Skin Needling


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Renegade said:
Wouldn't doing this cause inflammation (which is said to be a major factor of male pattern baldness) and hurt more than help?

This is one of my big questions. Either inflammation helps or hinders; it can't do both. Don't get this needling, but it does appear to work (which annoys me as a scientist, but delights me as a patient!)


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Silverfox said:
Renegade said:
Wouldn't doing this cause inflammation (which is said to be a major factor of male pattern baldness) and hurt more than help?

This is one of my big questions. Either inflammation helps or hinders; it can't do both. Don't get this needling, but it does appear to work (which annoys me as a scientist, but delights me as a patient!)

Use some copper peptides and other anti-inflammatories along with the needling...that's what I plan on doing.


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Hmm, so many ifs, buts and maybe's... so much bull$h1t involved in the whole thing. You'd think there would be a whole heap more posts about this topic, and that there would be a lot more clear cut opinions and proven results / failures....

...and yet I am another one who has purchased a needle roller and am eagerly awaiting its arrival. As I said on my story, if I'm not doing EVERYTHING I can to help the situation, I feel like I'm missing out.

Hopefully it arrives soon! ...I'll let y'all know how I go :)


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yeah I will give this a shot... got my needle roller last Friday. Will post back in 3 months or so.


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ahem, ahem

a wet scalp absorbs 5x as much as a dry scalp

retin-A increases absorption and may downregulate androgen receptors

You want the meds to go to the follicle, which is right next to the pore, and the pore is the fastest entry into the skin, so you guys are doing way more than you.

Needling is great for getting meds into scar tissue. Not for hair. I hope you don't poke holes in any follicles. Your hair is a big area, and the roller better not go to follicle depth or cause infections or scaring.

BH 90 NWtwo 10

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collegechemistrystudent said:
ahem, ahem

a wet scalp absorbs 5x as much as a dry scalp


when i shampoo would u recomend dipping my head in a sink of warm to hot water for a minuite or two?


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why not just let water run over it in the shower?

BH 90 NWtwo 10

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i thought submerging in water be better then letting water hit it in the shower?


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maybe. Do what you want. I think the shower will do me just fine.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
ahem, ahem

a wet scalp absorbs 5x as much as a dry scalp

retin-A increases absorption and may downregulate androgen receptors

You want the meds to go to the follicle, which is right next to the pore, and the pore is the fastest entry into the skin, so you guys are doing way more than you.

Needling is great for getting meds into scar tissue. Not for hair. I hope you don't poke holes in any follicles. Your hair is a big area, and the roller better not go to follicle depth or cause infections or scaring.

This is all true CCS but I don't think many are arguing that needling improves the thickness of already existing hair or prevents further loss. What people seem to claim is that it is capable of 'rejuvenating' or perhaps even producing new follicles by breaking up some of the old fibrosis and encouraging fresh collagen and vascularization. Most people I've seen who have claimed success with it seem to think it has an effect on it's own and don't think increased absorption of topicals is the reason it works.

The rollers that are commercially available are between 0.3-0.8mm or so. What is the minimum depth of scalp hair follicles? I would imagine it is well below that.. I personally plan on using it on my bald spot in the back and the temples first and wait to see what the results are. If they're unambiguously positive I'll use it over my entire scalp in the hope it will improve overall density as well as bringing new hair to bald patches.

If you haven't read it before check out this thread: ... SGDBTABLE=


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Well I got my novaderm roller just now and had to give it a try right away. It has 40 0.8mm needles. Rolled it over my receding frontal area about 10 times- it went red with a couple of tiny blood spots and it stung a little but nothing too scary. The redness seems to have almost completely gone away about 10 min later. I applied some DNC spectral to the area and that stung a little but nothing major. Will apply a little bit of folligen after a few more minutes. The whole process isn't too bad at all- but rolling the entire scalp would be time consuming and a little painful after :freaked: I plan on doing this no more than twice a week to allow for recovery and only on bald areas of the front hairline and vertex (below vellus hairline).


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frequent low doses regrow more than infrequent high doses. And copper peptides work well in small amounts. Above a certain amount, and they just break tissue down isntead of regrowing it. So carefull with the folligen.

0.8mm? I buy needles that are 0.3mm. 30g.

I hope it is a big wheel so when it rolls the needle does not change angle too much while in the skin. I also hope stuff diffuses from the hole to the follicle as well as stuff diffused down the pore to the follicle.


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and clean it really good each revolution. You know you are not supposed to re-use needles, right? Poking it two places on the second revolution might cause infection.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
0.8mm? I buy needles that are 0.3mm. 30g.

Are you suggesting 0.3mm needles or saying you actually use them? I'm using the novaderm with 0.8mm needles since the anecdotal reports suggest around 1mm depth is what you should be aiming for and I believe is still well above most follicles.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
and clean it really good each revolution. You know you are not supposed to re-use needles, right? Poking it two places on the second revolution might cause infection.

Good point to remember. I plan on disinfecting the rolled region with isopropyl alcohol and the roller with the same after and before each use. This should be good enough to prevent infection, esp. if you follow it up with some topicals that also contain alcholol. I don't think cleaning it after every revolution is necessary. :lol:


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The instructions that came with my roller suggest cleaning it no more than once a week, providing your hair and scalp are clean and dry before using it each time. I will probably clean it every 3 or 4 days, just in case.

I hope it is a big wheel so when it rolls the needle does not change angle too much while in the skin. I also hope stuff diffuses from the hole to the follicle as well as stuff diffused down the pore to the follicle.

The head on the roller I have is surprisingly small (compared to what it looked like on the Ebay preview) and that is actually a concern for me. I tried rolling last night for a bit without looking in the mirror and found it to be quite a task - with such a small roller it makes it quite hard to get what I consider to be an effective roll. Next time I'll be going for the 96 needle version. At least the roller on that one is wider than it is high.


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Maxpwr said:
The instructions that came with my roller suggest cleaning it no more than once a week, providing your hair and scalp are clean and dry before using it each time. I will probably clean it every 3 or 4 days, just in case.


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mulder said:
collegechemistrystudent said:
0.8mm? I buy needles that are 0.3mm. 30g.

Are you suggesting 0.3mm needles or saying you actually use them? I'm using the novaderm with 0.8mm needles since the anecdotal reports suggest around 1mm depth is what you should be aiming for and I believe is still well above most follicles.

Oh, you mean length. I meant diameter. Yeah, 0.8mm is what you want then.


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mulder said:
collegechemistrystudent said:
and clean it really good each revolution. You know you are not supposed to re-use needles, right? Poking it two places on the second revolution might cause infection.

Good point to remember. I plan on disinfecting the rolled region with isopropyl alcohol and the roller with the same after and before each use. This should be good enough to prevent infection, esp. if you follow it up with some topicals that also contain alcholol. I don't think cleaning it after every revolution is necessary. :lol:

yeah, that should be fine.


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Maxpwr said:
The instructions that came with my roller suggest cleaning it no more than once a week, providing your hair and scalp are clean and dry before using it each time. I will probably clean it every 3 or 4 days, just in case.

OK funny guy. you got me on that one.