I'm sticking with my guns and saying Rebel is attractive.
As for media being in favour if fat people: Give me a break!
And I have no reason to say this because I'm in good shape, but come on!
How many fat people do you see in films who are not a comedy figure?
Nearly 50% of America is fat and yet you never see that in any film.
I think we white wash fat people out of the media or mock them - and by doing so it makes it seem more odd when someone says they think a person like rebel Wilson is attractive.
I not fat shaming at all i am not into that.
BUT YES media is turning to becoming more and more accepting of Big Is Beautiful bull sh*t
Big is unhealthy.
Im not talking voluptuous or a size 12 or even a size 14 girls.
These girls or women who are like Rebel Wilson, Gabby (Precious can't think of her name), Melissa McCarthy There is more i dont know there names---they are morbidly obese...I would say Ashley Graham is obese probably...
Even the fact that people think women who are MORBIDLy obese are just obese is showing that the line of what is considered fat is moving.
Fat is unhealthy take looks out of it for now thats personal preference and i dont care about that.
Its not a good message..
If a girl is 15 years old and struggling with 20 pounds and she's a size 12 Which for 15 is big--and she's feeling down about herself..and then she has these role models who are being adored and accepted and called beautiful or brave etc and they are a size 16--whats that 15 year old going to do? Get in shape and cut out the sweets or the emotional eating? OR is she going to say f*** it i can be big and beautiful too and put on an additional 50 pounds.
I can tell you 20 or 30 years ago we did not have "Plus size' Fashion shows. We did not always have immatiated girls either..
The age of the "super mode" With Cincy Crawford, Linda Evangelista, Claudia Schiffer, Elle McPherson etc--they were all healthy fit looking women..CIndy Crawford was a size 8. At that time average American women were size 8...Now? Average American women are size 14!!!
Its not goo its unhealthy---even if a girl who is 25 Like Ashley Graham who can look attractive sexy beautiful at a size 14---What size is she going to be in her 40s and 50s?
It not healthy.
Yo may f*** a few obese women because you find them attractive but you would be foolish to marry and have children because they are going to be unhealthy.
Can a woman turn it around? of course.
And dont even get me started with obese men because they have been on TV and in commercials for decades.
There is a HUGE difference between fat shaming and wanting the American People to wake up and be healthy.
The movie Wall-E i watched it once with my baby nephew and i was shocked how spot on it was where we are headed.