided by my hair loss. And yes my genes are defective and will be weeded out for that reason. The choice is not mine at all because I didn't choose to be a NW6. Although we can argue that I didn't use enough treatments etc. but we're not debating that right now...

Neil Strauss is a goof but a correct.

Balding isn't a choice. Bald is.

Turn into the skid. Go get Bae or give up. More girls for me.

Once again, you are wrong. This is very outdated advice. It's around 10 years old. I got a lay on a Friday that wouldn't have realistically happened on another night. Also, one woman I had on a Friday date is a doctor. Are you going to argue with a doctor's busy schedule? The women that I date on Fridays would usually be at home resting or reading if they weren't out on the date. And a woman like that is just my type. Finally, if being on a date with a quality woman on a Friday is not equivalent to using Friday to "go get Bae", what is? What special things do you do on the weekend to "go get Bae" that make those days inappropriate for the date? Nothing. The only reason not to use weekends for dates is because you don't want to appear over eager to the woman; as long as you make it clear that you're very busy, you won't appear over eager, and those days are fine for a date.

I don't care about her schedule. Her window of fertility will slam shut. She will bend over backwards to get to the alpha males and Chad's.

Go get Bae.

Weekend is to spin plates. To cold approach.

Are you referring to a 3 date rule? That's laughable. It's outdated too. It's not laughable because I disagree, but because no NW6 is ever going to get 3 successive dates. I get cut off after 1 date almost every time. The problem that I'm having is that I can never get to anyone's place because I'm a NW6. If I could, I'd absolutely do what you did. I know what I'm doing when it comes to filtering through the nonsense that the women can come up with.

I either pull or #nextset!

If we hang out three times, no sex or she doesn't swallow, I assume low libido, and I go get Bae.

My sensei is pimp. If a girl 'isn't in the mood,' he put her in a cab, and fucks other girls. He's 40+ though his hair is better than the two of us combined lol

As in, he respects her right not to f*** but, he sends her home, and bangs other women.

If drake's in town, girls have vip, I bet her mood is ready for dick.

This is female logic. Marriage amplifier of the problem.


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indemnity you are arab correct? just guessing based on your skin tone

if so thats so depressing because im tan and i thought it would have helped compensate for my norwood 6 fuk lol

I'm South Asian and maybe I look Arab. You can't compensate for a NW6. I've learned that the hard way. Good head shape, being in shape, being smart, being funny, dressing well, behaving like an alpha...none of it counts for a thing. The NW6 outline is certain doom.

I respect @meetjoeblack because of what he's been through. But he has said clearly that he has slight recession and slight vertex thinning at age 30. When it comes to dating (only dating, not life in general) I still believe that he has it easy. Age 30 with slight recession and slight vertex thinning! That's an unattainable dream for all of us.


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I'm South Asian and maybe I look Arab. You can't compensate for a NW6. I've learned that the hard way. Good head shape, being in shape, being smart, being funny, dressing well, behaving like an alpha...none of it counts for a thing. The NW6 outline is certain doom.

I respect @meetjoeblack because of what he's been through. But he has said clearly that he has slight recession and slight vertex thinning at age 30. When it comes to dating (only dating, not life in general) I still believe that he has it easy. Age 30 with slight recession and slight vertex thinning! That's an unattainable dream for all of us.

Thanks. The only thing is, it's not the trauma, traumas, the acne, cystic adult acne, shitty experience with women, several deaths including family or friends, and Accutane based hair loss. It's the accumulation of things. Lesser men would have offed themselves or giving up all together.

Still, think about it. How old are you? Younger than me? You have time on your side. As for hair loss, I don't think I can support the buzz or the shaved look. My ears look funny with a undercut high fade. I have a McGregor cut on now. I am steering in the right direction of the skid. If you pulled last weekend, I would have to say, you aren't doing bad. Assuming she isn't fat or ugly lol


My Regimen
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I'm South Asian and maybe I look Arab. You can't compensate for a NW6. I've learned that the hard way. Good head shape, being in shape, being smart, being funny, dressing well, behaving like an alpha...none of it counts for a thing. The NW6 outline is certain doom.

I respect @meetjoeblack because of what he's been through. But he has said clearly that he has slight recession and slight vertex thinning at age 30. When it comes to dating (only dating, not life in general) I still believe that he has it easy. Age 30 with slight recession and slight vertex thinning! That's an unattainable dream for all of us.
how tall are you?

whats your laycount? you said you had sex i was thinkin you were incel for a second

ofc i understand getting low quality girls sucks as bad as being incel tho, just curious where you stand

perhaps being indian is to blame for having issues? generally indians are very low on the sexual hierarchy. no offense intended considering my asian 5'6 frame is a big reason for me being ugly/mediocre


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My Regimen
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I was out with bae, I got butchered at the barbershop, and it was so bad, i almost cancelled. She said, "I don't like bald." I said, that's too bad. I am bald. She still leaned in to make out. She still invited me over.

The trick I've learned is to give zero fucks. I could not care if she or any woman doesn't like bald or balding. I am aiming for the highest good. I am learning about integration of my shadow, putting my best foot forward, and letting go.

I cannot control fate. If I lose my hairs so be it. I will find the one bae that likes it. I will approach day or night. I will seioe right. I will get better. Not bitter.

Listen this Jordan Peterson. I caution you friend. We live in a society that pedals good feels rather than keeping it real. Participation trophies and ribbons for losers. There's something to be said of going out and winning. Approaching a beautiful woman. I get flakey girls or rejected. I don't care. I am pursuing something in this supersedes temporary rejections or ghosting.

How can you become a stronger version of yourself? Become funnier, more attractive regardless of hair loss or balding? I can not play basketball. I cannot dunk. I still would try. It won't be easy. Guess what?

Nothing worth while ever from did.

While everything after the red is viable the red in just not believable (unless shes was sub par herself). Also you cant be more attractive with hairloss.... its statistically proven with studies.

You're real problem is staring at you in front of the mirror. That and likely low testosterone and high amount of cortisol stress hormone. Hence your skull-let haircut. It also doesn't help your being a manlet.

GoT calls this lifestyle "low born." Some people aren't meant to procreate. Incel lifestyle ftw. There's always support groups, cloud's you can yell at, and mini vans you can rent to go GTA. Get back at cruel world lulz

You mad?

are you a retarded person?
I am a very fit, funny, etc etc etc person with lots of interesting hobbies. I shave my head and its atrocious, it just doesnt work for a lot of people. Half the stuff you are saying doesnt even make sense, is English a second language? No woman is allured by you, you are not fooling anyone.


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Thanks. The only thing is, it's not the trauma, traumas, the acne, cystic adult acne, shitty experience with women, several deaths including family or friends, and Accutane based hair loss. It's the accumulation of things. Lesser men would have offed themselves or giving up all together.

Still, think about it. How old are you? Younger than me? You have time on your side. As for hair loss, I don't think I can support the buzz or the shaved look. My ears look funny with a undercut high fade. I have a McGregor cut on now. I am steering in the right direction of the skid. If you pulled last weekend, I would have to say, you aren't doing bad. Assuming she isn't fat or ugly lol

I don't always agree with everything you say but you've found your own way to cope with a lot of sh*t and I respect that.


My Regimen
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Thanks. The only thing is, it's not the trauma, traumas, the acne, cystic adult acne, shitty experience with women, several deaths including family or friends, and Accutane based hair loss. It's the accumulation of things. Lesser men would have offed themselves or giving up all together.

Still, think about it. How old are you? Younger than me? You have time on your side. As for hair loss, I don't think I can support the buzz or the shaved look. My ears look funny with a undercut high fade. I have a McGregor cut on now. I am steering in the right direction of the skid. If you pulled last weekend, I would have to say, you aren't doing bad. Assuming she isn't fat or ugly lol
Why did meetjoeblack get banned? RIP


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the good old 90 / 10 rule is always right.
here in germany, not long ago, they analyzed online dating sites regarding success/attractiveness etc. well, of course there is a huge male surpluss, so women can be very picky. in fact, most women selected the same dudes. so you had like maybe 10% of the dudes registered on that sites banging over 90% of the women, while the biiiiiig majority of the males was inexistent.

look at the men in tv series like "bachelor/bachelorette": all are tall, muscular with the undercut.

oh well, naturally 105 boys to 100 girls are born. so girls will always have the choice.
saying that, after WWW 1 and WWW2 we had a huuge female surplus in germany. full age groups of women didnt find a man after world wars


Senior Member
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Thanks. The only thing is, it's not the trauma, traumas, the acne, cystic adult acne, shitty experience with women, several deaths including family or friends, and Accutane based hair loss. It's the accumulation of things. Lesser men would have offed themselves or giving up all together.

Still, think about it. How old are you? Younger than me? You have time on your side. As for hair loss, I don't think I can support the buzz or the shaved look. My ears look funny with a undercut high fade. I have a McGregor cut on now. I am steering in the right direction of the skid. If you pulled last weekend, I would have to say, you aren't doing bad. Assuming she isn't fat or ugly lol

It took an incredible amount of strength for you to overcome that and live like other men do. But, when you did, 'the bae' were out there waiting for you to approach because you have hair. That's not the case for NW6 men. It's much less difficult for us to overcome our difficulties because, yes, hair loss doesn't cause pain like what you have suffered. But there's no 'bae' for us because we're NW6. Women will not accept it once we have accepted ourselves; it's the opposite for you.

how tall are you?

whats your laycount? you said you had sex i was thinkin you were incel for a second

ofc i understand getting low quality girls sucks as bad as being incel tho, just curious where you stand

perhaps being indian is to blame for having issues? generally indians are very low on the sexual hierarchy. no offense intended considering my asian 5'6 frame is a big reason for me being ugly/mediocre

I don't want to post my lay count because it's shameful. But I will say that that was my only lay from online dating. That came after a year and a bit of going on dates from apps/online. During that year, I went through a lot of annoying moments such as a woman inviting me to her home late on a weeknight and later breaking things off because I told her that it was too late and that we could continue another day (expected but still worse than what most men would get in this sitution), and a woman inviting me to spend a second date in her bedroom and then giving me unbreakable LMR when I got there. This lay was not with a conventionally attractive woman... It was a backup or practice date that I asked for when the first choice women weren't available. I just managed to do everything right and was a bit lucky here too.

The problem is not low quality girls. I match with low quality and high quality women. They all reject me the same. The aforementioned experiences where a lay happened or was on the cards represent less than 10% of all dates. So that's why I always choose the more attractive women, whom I consider more my type, to take on a date. I don't naively believe that a less attractive woman will have different standards regarding hair loss. It would be great if I was just looking for friends. More than half of these women have fun with me on the date. But none of them want anything to do with me romantically. That's what it's like being a NW6. A NW6 is effectively ruled out as a man.

Also, I am around your height. I match with quality women by using deceptive photos (buzz cut with poor lighting to make it look like I have a hairline/do not lack density in the NW6 area). Without those photos, I'd be just as doomed as you.