Specifically tell me what you want me to address now and I will answer your specific question.
Just as I say I'm done, and I've explained everything 10 times, now you want to know? Now is the time you want to stop saying "Please let's stop talking about me", now that I'm done, you want specifics and don't want to constantly de-rail to some other sh*t I'm not even talking about? That is fucked up. Now you want to really talk about it, just as I say I can't be fucked anymore.
Anyway, I've already explained this by my sarcastic quote regarding you a few posts ago, here's the real one:
It gets repetitive after a while. You meet, you date, you f***, you repeat for a month and then end it. And then process begins again.
Whats the point after a while.
"ah jeese guise I'm so sick of all the casual banging I do lol" And also, that quote was in response to how a Chad get's sick of banging random women. Jus' sayin'.
Another humble brag is "what are we talking about? Twitter? Of course average guys like me do well, I get it all the time on there, and surely I'm not in the top 20%?!" (would anyone like to disagree with me?)
I said before you are smart and intentionally misleading away from the topic but I'm sorry, maybe that's just not the case, not everyone can be of even average intelligence I suppose.
After pointing out these specifics which couldn't be clearer, you're probably just going to tell me you aren't bragging because you never said you're a Chad, or some moronic bullshit like that again.
And tell me what's not bullshit about your arbitrary definition that a Chad has to be as good looking as one of the best looking men in Hollywood (ie. one of the best looking men in the entire world - likely top 50 or top 100 at his peak) to be a Chad.
This is all bullshit. It's not science. None of us are posting data or analyses. How many guys have you known that look as good as Matt Bomer?
As I said, I've never met a single one, and that's between all the high schools, universities, and work environments I've been in.
I call a guy who is top 5-10% Chad because all the guys who have fucked more girls than I could ever dream of were just that. They weren't top 0.00001% male models because those barely even exist in real life.
You see that's debatable bullshit, that's anecdotal discussion, and I said from the start that your definition of what "Chad" is differs from mine, and what I feel generally is seen as the idea of what a Chad is. But I acknowledged that it's down to personal definitions, it's just that I find yours is different from what most people would consider a Chad, but I wouldn't call that opinion "bullshit", just very different to what most people would agree on. I'm not going down the road of facts, just general consensus.
And I didn't say he
has to be Matt Bomer, I said he simply can't be a 7/10 or shaky 8/10, he has to be instant pantie wetter, without a debatable thought, for like 99% of women, he's instantly like, wow, any girl wants him, and only her circumstances or societies rules prevent her from putting his penis in her vagina.
Now, to a different matter.
Official bullshit is what you did, not just debatable opinions, "all the guys I know f*****g hundreds of hot girls" turned out to be "I know 2 who fucked one hundred girls, but there's more who could have done it!"
So you disagree with my opinion and think it's bullshit, but at least it's transparent and not intentionally misleading like your "facts" were. That's what a bullshit artist does, and you may agree with my opinion, but I haven't been a bullshit artist like you.
Amazingly I had this exact same conversation via PM with another poster here, and I mean exact same, and that's hilarious. He said about all the guys he knows f*****g hundreds of women, I actually questioned this number and he literally said it turned out to be 2. With plenty of other guys who could f*** hundreds if they wanted, but definitely get dozens, etc. etc.
Anyway, same as with that guy, it just throws your whole argument out the window. Once you start lying with the intention of misleading people to make a point, my trust for whatever you say gets quashed, as you're distorting the truth to slant towards your own biases. So how the f*** am I supposed to believe anything? Never mind facts, even just your opinions?
If it's all so heavily distorted that you'd even lie to prove a point, when it's a f*****g anonymous message board, like who cares, then that's extreme bullshit.