"I don't know the scale". Are you another priveliged 30 year old NW3? That's what it sounds like. A NW6 would NOT have your experiences; I'm quite sure of that because I have lived as an intelligent, in shape NW6 with a good head shape. None of it mattered except the NW6. It's the biggest deal breaker. Despite your inspirational quotation, I've failed one hundred percent of the time with women who were girlfriend material all because of my NW6. The fact is that all of us on this forum have a positive attitude, confidence, are in shape, intelligent, interesting etc. But those things have never been enough. Even when you add in money, it's not enough.
I have no idea what to say about this scale. Inform me. My new haircut looks like McGregor when he fought Floyd. It still doesn't stop me from getting Bae. I am not Chad. I am more like Steve Nash than kobe or Jordan. I just hustle. I have no excuse and I have seen darkness. I have lived chaos you couldn't believe. Women do not care.
I'm on the way to success. None of the women that I have on a date disagree with me. But that's not enough. Also, Dan Blizarin has hair..
Before riches, he couldn't get Bae. Women like money.
Women date up across culture. No exceptions. Female hypergamy.
What kind of woman do you yearn for? For me, I'm into somebody who is doing well in her professional and personal life, has good family values and is past the party stage of her life. You're not going to find somebody like that in Leicester Square or the tourist parts of Paris. The places where you might (but probably not) find them would be other areas of the city where, surprise surprise, approaching is not received warmly. The PUAs visit these locations because they're full of tourists and visitors. PUAs primarily shy away from Western women, don't forget. That's all well and good, but you can't realistically go for commitment and marriage with a woman you find in that context.
You have a lot of preconceived notions despite excuses one after another. No puas in Europe. Wrong. Google inner circle in any European country. Many cities are flooded.
We differ. Death to family, acne, hair loss, money, environment won't stop me.
I don't want career woman or woman who pissed her youth away as Chad's booty call. Sure, Netflix and chill. Lulz when talking ltr. I don't care about a woman chasing what society tells her. I don't care to date with the woman competing with the men cratering her SMV and sleeping with the ceo.
Being bald and alpha takes effort. So does the other disgusting alternative that you're suggesting. Why not just 'lay down and rot' (ldar)? I'm not entertaining the latter suggestion, but the outcome is the same (no chance of getting married or having children) whether you're bald and alpha or not trying at all. So why try? I do put in the effort to be alpha but I'm playing devil's advocate here because it seems like it's all for naught.
Well, you can either go get Bae or have your genes weeded out of existence. I won't lose sleep either way. More girls for me. If you don't have the balls to go get Bae, your genes should be weeded out of existence. If you aren't willing to aim for the highest good, live at your edge, some other man will.
The alternative of course being hooked, escorts, and or renting a mini van and going gta on the world.
The choice is yours.
I more or less agree. Well, I took her on a date because I asked two other people and they were unavailable. I was free that evening so I thought that I should schedule a date. I never do this but somebody suggested that I buy her the first drink. She drank it and then left to go out with her friends. I've gone back to my original ways. Pay as little as possible. I'll pay if she drinks a non alcoholic beverage like mine, but I'm not paying for spirits at all. I only mention this particular date because it felt like my lowest point.
I'm the words of Lee, expose yourself to various conditions and learn.
You learned. I hope. If you got bottom feeder on dates, you pick low hanging fruit, you don't elevate her, you get brought down to their level.
Part of the reason why a lot of men are fucked up has a lot to do with single mother victimhood. The war on men and little boys. Online apps read, proud single mom. Anti sl*t and fat shame but demonize man, toxic masculinity.
The week the psycho went gta, I heard a group of women laughing and mocking. Imagine, a group of men laughing at a woman seeking children and goes psycho? Sharon osborne mocked a man's penis being cut off. Imagine a man doing the same thing.
This is women now a days. Many do not deserve anything beyond Netflix and chill. Sharon is a psycho. Any woman thinking genital mutilation is funny is a psycho.
I also had another woman leave due to a domestic emergency after I asked her to stay out just 30 minutes longer (it was 8PM on a Friday for pity's sake). She played me back a voice message on her phone as evidence for the emergency and then left. I couldn't argue but I still suspect that this was all a setup and that she had asked her friend to construct this voice message so that she could leave.
You give women a Tuesday, Monday, maybe Thursday. Your Friday on is to go get Bae. You don't sacrifice the weekend for some skank.
These are school boy errors son. Give a random week days. She cannot fit into those days, maybe next week. Go get Bae. Like clock work. Wash/rinse /repeat!
Besides that, I've had fun dates. E.g. women enjoying the date night and paying the whole bill or even missing their planned train home and taking a later one instead. But the outcome has always been the same; they do not want to see me again. That's what a NW6 does to you and you have to live through it to understand.
3x = emptying your balls or #nextset!
You empty your balls, you leave, and go get Bae!
Last summer, my wing and I went back to these girls place. One was being a c***. I led the girl to her room and she played the skin flute. She said, 'I'm not like that.' my wing and I tag teamed her before midnight. By 12:30, we were on route to the bar to go get Bae. Did not pull a second time but not for a lack of effort.
The same girl that tells you she ain't like that would let drake stick it in her *** and his entourage run a train on her.
The veil of illusions gets pulled and msny guys are renting mini vans.