Sigh... she just kept glancing up at my head


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Just had to vent about this and figured this was the place...

Went out with a girl who I've been hanging out with for a little while now. The past times we've been out, I either wore a hat or put on toppik. Today I was feeling brave and combed my hair the best I could and just went bare.

She didn't say anything and didn't even let on that she noticed... but at least 3 times I looked over and she was staring at my head. The overhead fluorescent lighting didn't do me any favors.

Too early to say if it will change how she sees me. And while I'm proud of myself for not hiding, I can't say that it didn't bum me out to see her noticing my thinned out head.

Thems the breaks, I suppose.

Quantum Cat

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the problem with nanofibres is you have to use them all the time otherwise people notice that you've suddenly grown a bald patch.

uncomfortable man

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That's discouraging. Up until then I don't think she would have assumed you are hiding anything. At least you were honest. Now lets see if that honesty pays off :jackit: or if she mysteriously looses contact with you. :roll: I've just heard too many of these stories that end up bad. Unfortunately many women avoid baldness like the plague. It is totally unfair, and I think that since balding is not our fault, we deserve compensation.


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Yeah but given the choice how many of us would choose a balding girl over one with a full head of hair?

Jakeb she was probably just shocked at the difference if she was used to seeing you wearing Toppic.

Ian Curtis

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uncomfortable man said:
Unfortunately many women avoid baldness like the plague. It is totally unfair, and I think that since balding is not our fault, we deserve compensation.

If you were physically or mentally :whistle: challenged they would avoid you as well, and it wouldnt be your fault either. We'll just have to keep our chin up.


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Don't read too much into it.

For public delight, I'm going to share a little story now.
Last year I dated a very nice (actually: wonderful) girl (23 years old, I am 26 now); unfortunately the thing did not work out, but I don't believe it was hair related in any way).
At one occasion we came out of a bar about 4 o'clock in the morning and some really strange guy went up to us. After offering us 2 cigs, he said he could offer me a hair transplant for 2000 euros. "You need it, you need it badly!".
In front of this girl this was somewhat embarassing. but wtf. at least we got 2 cigs for free.

At that time I was Norwood 3.5 or even 4 (can't tell), today I am pretty close to NW5 (again, not sure) and I started wearing some sort of "The Great Depression" cape, John-Boy-Walton-style-from-hell now. Well, there is some kind of depression, so it's alright :)

None the girls I dated for the last years (or had affairs with) EVER said anything negative about my hair. The things that turned them off was when I started complaining about it or whining around or something. And, as I have written my hairloss has become pretty horrible.

That said, final conclusio: relax :punk:


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It's why I'd never use Toppik/deliberately wear a hat.

Having seen you with Toppik, she was probably wondering how on Earth your hair has changed so dramatically over night. It'd be a bit of a shock to anyone I would have thought.


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uncomfortable man said:
Unfortunately many women avoid baldness like the plague. It is totally unfair, and I think that since balding is not our fault, we deserve compensation.

But see, you and other men are similar. You wouldn't give a woman who isn't good looking a chance either. I mean is that her fault? It's the way of the world in this society.


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uncomfortable man said:
Now lets see if that honesty pays off :jackit: or if she mysteriously looses contact with you. :roll:

I predict she says nothing about the baldness, and denies that it matters if he brings it up, but she finds something else to complain about, even if she has to make it up. But that is if she is not interested. Just depends what else he has going for him, what she has, and what he expects from her. Many hot women will "date" or "marry" ugly guys as long as the guys don't expect to get physical. It is just when you want regular sexual stuff that appearance matters a lot. As long as you are fun to talk to and seem happy with how things are and give them the vibe you don't expect sex, they will often hang around. But maybe this guy has other good physical qualities. I just think if he had a good pair of abs or something, he should have shown them to her BEFORE showing the head. Or if he is a great conversationalist, he should have shown that off BEFORE showing the bald spot. OK, now we will see if she is still on the hook at all. Just keep doing your thing.


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My Regimen
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s.a.f said:
Yeah but given the choice how many of us would choose a balding girl over one with a full head of hair?

Jakeb she was probably just shocked at the difference if she was used to seeing you wearing Toppic.

Yeah or a girl with a beard, chest hair or a dick. Newsflash, women and men are different from each other in many ways.

uncomfortable man

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HatPrisoner91 said:
uncomfortable man said:
Unfortunately many women avoid baldness like the plague. It is totally unfair, and I think that since balding is not our fault, we deserve compensation.

But see, you and other men are similar. You wouldn't give a woman who isn't good looking a chance either. I mean is that her fault? It's the way of the world in this society.
Well, my ex is nothing special to look at. She has even been described as homly. So don't assume I am like every other guy who expects to have a supermodel as a gf. I'm pretty reasonable and realistic when it comes to female's appearances. It would be nice to have a woman who is the same way towards me. One school of thought says we are not in control of who we are attracted to. The other school of thought says that what we are attracted to what we have been conditioned to perceive as beautiful.


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Hp, Double standards exist.

Alot of women dont date short men, but alot of men really dont care if a woman is short.


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barcafan said:
Hp, Double standards exist.

Alot of women dont date short men, but alot of men really dont care if a woman is short.

This is true. At the same time, almost all women are shorter. So if you are holding out for a tall woman, you won't find many. I have only met 4 women my height in my whole life I would say.

uncomfortable man

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Hey HP, you gonna see the new Jason movie this weekend?


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HatPrisoner91 said:
barcafan said:
Hp, Double standards exist.

Alot of women dont date short men, but alot of men really dont care if a woman is short.

This is true. At the same time, almost all women are shorter. So if you are holding out for a tall woman, you won't find many. I have only met 4 women my height in my whole life I would say.

Got bad news. When women say they like tall guys, they don't mean taller than them. They mean taller than the average guy. But they are flexible depending what else you got going for you. I saw a 5'2" buff guy get lots of kisses. I'm 5'7.5", and am at a disadvantage, but not that bad. My height does not turn them off too much. I still think I have to compensate with some muscle though.

If you are close to their height, then need a way of knowing in the dark that you are a guy and not a woman. Muscle is a good way to let them know. Body hair and facial hair is another way, but I look better without body hair with the lights on.


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You cant possibly know what the women was thinking. I wouldnt dwell on it too much unless she starts behaving differentlly around you. If somethings different about someone your going to look and notice, it doesnt mean you are looking at them with disdane.


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CCS said:
HatPrisoner91 said:
barcafan said:
Hp, Double standards exist.

Alot of women dont date short men, but alot of men really dont care if a woman is short.

This is true. At the same time, almost all women are shorter. So if you are holding out for a tall woman, you won't find many. I have only met 4 women my height in my whole life I would say.

Got bad news. When women say they like tall guys, they don't mean taller than them. They mean taller than the average guy. But they are flexible depending what else you got going for you. I saw a 5'2" buff guy get lots of kisses. I'm 5'7.5", and am at a disadvantage, but not that bad. My height does not turn them off too much. I still think I have to compensate with some muscle though.

If you are close to their height, then need a way of knowing in the dark that you are a guy and not a woman. Muscle is a good way to let them know. Body hair and facial hair is another way, but I look better without body hair with the lights on.

Yeah but at 5'7.5 you're lucky in the respect that you can thicken out way faster than someone tall


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uncomfortable man said:
HatPrisoner91 said:
[quote="uncomfortable man":186s7vme] Unfortunately many women avoid baldness like the plague. It is totally unfair, and I think that since balding is not our fault, we deserve compensation.

But see, you and other men are similar. You wouldn't give a woman who isn't good looking a chance either. I mean is that her fault? It's the way of the world in this society.
Well, my ex is nothing special to look at. She has even been described as homly. So don't assume I am like every other guy who expects to have a supermodel as a gf. I'm pretty reasonable and realistic when it comes to female's appearances. It would be nice to have a woman who is the same way towards me. One school of thought says we are not in control of who we are attracted to. The other school of thought says that what we are attracted to what we have been conditioned to perceive as beautiful.[/quote:186s7vme]

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'm usually attracted to "average" women, I don't really like bimbos. I don't think I'm vain enough to attract bimbos anyway, so it's a mutual thing.

I'm very easy to please when it comes to looks. I've been told a few times, that I'm better looking than my ex's but I cared about those women and they were good looking for me.

There are lots of men and women that keep waiting for someone "above average", and they refuse to date more normal types. I don't want to judge, if they are happy to be waiting and keep getting disappointed (CCS?), it's not my business.

HatPrisoner91 said:
barcafan said:
Hp, Double standards exist.

Alot of women dont date short men, but alot of men really dont care if a woman is short.

This is true. At the same time, almost all women are shorter. So if you are holding out for a tall woman, you won't find many. I have only met 4 women my height in my whole life I would say.

Most women wouldn't date a man shorter than them. It's a fact... However, I have friends that have/had gfs taller than them.

The problem is the society expects the man to be taller than the woman, and we are brought up that way and we are conditioned to look for it. One of the guys in my office used to make remarks about the guy with the tall gf, not to his face obviously. I always thought it was rude of him. Someone else used to say that the guy must have had a "huge dick" to keep hold of her.

There was this girl I knew, she is 6'1-6'2 and very attractive. She had a bf and everything, and one of the guys goes like "I bet she's got a huge vagina, and that guy can't please her".... I was like WTF?

I think people that make such remarks have insecurities, and they reflect that in the way they think.


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I'm not sure if the height thing is just perception though. I Think it has simply manifested itself that way in a media driven age.

Size can be a sign of fertility, and homo sapiens are sexually distinguishable by size.

It's obviously silly to judge someone based on height, and the social stigma that surrounds it is ridiculous. It's genetics, just like hair, that person has really no control over how much HGH their bodies produce.

But unlike hair.. I think there might be a bit more to it then just cosmetic factors.

With women, they all have preferences. I think it's more important to them that your taller then they are, not "Tall"

5'6 may be 3 inches below average height in North America. But if the girl is say 5'1, then it's not really such a disadvantage.

Also it's worth noting that height has been linked to intelligence. And that a large percentage, a noticeably large percentage of fortune 500 C.E.O's in America are above average height. It has also been shown to effect average test scores and S.A.T.S.

Here's Randy Newman, poking fun at the ridiculousness of short stigmas and stereotypes.
