So Just How Much Of A Superchad Male Model Is Johnsonddg, Really?


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Okay saw the pics. He's a 6-7/10 depending on lighting/pic/build.

Thanks for the pic of you with the semi-hard on in your jogging pants. Just f*****g LOL. That does not help my day in any way, but thanks for sharing.

Also you're lucky Johnson - you look good with a shaved head. That's easy mode for balding. No wonder you just gave up after finasteride and never tried anything else.

How tall are you?

How easily have you been able to get women in North America vs. Asia? I imagine it's 10x easier in Asia.
5'11 mate and thanks for the fair assessment.

At the 6-7 mark you can have a decent dating life but 8s are hard to come by.

Dating is easier here to get laid and to get matches but for a quality relationship its easier back home because you share the same language and culture.

(I gave up on finasteride because it just didn't work for me - i'd love to be a full head)


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Is it beyond your imagination that I may have slightly low self esteem and body issues and see myself as uglier than I am?

I'm overcoming it but its been an issue my whole life. If I think I'm not attractive then its because of that confidence issue that I had since being teen.

That really had nothing to do with what I wrote. It doesn't matter how you view yourself at all, when you bring up your attractiveness and sexual fortune around others in a "humble" way to extract compliments from them, that's a humble brag.

Well actually now that you mention it, I can only think of two that I can say absolutely have fucked >100. They both loved to go out and drink and girls would gravitate to them everywhere they went.

I've known lots of other guys that fit the mold I described though and had at least dozens of hot girls with no effort, even if they never made the effort to rack up >100.

Well yeah, because when making grand statements on this topic guys often say sh*t that makes little to no sense, without even thinking about it. And you didn't say a hundred or more, you said hundreds of hot girls. Like what, you know a normal civilian Chad who's fucked 400 actual hot chicks? And not only do you know one, but "every single guy I know who fucks hundreds of hot girls" I mean, alright then.

I know you're trying to then claw back some validity to what you're saying "oh but they could've fucked 100 girls!" but how can I acknowledge anything you're saying when you'll clearly just exaggerate and bullshit even to yourself, just to prove a point.

I don't think you know sh*t, and you barely know anyone, just give vague blanket observations. Just like how you said it's so super easy in Asia, it may be easier sure, but it's not like you walk down the street to the corner shop and get a few blowjobs on the way, you really don't have a clue, and your experience is forums like these and reddit.

@Rudiger, you're freaking out for at least dozens of posts in multiple threads about a handsome guy who refuses to acknowledge sufficiently in the terms you want him to how handsome he is.

No quote.

Multiple threads being, that one thread, and this one you've now created as a result of it to sh*t stir even further, from the original one single thread that it happened in?

I probably wrote a dozen posts in that one thread, and now it's "dozens of posts in multiple threads" just like "every single guy I know f*****g HUNDREDS of HOT girls" lololol. Take a breath and realise how ridiculous you are.

But I don't really care how he acknowledges himself, like I say, nobody really gives a f***. It's somewhat relevant, but I probably have read more evaluations and self-evaluations on here about his attractiveness and experience than anyone else, and he definitely plays a part in stirring that up.

On 2nd thought from what I wrote before, I'd say he actually quite likes this thread. As long as it's not evaluating him mentally and his intentions, not that, just attractiveness, he'll be on board with that.


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So by saying I get laid and saying I'm not a chad is humble bragging?

To me a chad is someone like channin tattum - the ultra handsome jock type.


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Jesus dude @Rudiger do you have OCD? Or a fragile ego? You realize these diatribes are not normal? If you treat every conversation like a court of law or a criticism for a peer reviewed journal, you will not get far in life.

If you want to talk science, then let's start posting scientific studies. I will await your scientific proof for your definition of Chad, as well as the incidence and prevalence of this Chad and exactly how moist he does or does not make a woman's panties (please specify in mL of vaginal secretions).



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Yeah @JohnsonDDG , I'd love to be a 6/10. f*** I'd be happy with 5/10. I think even a 5/10 with good charisma/extroversion and maybe some wealth can have a great dating life. Hardly anyone anywhere is f*****g 8s unless they are paying. That's just life.

I've always dated 1-2 points up based on personality factors. It just doesn't help much when you're f*****g ugly. :D

Keep in mind by definition half of us are sub-5s who couldn't even dream of being 6-7/10. That's just statistics.

If you want to be full headed, why don't you try dutasteride/RU58841? finasteride is just scratching the surface.
I've strongly considered dutasteride but couldn't find any information about it in Vietnam so I stopped looking.

Yes, being a 6-7 is privileged in some way and speaking to people on here makes me realise. I said in another thread that when you are a 6 or a 7 you just compare yourself to the pitts or the depps or whoever and you feel non attractive in comparison.


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Jesus dude @Rudiger do you have OCD? Or a fragile ego? You realize these diatribes are not normal? If you treat every conversation like a court of law or a criticism for a peer reviewed journal, you will not get far in life.

If you want to talk science, then let's start posting scientific studies. I will await your scientific proof for your definition of Chad, as well as the incidence and prevalence of this Chad and exactly how moist he does or does not make a woman's panties (please specify in mL of vaginal secretions).


Diverting from a result of being a bullshit artist.


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So by saying I get laid and saying I'm not a chad is humble bragging?

To me a chad is someone like channin tattum - the ultra handsome jock type.

I gave a perfectly good example in quote marks, replicating what you said the other day, and you still don't seem to get it.

So I've given up all hope for you, but I know this is not an unpopular opinion about you, and clearly you don't give a f*** about addressing it. And it will carry on.


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I gave a perfectly good example in quote marks, replicating what you said the other day, and you still don't seem to get it.

So I've given up all hope for you, but I know this is not an unpopular opinion about you, and clearly you don't give a f*** about addressing it. And it will carry on.
Specifically tell me what you want me to address now and I will answer your specific question.


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Bragging and validation seeking is often a symptom of low self esteem.

In Johnson's case, he has that going on, plus he's a kind and passive guy.

Altogether it can come off as humble bragging.on the surface there's a resemblance.


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Specifically tell me what you want me to address now and I will answer your specific question.

Just as I say I'm done, and I've explained everything 10 times, now you want to know? Now is the time you want to stop saying "Please let's stop talking about me", now that I'm done, you want specifics and don't want to constantly de-rail to some other sh*t I'm not even talking about? That is fucked up. Now you want to really talk about it, just as I say I can't be fucked anymore.

Anyway, I've already explained this by my sarcastic quote regarding you a few posts ago, here's the real one:

It gets repetitive after a while. You meet, you date, you f***, you repeat for a month and then end it. And then process begins again.

Whats the point after a while.

"ah jeese guise I'm so sick of all the casual banging I do lol" And also, that quote was in response to how a Chad get's sick of banging random women. Jus' sayin'.

Another humble brag is "what are we talking about? Twitter? Of course average guys like me do well, I get it all the time on there, and surely I'm not in the top 20%?!" (would anyone like to disagree with me?)

I said before you are smart and intentionally misleading away from the topic but I'm sorry, maybe that's just not the case, not everyone can be of even average intelligence I suppose.

After pointing out these specifics which couldn't be clearer, you're probably just going to tell me you aren't bragging because you never said you're a Chad, or some moronic bullshit like that again.

And tell me what's not bullshit about your arbitrary definition that a Chad has to be as good looking as one of the best looking men in Hollywood (ie. one of the best looking men in the entire world - likely top 50 or top 100 at his peak) to be a Chad.

This is all bullshit. It's not science. None of us are posting data or analyses. How many guys have you known that look as good as Matt Bomer?

As I said, I've never met a single one, and that's between all the high schools, universities, and work environments I've been in.

I call a guy who is top 5-10% Chad because all the guys who have fucked more girls than I could ever dream of were just that. They weren't top 0.00001% male models because those barely even exist in real life.

You see that's debatable bullshit, that's anecdotal discussion, and I said from the start that your definition of what "Chad" is differs from mine, and what I feel generally is seen as the idea of what a Chad is. But I acknowledged that it's down to personal definitions, it's just that I find yours is different from what most people would consider a Chad, but I wouldn't call that opinion "bullshit", just very different to what most people would agree on. I'm not going down the road of facts, just general consensus.

And I didn't say he has to be Matt Bomer, I said he simply can't be a 7/10 or shaky 8/10, he has to be instant pantie wetter, without a debatable thought, for like 99% of women, he's instantly like, wow, any girl wants him, and only her circumstances or societies rules prevent her from putting his penis in her vagina.

Now, to a different matter.

Official bullshit is what you did, not just debatable opinions, "all the guys I know f*****g hundreds of hot girls" turned out to be "I know 2 who fucked one hundred girls, but there's more who could have done it!"

So you disagree with my opinion and think it's bullshit, but at least it's transparent and not intentionally misleading like your "facts" were. That's what a bullshit artist does, and you may agree with my opinion, but I haven't been a bullshit artist like you.

Amazingly I had this exact same conversation via PM with another poster here, and I mean exact same, and that's hilarious. He said about all the guys he knows f*****g hundreds of women, I actually questioned this number and he literally said it turned out to be 2. With plenty of other guys who could f*** hundreds if they wanted, but definitely get dozens, etc. etc.

Anyway, same as with that guy, it just throws your whole argument out the window. Once you start lying with the intention of misleading people to make a point, my trust for whatever you say gets quashed, as you're distorting the truth to slant towards your own biases. So how the f*** am I supposed to believe anything? Never mind facts, even just your opinions?

If it's all so heavily distorted that you'd even lie to prove a point, when it's a f*****g anonymous message board, like who cares, then that's extreme bullshit.


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Bragging and validation seeking is often a symptom of low self esteem.

In Johnson's case, he has that going on, plus he's a kind and passive guy.

Altogether it can come off as humble bragging.on the surface there's a resemblance.

Well look, I appreciate that I can be wrong about my assumptions here, but essentially what I've done repeatedly is given him a chance to address it and see where it comes off like this. Because I'm not just creating a fictitious gang here, I've probably heard in different forms about his "humble bragging" from at least a handful of people in the last year or whatever (not directly, just reading posts) and I never cared to notice it, but once you do, then you remember "ah, so this is what people are talking about".

I still don't know if he's done it intentionally, but in me bringing it up, he's done everything he can to NOT talk about it, and NOT get to the bottom of why people feel he's like this. In the other thread that this started from, it was just consistently "I'd love to talk about anything EXCEPT how I'm viewed" and I don't think he minds people talking about how he's viewed as long as it's in relation to his slayerdom, good looks, big dick, all that's a-OK.

Either it's just an incredibly strange reactionary way of how a guy with low-self esteem will behave (possible), or in a more simple way, he enjoys vaguely relating topics to his sexual experience, he likes the humble bragging, and he doesn't want to acknowledge there's truth to this so he intentionally avoids tackling the subject.

The biggest avoidance was to Roberto, who is a mod that is passive and rarely gets involved in such criticisms, so when he says something against you, you should probably sit up and listen. His response was "Aren't you a fullhead though?" I mean, what the f***. Absolutely no consideration for anything he wrote, no self-reflection or awareness, and writes something that completely removes himself from anything challenging about himself, and is totally beyond the context of the situation.

To me that seems intentionally avoiding the subject, and that's most likely for some sort of reason.


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Well look, I appreciate that I can be wrong about my assumptions here, but essentially what I've done repeatedly is given him a chance to address it and see where it comes off like this. Because I'm not just creating a fictitious gang here, I've probably heard in different forms about his "humble bragging" from at least a handful of people in the last year or whatever (not directly, just reading posts) and I never cared to notice it, but once you do, then you remember "ah, so this is what people are talking about".

I still don't know if he's done it intentionally, but in me bringing it up, he's done everything he can to NOT talk about it, and NOT get to the bottom of why people feel he's like this. In the other thread that this started from, it was just consistently "I'd love to talk about anything EXCEPT how I'm viewed" and I don't think he minds people talking about how he's viewed as long as it's in relation to his slayerdom, good looks, big dick, all that's a-OK.

Either it's just an incredibly strange reactionary way of how a guy with low-self esteem will behave (possible), or in a more simple way, he enjoys vaguely relating topics to his sexual experience, he likes the humble bragging, and he doesn't want to acknowledge there's truth to this so he intentionally avoids tackling the subject.

I didn't catch your prolonged exchange with him so I can't comment on that, nor much on recent developments. I've been very busy, tired, and not paying attention, sorry.

Just taking everything you're saying at face value, I'm simply getting that Johnson is not in the mood to discuss himself or his problems at this time. Why is that not ok?

(Perhaps) he's in a fragile state. He's open to discussing his slay count and his big dick, but not his failings.

What's driving you to push on this issue today?


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he is 7



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I didn't catch your prolonged exchange with him so I can't comment on that, nor much on recent developments. I've been very busy, tired, and not paying attention, sorry.

Just taking everything you're saying at face value, I'm simply getting that Johnson is not in the mood to discuss himself or his problems at this time. Why is that not ok?

(Perhaps) he's in a fragile state. He's open to discussing his slay count and his big dick, but not his failings.

What's driving you to push on this issue today?

It started from a simple joke and snowballed, I believe it's an issue he has or at least it comes off as that, and his half assed batting away of it is what starts the "drive" in me. To get an answer, or acknowledgement, something.

I will say that a few times I've attempted to be done with it, and in the last one he then asks what the specifics are, after I've explained a dozen times and he just wrote playfully out of context comments that had nothing to do with what I was saying (similar to what I just edited in to my last post about Roberto).

I still don't know how intentional that is, but if he's going to continue acknowledging/engaging with me then he should at least give a decent response. If he doesn't want to know anymore, or if he didn't want to know in the first place after my initial joke, then there's no reason to keep going.

I'm definitely not a persistent annoyance or threat to Johnson, so this isn't a case that he has to stand up against me, I merely make the odd joke here and there and while this one had a bit of malice behind it, normally it's just casual "banter" that I don't think he'd mind, and others do the same.


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Bragging and validation seeking is often a symptom of low self esteem.

In Johnson's case, he has that going on, plus he's a kind and passive guy.

Altogether it can come off as humble bragging.on the surface there's a resemblance.
I would say that's a fair assessment.

I don't think the self esteem thing will ever truly go away either.


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Okay, after reading numerous threads where people are arguing with and about @JohnsonDDG and how much of a validation seeking SuperChad he is despite his NW3 (which he says is progressing to an NW5), I have to ask - just how good looking is this guy?

I'm honestly very curious to know how ridiculously Chadded a guy has to be in order to still get "plenty of Tinder matches" and "easy sex" despite being a NW3 and 30+. And to have gay guys on this forum literally jacking off to his casual face pics and how "masculine" he looks.

What is this guy? A Hollywood reject or something?

Seriously wondering. No ill intent. For real. Just curious. (No homo.) :)
Yo just jelly!


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Can I ask you a personal question without you getting offended?

Do you know what the word pedantic means? Does your pedantic and overly literal requirement for communication interfere with your personal or business success?

I just ask because I'm not sure you realize that exaggeration is a common rhetorical advice used by even the most successful men. It is used by most people on a daily basis. Look at Donald Trump if you want an example. He exaggerates to the point of blatantly lying, but it has made him successful beyond imagination (most powerful man in the world) because it is a compelling rhetorical device. Steve Jobs was another person who did this on a regular basis and it propelled Apple into the stratosphere.

If you think exaggeration or using loose quantities in conversations is a crime, you've lost comprehension for how normal people interact. You are likely hobbling your own success for the sake of "accuracy", which matters little unless as stated, we're in a court of law or this is a peer-reviewed work of science. It is neither.

I know both of the ones I referenced have gone way past the point of keeping numbers or knowing how many they've fucked. I'm sure one is >200, maybe even >300. I'm not sure if the other is just >100 or >200 as well.

Both are 7/10 6' extroverted white guys. I fail to see how you could not call either a Chad given that virtually any night they'd go to the bar, they'd go home with a hot girl and no effort except being their natural loudmouthed and handsome selves for it.

Also I don't think you need to f*** hundreds of girls to be a Chad. I call the other guys I was talking about Chads too because they've had an endless string of ridiculously attractive girls date them with also no major effort. Again, typically 7/10 6' white guys.

If I knew an 8 or 9, they would probably have even more success like you're talking about, but as I said, they mostly exist in TV/magazines/movies. Guys that attractive are virtually nonexistent in the real world. eg. I just walked through a mall today with thousands of people in it and of the hundreds (yes hundreds) I observed with my own eyes, I don't think I saw a single guy over 6.5/10.

That's the real world. I still maintain that establishing a definition of Chad that requires a guy be so rare in his attractiveness that you can't name a single guy (or more than one) you personally have known IRL to match the definition is silly.

I'm concise and to the point in real life because you simply have no other option. If the circumstance gives me a chance to communicate more thoroughly then I can do that as well, people have remarked this is very impressive in the way I fire off with it, like in job interviews for example (I haven't done one in a while though, and then I was the interviewer, and now I usually decide for another supervisor to do the interviewing, if you want some sort of insight to my "success").

Haha, you are comparing your bullshit artistry to being Donald Trump. And by the way that man is a success because of a reactionary divided and fucked up society, and a business success because of family finances, family ties (way more important), and banks bailing him out of billions of dollars of debt. I'm not saying he's not a talented an impressive man, because he definitely is, but what a piss poor example.

And regardless, even if he is a genuine success and not the result of some bizarre set of circumstances, your argument is basically "I can bullshit because successful people do it!" well, feel free to feel that way but you'll be surrounded by bad company if that's the kind of attitude you like to replicate. I certainly don't have time for it, and nor would my friends.

I don't really care for the rest of your post, it doesn't even matter anyway because it's not right or wrong, it's just opinions. But like I say I can't trust your facts never mind your opinions, and in defending your bullshit facts you've made it even worse, so I don't care anymore. That's what happens when you not only bullshit, but then start defending how much of a bullshit artist you are.


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What worries me is the obsession some of you have with another man's looks.
You bunch of jaw flapping old women.

Who cares!!! Let him be.


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Of course I'm jelly! I'd f*****g kill to be considered handsome! I'd kill just for average!

At least I'm honest about it. :)
Fair enough but find something constructive to do with your resentment rather then calling out another man.
Show some humility and class, please.