So how DID GliSODin work out for people?


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Also I forgot to add that he sales an oral form of the SOD as well, which is far far superior to anything you can get on the market right now.

He actually helps develop at lot of new products and what not, so he has access to stuff before it even hits the market.


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squeegee said:
That protect 120 looks promising.. :punk: so much crap on the market.. I am taking NAC right now with MSM every by detoxifying the liver you are boosting the glutathione? I will probably go with GLisodin again.. Vitacost has a cheap 500mg one.. ... t-Catalyst
for the SOD and Glycine L-glutamine and NAC or cystein petide for Glutathione.. They keep saying that Selenium with NAC is the best? f*ck me lol what a pain in the arse..too much choice not enough studies. :gay:

Glutathione patches??? ... -skin-care

I've thought about applying that Protect 120 directly to my scalp.

LifeWave is another company that makes patches.

So many choices...which is best?...that's why I like to rotate things. Or just grab those things that are on sale :punk:


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purecontrol said:
Also I forgot to add that he sales an oral form of the SOD as well, which is far far superior to anything you can get on the market right now.

He actually helps develop at lot of new products and what not, so he has access to stuff before it even hits the market.

Is the website only supposed to show the email address??

I wonder if he could get the Protect 120 (sometimes called Protecus 120) cheaper...

What is his oral form of SOD? There's another company that sells a liquid version..can be used as eye drops even. I think it's a bovine source..and requires refrigeration or something. I'll see if I can dig it up.


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Jacob said:
purecontrol said:
Also I forgot to add that he sales an oral form of the SOD as well, which is far far superior to anything you can get on the market right now.

He actually helps develop at lot of new products and what not, so he has access to stuff before it even hits the market.

Is the website only supposed to show the email address??

I wonder if he could get the Protect 120 (sometimes called Protecus 120) cheaper...

What is his oral form of SOD? There's another company that sells a liquid version..can be used as eye drops even. I think it's a bovine source..and requires refrigeration or something. I'll see if I can dig it up.

Really good questions Jacob.

His website is down for the time being, so for now you just email him what you want and he will shoot you back prices.

The one problem with ordering new chemicals would be needing X amount of people since he has to purchase particular amounts. Perhaps one order is enough, perhaps more are needed.

The oral form is Zn/Cu SOD, I am not sure what the actual product is, but it is far far more effect than GliSOD, he can give you more information about that.

I simply do not have any reference with those other companies, and they could be very effective forms indeed. As for these form I am talking about, lot and I mean lots of people use it and for different purposes. The majority of us are athletes, and you can tell what works at the mitochondria by fatigue, sorness, reduced inflamation etc.


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Jacob said:
Here it is:

OUR SOD preparation provides a high potency superoxide dismutase as a nutritional antioxidant supplement, to scavenge such destructive superoxide radicals. It is available in dropper form, and can be used for eye health, and orally.

[quote:3st25ufo] Interactions/Precautions REFRIGERATION OF PRODUCT REQUIRED. *Do not use SOD solution if it becomes turbid.

This question would have to go to a chemist and they could tell you what is what and why some forms work so much better than others. You could ask this very question when you email him.

Personally I just know what I and other have used and what worked for us.


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purecontrol said:
Jacob said:
purecontrol said:
Also I forgot to add that he sales an oral form of the SOD as well, which is far far superior to anything you can get on the market right now.

He actually helps develop at lot of new products and what not, so he has access to stuff before it even hits the market.

Is the website only supposed to show the email address??

I wonder if he could get the Protect 120 (sometimes called Protecus 120) cheaper...

What is his oral form of SOD? There's another company that sells a liquid version..can be used as eye drops even. I think it's a bovine source..and requires refrigeration or something. I'll see if I can dig it up.

Really good questions Jacob.

His website is down for the time being, so for now you just email him what you want and he will shoot you back prices.

The one problem with ordering new chemicals would be needing X amount of people since he has to purchase particular amounts. Perhaps one order is enough, perhaps more are needed.

The oral form is Zn/Cu SOD, I am not sure what the actual product is, but it is far far more effect than GliSOD, he can give you more information about that.

I simply do not have any reference with those other companies, and they could be very effective forms indeed. As for these form I am talking about, lot and I mean lots of people use it and for different purposes. The majority of us are athletes, and you can tell what works at the mitochondria by fatigue, sorness, reduced inflamation etc.

Awesome thread guys! Keep the plugs coming lol!!!!! I will contact that dude.. I like the idea of SOD for recovery after exercises..People keep talking about it on anabolicminds and bodybuilding... and add-on for the hair as well..


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You can make some elderly person very happy by testing these theories on them. In particular, my grandmother's eyesight went from 20/50 to 20/30 (sometimes testing 20/20) while using Glisodin, and then eventually carnosine and taurine (on alternating days,) and zeaxanthin over a period of several months. She now neither needs glasses for reading or distance.

There's very little doubt in my mind that Glisodin works as studied. My biggest problem currently is finding the most effective way of increasing SOD, catalase and glutathione without breaking the bank.

Oh, I was going to post a link to those glutathione/carnosine patches, but Jacob beat me to it. Transdermal distribution holds some promise. In fact, I have been considering making my own patches, could be interesting.


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Any response from him Squeegee?

To make it even easier to choose :crazy: are some sublingual glut products:

I wonder if that Premier sublingual product is the Seteria it's made in Japan: "Our Glutathione Reduced is produced exclusively in Japan through a fermentation process and is pharmaceutical grade, the highest quality available."

More on Setria:

In their News section: Dr. Harry Demopoulos to Debunk the Oral Glutathione Absorption Myth At Natural Products Expo West


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So here is something that gets me. I have been applying this cream for a year now:

You can get it at Beyond A Century for $16 a pop. Lasts me a couple of months. Now, here is the kicker:

A spray without the Retinol A in it. Now, how potent is this? The cream is 25,000 PIU of S.O.D. and the spray is 50,000 PIU.

I know CCS has raved about Beyond a Century for years... Now, can I say for sure if this product is giving me good results, not sure because I use a lot of topicals..

This SOD talk is great!

Quick question and a recap. Is all this talk of Glutiothine mean it is a great addition as an internal remedy (well not full fledge remedy)?

Yes, SOD's are great and we need to get them in a potent form that we not only apply as a topical but internally as well?

Along with Hoppi and many others, I am here to learn as well and pool knowledge.

...wish we could conclude the efficacy of GTE topically...


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riptiduh said:
A spray without the Retinol A in it. Now, how potent is this? The cream is 25,000 PIU of S.O.D. and the spray is 50,000 PIU.

Aren't you a little suspicious and disturbed by what the label for the spray says? "Contains: water, SD ethanol, superoxide dismutase and 50,000 PIU Cu/Zn complex per 2 fl oz."

I find that rather off-putting. The obvious implication is that the superoxide dismutase is something separate from the Cu/Zn complex. If so, what exactly is this mysterious "Cu/Zn complex" of which they speak? What exactly is the "superoxide dismutase"?

By the way, I don't believe true superoxide dismutase even contains copper or zinc at all; however, there are certain substances with superoxide dismutase activity which certainly do, one of them being copper-peptides. Is this really just another simple copper-peptide product like Tricomin or Folligen, and they're using deceptive labelling and advertising to make us think that it's something different? :dunno:


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Bryan, I wish I knew as well. The amount of SOD and the Cu/Zn complex really stand out when you first take a look at the product. Any "Joe" for that matter would immediately think they stumbled upon an impressive product, and for so cheap.

Yes, I was extremely suspicious and skeptical about the product. I still am even though I used it for so long. I wish I knew what worked and what didn't because products like this are such a plague if efficacy is untrue..

However, if it was a simple product like Tricomin or Folligen, wouldn't it be a practical substitute for a small healthy(hopefully) dose of Copper Peptides?

:dunno: :(


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riptiduh said:
Bryan, I wish I knew as well. The amount of SOD and the Cu/Zn complex really stand out when you first take a look at the product. Any "Joe" for that matter would immediately think they stumbled upon an impressive product, and for so cheap.

Yes, I was extremely suspicious and skeptical about the product. I still am even though I used it for so long. I wish I knew what worked and what didn't because products like this are such a plague if efficacy is untrue..

Do you think it would be possible to write them or email them and simply ASK them for the answers to the questions I posed? Do you think they'd respond?

riptiduh said:
However, if it was a simple product like Tricomin or Folligen, wouldn't it be a practical substitute for a small healthy(hopefully) dose of Copper Peptides?

Maybe. But if my suspicions are correct, all bets would be off, as they say. If they could be that deliberately misleading, I don't know if I could trust them about anything else, like just how significant that "50,000 PIU" figure is.


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riptiduh said:
Bryan, I wish I knew as well. The amount of SOD and the Cu/Zn complex really stand out when you first take a look at the product. Any "Joe" for that matter would immediately think they stumbled upon an impressive product, and for so cheap.

Yes, I was extremely suspicious and skeptical about the product. I still am even though I used it for so long. I wish I knew what worked and what didn't because products like this are such a plague if efficacy is untrue..

However, if it was a simple product like Tricomin or Folligen, wouldn't it be a practical substitute for a small healthy(hopefully) dose of Copper Peptides?

:dunno: :(

#1 You should call them and at least let them explain themselves
#2 Yes there are different forms fo SOD ie Mn and Zn/Cu
#3 Ask them what they think and suggest, they are very honest about their products and have actually shamed me out of buy supplements. ie they told me I should be eating a better diet first and not take so many supps LOL


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Well, you always have to dig a little deeper.

Here is the actual product and company, seems Beyond a Century repackages it. ... spray.html

Ok, I've never done this before.. What exactly do I need to ask them?

What does the 50,000 PIU of SOD in your spray entail? What does that mean and how does that translate to actual product being absorbed? What exactly is the Cu/Zn complex? Wouldn't it be better if it was plain Cu/Zn or "Copper Peptides" instead of a complex? This can mean many things.
Do you have any in-house studies to backup why you have created such a product?

I feel like most companies I am going to get a slate which is copy and pasted by the customer service people that explains everything and at the same time, explains nothing.

Anyone have anything else they want me to ask?


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Ask them the same questions I asked before: What exactly is this mysterious "Cu/Zn complex" of which they speak? What exactly is the "superoxide dismutase"?


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Again, you have to dig deeper.. I get so rushed with finding information from other people, I sometimes forget to research myself before I run into the fray! That company might as well send the link for SOD from Wiki to me, which would answer all our questions.. What is important, is where they get their raw materials from and how it is processed to form their formula.

A quick look at Wikipedia:

Bryan, the first form of SOD1 does contain Cu/Zn in its naturally occuring state.

Purecontrol has been right all along. The Mn/SOD complex, a.k.a. SOD2 is the form found in the human Mitochondria, which would explain why this is much more important internally than SOD1.

There are three major families of superoxide dismutase, depending on the metal cofactor: Cu/Zn (which binds both copper and zinc), Fe and Mn types (which bind either iron or manganese), and finally the Ni type, which binds nickel.

* Copper and zinc – most commonly used by eukaryotes. The cytosols of virtually all eukaryotic cells contain an SOD enzyme with copper and zinc (Cu-Zn-SOD). (For example, Cu-Zn-SOD available commercially is normally purified from the bovine erythrocytes: The Cu-Zn enzyme is a homodimer of molecular weight 32,500. The two subunits are joined primarily by hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. The ligands of copper and zinc are histidine side-chains.[3]
* Iron or manganese – used by prokaryotes and protists
o Iron – E. coli and many other bacteria also contain a form of the enzyme with iron (Fe-SOD); some bacteria contain Fe-SOD, others Mn-SOD, and some contain both. (For the E. coli Fe-SOD: . Fe-SOD can be found in the plastids of plants. The active sites of Mn and Fe superoxide dismutases contain the same type of amino acid side-chains.
o Manganese – Chicken liver (and nearly all other) mitochondria, and many bacteria (such as E. coli) contain a form with manganese (Mn-SOD). (For example, the Mn-SOD found in a human mitochondrion: The ligands of the manganese ions are 3 histidine side-chains, an aspartate side-chain and a water molecule or hydroxy ligand, depending on the Mn oxidation state (respectively II and III).[4]
* nickel – prokaryotic. A hexameric structure built from right-handed 4-helix bundles, each containing N-terminal hooks that chelate a Ni ion. The Ni-hook contains the motif His-Cys-X-X-Pro-Cys-Gly-X-Tyr; it provides most of the interactions critical for metal binding and catalysis and is, therefore, a likely diagnostic of NiSODs.[5] [6]

Yea I know I know, Dr. Google. I just don't understand why people would put lies on Wikipedia. Isn't that monitored just like a British Encyclopedia would be? Ok, totally off topic..


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riptiduh said:
Again, you have to dig deeper.. I get so rushed with finding information from other people, I sometimes forget to research myself before I run into the fray! That company might as well send the link for SOD from Wiki to me, which would answer all our questions.. What is important, is where they get their raw materials from and how it is processed to form their formula.

No, it still wouldn't answer the most basic question of all: What is actually IN their product? Is it real human SOD, or simply a substance with SOD activity, like copper-peptides?

riptiduh said:
Bryan, the first form of SOD1 does contain Cu/Zn in its naturally occuring state.

Yes. As soon as purecontrol mentioned the word "manganese", I then slapped my forehead and yelled "Doh!!" :) I remembered that there were indeed natural copper/zinc and manganese forms of real human SOD, and possibly others. But there still remains the important issue of what exactly is IN those "SOD" products sold by Beyond-A-Century.


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Gotcha :)

Finished the email, waiting for a reply.

Let's keep our fingers crossed! At what, I don't know! The hope that it is effective SOD Copper peptides? One can only hope.

Thanks for the help Bryan


Ok, wait a minute.. What does Cu/Zn mean? Is that short for Copper Peptides? I really couldn't find anything about Copper Peptides other than products that have this in it.. Copper and Zinc..hmmm


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riptiduh said:
Ok, wait a minute.. What does Cu/Zn mean? Is that short for Copper Peptides?

It's short for copper/zinc. Any molecule that has copper and zinc in it.