Skin Needling


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I'm using the novaderm roller because it's about 0.8mm in length which is supposed to be about right for the proper effect.

FYI I asked Pickart on his forum whether applying folligen after needling was kosher and he gave it the thumbs up. So I'll probably go ahead and apply a little folligen afterwards but I'll still wait about 15-20 min or so.


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still skin needling. better give you good results. that is not something I'd do for some minor results.


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i think skin needling works the same as minoxidil.....I'd like to see some results who people who tried it.


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Any updates?

I've been doing needling (with a 0.8mm novaderm roller) and applying minoxidil before and after, followed by a liberal coating of folligen (which stings like crazy). Doing this around every 4-5 days or so. I think my hair has been thickening very slowly but it's hard to tell...really don't know if it's due to the needling though. The whole process only takes about 10 extra mins to my routine and I've had no problem with long term irration or anything like that so far. I use the roller pretty vigorously and don't get any bleeding although it does make your skin surface red for a while. So far so good I suppose.

Anyone else want to give an update?


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Don't mind me asking where you can get this product from? And which roller is the best?

Anyone under say 100$ would sound about right!



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GlasgowCelt said:
Don't mind me asking where you can get this product from? And which roller is the best?

Anyone under say 100$ would sound about right!


The roller? I got mine from ebay for around $100 USD. I'm using the novaderm roller since it has the longest 'needles' 0.8mm, according to some the dermaroller's needles are just too short for the purpose.


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I've been needling for about 6 weeks and think there has been improvement. But its still too soon to really tell. I will give it a sharp eyeball at the 2 and 4 month marks.

3X week, tricomin immediately after, then rogaine after the tric dries.

As for the dermaroller itself, I still think this damn thing is way over-priced for something so simplistic. I wonder how long these things are suppose to last (stay sharp).


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One Protein Offers Clues to Both Wound Healing and Hair Growth ... d_hair.htm

A pair of studies supported by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) offers new clues into the body’s processes of wound healing and hair follicle growth. The key player in both processes is a protein called keratin 17 (K17), part of a family of proteins called keratin intermediate filaments which belong to a network of fibers that maintain cell shape and strength. For years, K17 was thought to be involved only in the mechanical aspects of maintaining cell structure. Now, researcher Pierre A. Coulombe, Ph.D., and his colleagues at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore have found that K17 also plays a role in biochemical pathways of growth and healing. The implications, they say, could be far-reaching.

Coulombe and Xuemei Tong, a graduate student, found that mice lacking K17 fail to grow a healthy coat the first week after birth. They discovered that without the protein, mice go through one phase of their hair production cycle prematurely, leading to the death of follicle cells and fragile, thin hair. At the basis of this defect is enhanced signaling of an inflammatory chemical messenger called tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF?), says Coulombe. "This implies that K17 normally promotes hair follicle growth by reducing the response of the follicles to the negative influence of TNF?."

"Many other keratins show an intriguing regulation in the hair follicles, raising the prospect that they too might play a role in hair cycling," he adds.

The role of K17 in wound healing is also an area of interest to Coulombe and his colleagues. In another study led by Seyun Kim, also a graduate student, they found evidence that K17 interacts with and regulates the function of 14-3-3 sigma, a protein with a key role in a major signaling pathway that helps control protein synthesis and cell growth. "This may only be part of the story," says Coulombe, "as we find that K17 interacts with additional key effectors of protein synthesis and cell growth in keratinocytes [cells that produce keratin]." A better understanding of the fundamental mechanisms by which wound repair occurs in a timely fashion may lead to new therapeutic strategies to promote proper wound healing with minimal scarring. Moreover, these findings raise the possibility that K17 helps regulate cell growth in other settings in which it is expressed, such as developing skin, cycling hair follicles, and diseases such as psoriasis and cancer.

# # #

Tong X, Coulombe PA. Keratin 17 modulates hair follicle cycling in a TNF?-dependent fashion. Genes & Development 2006;20:1353-1364.

Kim S, Wong P, Coulombe PA. A keratin cytoskeletal protein regulates protein synthesis and epithelial cell growth. Nature 2006;441:362-365.


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any updateds?
i'm about to order the roller too

medical alchol is enought to clean the needels?


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WOW...that means that my unsucessfull hair transplant, that only gave me shorter banking account and scalp scars, will after all be a sucess!!!...and i was thinking in processing the surgeon that made me that...after all he was only thinking in my best!! :jump: :jackit:


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I don't think the dermaroller will penetrate deeply enough to have any effect on collagen regeneration, so I can't see it helping the hair. I've been needling with 30g insulin needles for a month, and my hairline is filling in noticeably. I also just went through the worst shed ever, losing like 500-1000 hairs a day. Something significant is definitely going on.


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I bought the Novaderm 96 needle (double wide). I am using it daily with minoxidil foam afterward. It comes out of Sydney, AUS. I bought it off of Ebay for $135.00 - total $149.00 delivered. I have diffuse thinning on the crown and a receding front hairline. I cannot attest to effectiveness as I've only had it for a few weeks now. I can, however, attest to the quality of the product. :bravo: It rolls easily and I never bleed. It smarts at first but nothing too bad. Just remember not to roll back and forth. You must lift and shift the roller if you are to track in the same line - otherwise you will be placing the holes in the same place. For those who balk at the price - it should last a long time. So the price per use should be pennies if not less. Plus - I am worth it. It is wide so the rolling is done in under a minute. I shall report back on my findings on regrowth at a later date. For those thinking about it - I must say, try it. It just makes too much sense - whether it is due primarily to increased minoxidil absorption or not - it is too easy to do for me to discount it. For those who are foregoing this because of pain - it is really not so painful - Plus - think of yourselves as warriors - in combat with hair loss. If you cannot think this way - then think of yourself as less than a woman who waxes - there is significantly more pain involved there. I have experienced some regrowth in the receding areas with the minoxidil alone - so I am hopeful that this will increase the density throughout. Again - this is a testament to the quality of the product and ease of the routine. Btw, I am light skinned and yet have no lasting redness of the skin where I had rolled. I am here to encourage those who are on the line debating whether to buy or not. There is a large picture and an adequate product description on E-bay. My hair grows fairly rapidly. I can see peach fuzz growing in in previously bald areas that the minoxidil alone wasn't working so well on (Again - I have to get a haircut about once a month). This same type of peach fuzz turned into full length hair when I used minoxidil alone before so I am hopeful. This new peach fuzz is filling in the areas between the less dense minoxidil alone area. Please give yourself a chance with this one. I am determined not to go to a systemic form of treatment....not yet at least... :innocent:


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Where did you guys order your novaderm or dermarollers?

I found the MTS brand dermaroller on ebay but it costs USD500, but there's another one by the same seller, ... dZViewItem costs cheaper at USD150.

An Australian company sells it too, it costs AUD150, still rather expensive.

Anyone ordered from here before? There's no price listed.

I can't find the novaderm brand on ebay, read a post that said it costs USD100.

I found 2 others, but not sure if they are good. Less than USD100. ... atid=82100 ... dZViewItem

Any help would be appreciated.


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I bought mine for $149.00 delivered from Australia. I just punched in Novaderm and it came up. I posted my experience with it just a couple of posts before this one. I am hopeful and I shall post my results some time in the future. The clearskin Novaderm 96 is the same one I had bought. Punch in E-bay (U.S.) and the product name Novaderm and it should appear with many other things. Look through all of the products and you will find it. When I first looked for it, I had followed a link and ended up with everything in AU dollars. Start at E-bay for the U.S. and hunt that way - then everything will be in U.S. dollars - $135 - $149 delivered.


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I'll draw blood a few times a session, but not on purpose. It's inevitable to accidentally do it if you're pushing hard enough to get underneath the skin every time.


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I've been using this thing 2-3 times a week for 3 months now. No noticable result yet - very disappointing. :dunno:


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I will say my shedding / itching / general oh-f*** feeling of my scalp that i've had since I quit finasteride has stopped. That's pretty positive for me.