It really is the first thing the internet thinks of when white/Asian combo is mentioned.
It really is the first thing the internet thinks of when white/Asian combo is mentioned.
Young Travis Fimmel in other wordsAustralia. Basically pretty boys with amazing model hair styles, especially long hair. Not too tall, very low body fat and a tiny bit of muscle (think brad pitt fightclub). Not too masculine, often quite feminine with girlish skin. Either dense facial hair but buzzed very short that still looks clean or clean shaven.
The guys I know my age (22) who get very young girls (high school) very regularly all have hair greater than shoulder length and do man buns. The key is that they have many feminine features.
well white guys are like a foot taller and 50 pounds heavier on average lmao.Its hard to know for sure.
We are far wealthier than most southeast Asian men for a start which elevates our status. Also its in vogue to have a mixed ethnicity child Asian/white.
Other factors are visa and marriage related which make it hard to assess whether its genuine attraction or a marriage out of convenience.
Further factors are that Asian men don't chat up women in bars so you kind of have free reign of the place.
Lastly, domestic violence is super high here and they say western men as people who wouldn't hit a woman (which is not true but its less probable than an Asian doing so).
Yep.well white guys are like a foot taller and 50 pounds heavier on average lmao.
he chose a male model, any male model is gonna be hot. asian and white mixed girls are fine, guys are often shitty looking lol. that could just be the type of ugly beta white dudes who have to settle for asians thoughTwo of the best-looking people I know are half-Asian and half-white.
got a source on that other than anecdotes? always seemed like a hardcore cope for modern asian dudes lol, to claim todays asians are taller.Yep.
Although the new generation are more like 5'9 on average because they have better diets than their parents.
I teach in schools and some the 16 year olds are as tall as me (5'11).got a source on that other than anecdotes? always seemed like a hardcore cope for modern asian dudes lol, to claim todays asians are taller. teach in schools and some the 16 year olds are as tall as me (5'11).
Very contrasting to see the difference between them and their parents.
Its akin to the height jump that the UK had pre ww2 and post ww2.
The older ones are midgets.
5'5 average height for vietnamese men in this study
5'4 average height of vietnamese men in this one older ones are midgets.
When the new generation come of age over the next 5 years those numbers will shoot up 2 or 3 inches on average.
Good to see Asians getting healthier - Vietnam is going to be an Asian superpower in the next ten years - the growth in Saigon and hanoi is already out of this world, especially compared to the likes of Cambodia and Thailand.
"Accordingly, the average height of Vietnamese people aged 22-26" that article was about young people
i couldn't find the age range for the other article. your experience isn't representative of the whole country. even going by the increases theyve been having vietnam wont increase much
lol its funny at this point i'd almost prefer hot people who know their superiority rather than fake modestyThis is Johnson you're talking to, he's plausibly looking at the two or three tallest people and concluding that they're average, as doing so will maximize his insecurity.
You also have to remember that british people aren't as brash as other nationslol its funny at this point i'd almost prefer hot people who know their superiority rather than fake modesty
of course ideally there's a balance. you can be honest about it but also not be a dick
That's why you humble brag instead of just brag.You also have to remember that british people aren't as brash as other nations.
We always put ourselves down and are very self critical and self deprecating.
Perhaps; if we say we're good at anything we are mocked without mercyThat's why you humble brag instead of just brag.
We have the same culture down here in Australia.Perhaps; if we say we're good at anything we are mocked without mercy