So I Went On A Date With A Girl Last Weekend...



what does being a pretty boy have anything to do with the discussion of age?

it's all relative, but has no bearing on being rugged, or pretty.

I am simply stating that by the time you're 25 you have pretty much reached your maximum. You will probably look like this until 30-35 then you will start to inevitably age.
I was explaining that ageing works differently for different people.

Some people look better with age and some people go to hell.

Brendan Fraser was stunning in his twenties and now looks like death.
George Clooney was decent looking in his twenties but by the time he reached his late thirties he had suddenly become one of the most beautiful men alive.


Call me crazy, but I'm not convinced this girl broke it off with him because of his height. Sure, 5"8 isn't exactly the stuff of skyscrapers, but it's surely not short enough to be considered damaging. The average height for a girl is 5"6 in the USA/UK (dude's is 5"9 but anyway), so the OP is still going to be taller than the majority of women he meets and was most likely towering over this one too. Honestly, I've known tons of 5"8 slayers and, though they're admittedly a little rarer, a significant proportion of 6ft+ incels. Unless, you're maybe 5"5/5"6 or below, height is pretty much a non-factor. It's the face that's key (including hair obvs), along with physique. The latter you can work on, former you can't - though a toned body does make the face look sleeker. Sucks but that's life.


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Speaking of obesity, this chick i know who lost a lot of weight just posted on facebook about how someone told her she wasn't engaged because of her weight issues. Tons of chicks immediately hopped all over the post saying "it has nothing to do with her weight", and "she looked great before she lost it", that sort of thing...Honestly, it was a mean spirited thing for someone to say to her, but I'm blown away by these responses. I mean, she used to be huge...I seriously commend her for losing the weight, that takes an incredible amount of will power, but if people honestly don't think being obese will play a huge role in determining your sexual and romantic outcomes, they're beyond naive imo


Haha I think some fat chicks are hot. I'd be all over Rebel Wilson.


There are tons of fat guys with girlfriends.

The reason people support fat women is because the media has spent 50 years shaming them.


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Has nothing to do with height. Some of you guys need some life experience.

I have a few friends that are certified manlets (5'6) and none have issues pulling ***. In fact, one of my close mates is very monogamous. Seems to always have a new women in his life, after leaving the other.

My fleet manager seems to have the problem of former girlfriends, and women he's been with harassing him. it's like they cant get over him for whatever reason. Dumb broads seem to have issues moving on with there lives, and letting go.

Stop convincing yourself otherwise. it's not your body, it's not your height it's 100% face. After face, it's about connecting on a personal level. If you are one of those socially inept weirdos, who cannot carry fun conversations then you are going to get dumped a lot. Women will generally give you a chance, and a few dates but after that it's either a home run or going back home to your hand. Women get bored of predictable men, who live mundane lives. A lot, atleast where I am from want excitement. They want to be taken out, and have money spent on them.



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i googled rebel wilson... that creature... you really want to f*** THAT creature? what is wrong with you guys?


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There's a reason they are constantly pulling *** and not settling.

Girls don't want to introduce even a good-looking manlet to their family and friends.

It's the Facebook age, most girls are not going to be able to take the comments and mockeries.

So yeah, they may be good for quick f***, but boyfriend material? Not in this day and age.

Hence the thread and news article about height being the key to a successful mariage.

Money only matters if you don't have it.

yes it is like with black men (BBC) — a lot of girls want to f*** with them (even very attractive) but only a few ar able to overcome the shameness to go with them on public


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There's a reason they are constantly pulling *** and not settling.

Girls don't want to introduce even a good-looking manlet to their family and friends.

It's the Facebook age, most girls are not going to be able to take the comments and mockeries.

So yeah, they may be good for quick f***, but boyfriend material? Not in this day and age.

Hence the thread and news article about height being the key to a successful mariage.

Money only matters if you don't have it.
nobodies going to discriminate and use height against you to the point where they are hiding you from there parents, and friends unless you are literally a midget (under 5'6)

Do you seriously think because a man is short (5'6-5'9) he's going to be single, and alone?

If he was bald, and poor then YES... likely. But having one deduction is not going to put you in a range for failure.

It's all face, deal with it.

I would say a man would need to be in the extreme ranges of borderline midget territory (under 5'6) for height to make him incel.


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There are tons of fat guys with girlfriends.

The reason people support fat women is because the media has spent 50 years shaming them.

And now the media is supporting fat women because they make money off of it.
So many people are fat the advertisers have to appeal to them--its not just women men too.."dad' bods?

Its not good and its not healthy..forget about attractive/not attractive

And 50 pounds overweight IS technically obese--there is over weight, obese and then morbidly obese.


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Not incel when it comes to sex, but I've witnessed women drop short guys because their friends (mostly females) could not stop mocking the guy.

"I didn't know it was so short? Isn't it a problem for you?"
I can't speak for all short men, because I barely know any. Its rare that you see cuacasian, and men in general who are under 5'9.

I believe most Caucasian men on average are around 5'8-5'10


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Not incel when it comes to sex, but I've witnessed women drop short guys because their friends (mostly females) could not stop mocking the guy.

"I didn't know it was so short? Isn't it a problem for you?"

lmao so funny to see you hyping up the only thing you have going for you. You hair is sh*t (youre bald), youre ugly, have no masculine features, and youre talking about hype as if you were ever a slayer. Buddyboy, dont ever talk about women, they certainly dont talk about you...


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Yeah for sure they talking about you!!! The only woman which is talking about you is your mother on parents-teacher meeting, how good boy you are and for sure you're not insulting other friends.



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Damn, I caused some manlet rage again.

Fred I apologize for hurting your feelings. Im sorry, like seriously bro.

I just found it totally hilarious that you would be commenting on women when you are a walking anti-pussy. Im sorry, what I said was mean ok? No hard feelings right?


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i googled rebel wilson... that creature... you really want to f*** THAT creature? what is wrong with you guys?
It's called diversity of tastes. With a bit of maturity you hopefully will realise that every male on the planet doesn't think the same.

I hope it works for you.


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It's called diversity of tastes. With a bit of maturity you hopefully will realise that every male on the planet doesn't think the same.

I hope it works for you.


if THIS is Rebel Wilson it is not a DIVERSITY of tastes it is a DEVIATION


IF THIS IS BANGABLE EVEN by good looking guys like @tellersquill (solid 7.5/10) I am done.

I am f*****g done.

XY chromosome set in 2016 is flawed.