I remember you've said this quite a few times before and even gave examples (which were really weak sounding insults to be honest, like 15 year old "yo momma" style stuff) and my reaction, as it's probably been before, is that biting back at someone for making fun of your hair line very rarely makes you look good.
In all likelihood your response will either be weak, off topic and irrelevant, or it will be over the top harsh, and everyone will look down at you as a bitter bald guy who can't deal with this silly little hair loss thing lol. Either option is incredibly cringe worthy, equally so as it doesn't get much worse socially than either result.
I mean do you actually shut people down so fast when it comes to it? I'm sorry to doubt you but if you actually do this, and don't come off looking like a dick, then you have a talent at quips and comebacks that 99% of men do not have, and no it's certainly not "easy" in a group situation, getting your hair made fun of and coming up with a relevant comeback that doesn't sound childish or incredibly hate filled.
Dignified silence and ignoring it/changing the subject, and hope, just hope that someone around will feel some sympathy that you're uncomfortable and insecure with it (in my experience this has actually happened) is really the best option. For 95% of adults making fun of someone's looks is just a douche move anyway, even if it is over "just baldness", it's not socially acceptable past the age of 17 to randomly make fun of people, by not retaliating and freezing the person out of that situation, you remain dignified and make them look even worse.
Maybe you think that's a "pussy move" but hey, if you really do retaliate with people and give "comebacks" then I'd say it's very likely you don't realise people's reactions that you actually shift the balance into you looking like a dick.
I mean, do you have an example? Again I hate questioning you or calling you out on it, but an example of how someone made fun of your hair, and how you cleverly made fun of them and evaded the situation, to the approval of your social peers, this would really help people out if your advice is to act like you do.