So today my roommate said I looked rather ill


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I was having a really bad day hair-wise and when I got back to my apartment my roommate promptly told me that I looked ill. I knew immediately it was due to my hair because for some reason I had a lot of excess sebum production today making my hair look very thin. The thing is that his comments are making me consider just getting a buzz cut which makes me depressed at the thought. What are your opinions? Should I keep my side part with thin hair(I'm diffuse thinning) or should I try a buzz cut? The thing is that I kinda like the look of my hair for about half the day but then the oil builds up and I'm embarrassed to even be seen.


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What number are you thinking about buzzing it to? IMO usually buzz cuts aren't the best style for diffuse thinning, unless you don't have full coverage anymore but I don't think youre that far gone..You might just be going through a minoxidil shed and it seems thinner right now?


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Buzz it.

Don't be that guy with the thinning mane grown out. It doesn't look good and accentuates your lack of follicles. Buzz may not be stylish but it will at least look clean and manageable.


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Well, depends on how thin he is of course..If I remember correctly from his pictures, he isn't all that thin yet and is on treatment. Maybe hes just a bit anxious today from the comments he heard from his roommate. But nothing wrong with buzzing it and seeing how it looks and if he prefers it more


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If you want a reality check.

Go outside when the sun is shining broad day light and look at your scalp in the car door mirror. Not for the faint hearted but will give you a better idea of what people actually see.

Indoor mirrors are deceptive


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^ Must it be on a bright sunny day? What about a cloudy day? Indoor mirrors are deceptive? Nope. Lighting varies, harsh lighting can make even people with full heads of hair look thin. E4veryone looks a bit sickly when they look greasy, and hair always looks extra thin when greasy. Not a reason to buzz your head. Nobody wants to be the combover guy, but the shave it advice has really been taken to extremes There is a point when it's time to shave it, but it's not when your hair looks thin while greasy or when your scalp is visible in a car door mirror on a bright day, those things are true even of some non balding people and women.

Wolf Pack

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As soon as I read OP's title I figured he was a diffuser. I don't actually know how his hair looks so will refrain from saying buzz it. But if it's severely diffused when grown out, I would personally buzz it on myself. Only you know yourself, don't be clouded by comments here and there. It may be uniform looking but it's cleaner.


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The problem with asking for advice on a hair loss site, is that we're all going to project our own neuroses on you. You really have to decide for yourself when it is time to shave, along with every other decision, from drugs, side effects, surgery, styling, inferiority complexes, societies perception. Your mileage may vary. I recently met a young man, 23, with thinning and diffuse hair. He kind of styles it and combs it forward in such a way that it still looks good. He shaves the sides and grew out the hair on top a bit. Some people may say it's time to shave it for him, but I disagree, I think he's making the most of what he's got while he's got it, and while harsh light may show scalp, I think he's doing the right thing for now. Matt Skiba is a great example. He styled his hair as best he could, even well into NW3 territory, and he looked better for it. Then when the time came, he shaved. Don't rush for the bic! (that's me projecting my neurosis!).


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The problem with asking for advice on a hair loss site, is that we're all going to project our own neuroses on you. You really have to decide for yourself when it is time to shave, along with every other decision, from drugs, side effects, surgery, styling, inferiority complexes, societies perception. Your mileage may vary. I recently met a young man, 23, with thinning and diffuse hair. He kind of styles it and combs it forward in such a way that it still looks good. He shaves the sides and grew out the hair on top a bit. Some people may say it's time to shave it for him, but I disagree, I think he's making the most of what he's got while he's got it, and while harsh light may show scalp, I think he's doing the right thing for now. Matt Skiba is a great example. He styled his hair as best he could, even well into NW3 territory, and he looked better for it. Then when the time came, he shaved. Don't rush for the bic! (that's me projecting my neurosis!).

Indeed do it on your own term, asking others is just asking for all sorts, due to the opinions they give, you get people what are like "dont do it you will look ill" and the comment you want to see "you will look fine, do it". Its up to you.


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I'm going to post some pictures of how my hair looks in the morning and then every few hours throughout the day on Saturday just so you guys get a better idea of my situation.
The pictures will be in a single post


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If you're happy with how your hair looks before it gets oily, I'd suggest applying dry shampoo midday. In addition to absorbing oil, it tends to make hair look and feel thicker.


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I'm sure I would do way worse with medium length hair, I just look goofy. Well I did in fact.

Hellouser explained that there are indeed some guys who look better with a shaved head.

I am one of these guys. And yes some women can tell the difference between bald and shaved.

I've heard countless times women saying: "I don't date bald guys, but shaved by choice is OK."

Look around online, they say it too. It's delusional to think there is no difference between a shaved NW1 and a slick NW6.

You say being bald is not being a loser, just unattractive. But doesn't being unattractive automatically make you a loser through the Halo effect?

I have seen some ugly people in my life or just through the internet but never automatically consider them to be losers. But I guess that is just because I went through a lot an know better because of that.

Agustin Araujo

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Everyday is a bad hair day for many of us on here.

dusty, I suggest to do what you feel most comfortable with, just don't focus too much on what other people say and think. If you prefer to buzz it, then buzz it. If you prefer to leave your hair as it is, then leave it.


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Yes, huge difference due to framing. Those bald by choice have the hairline. Mentally, the girl doesn't think the dude is balding/bald. He can still grow his hair out, but he chooses not to "Wow what an alpha-dog." When you're NW7 bald, the frame goes away, thus the forehead is revealed. There is a HUGE difference in physical appearance, and also psychologically, the girl is not turned on by your bald head. They would be if they saw stubble up there, with a hairline.

Also, some people look better buzzed down.. But no one looks better slick bald.


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The problem with asking for advice on a hair loss site, is that we're all going to project our own neuroses on you. You really have to decide for yourself when it is time to shave, along with every other decision, from drugs, side effects, surgery, styling, inferiority complexes, societies perception. Your mileage may vary. I recently met a young man, 23, with thinning and diffuse hair. He kind of styles it and combs it forward in such a way that it still looks good. He shaves the sides and grew out the hair on top a bit. Some people may say it's time to shave it for him, but I disagree, I think he's making the most of what he's got while he's got it, and while harsh light may show scalp, I think he's doing the right thing for now. Matt Skiba is a great example. He styled his hair as best he could, even well into NW3 territory, and he looked better for it. Then when the time came, he shaved. Don't rush for the bic! (that's me projecting my neurosis!).
Speaking of Skiba..... He writes some wickedly poetic and dark lyrics (to go over those brilliant melodies).

Do you think his own hairloss played a part in his whole attitude to life in general?

I mean his lyrics are very neurotic, I love most of them.
But it can't of been easy for him to be balding at early 20's.
While also fronting a band that was just starting to gain wider exposure.

Would like your opinion on Matt Skiba's journey.


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Speaking of Skiba..... He writes some wickedly peotic and dark lyrics (to go over those brilliant melodies).

Do you think his own hairloss played a part I'm his whole attitude to life in general?

I mean his lyrics are very neurotic, I love most of them.
But it can't of been easy for him to be balding at early 20's.
While also fronting a band that was just starting to gain wider exposure.

Would like your opinion on Matt Skiba's journey.
oh **** . . . . i see he is the lead singer of alkaline trio . . . . ****in nostalgia man

i remember hearing them back in the mid 2000s in the midst of the hair days, just reveling in having longer hair and feeling like a rocker listening to it lol. WOW at him being a norwood, i never wuda expected it.

his music is so teen angsty and such


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Wolf, I think the fact that you and Fred come from two different "worlds" you will never see "eye to eye". He comes from a world where you go bald very young and you don't. That is what he, UCman, and Exodus have been preaching for years. And they are right. Hopefully, eventually Fred will be able to move past his "situation" and become some type of positive mentor like Joe Tillman.

I really think this forum should be divided into two sections. NW1 to NW3 and NW4 to NW7. And neither one can post in each other's forum. Of course, there will always be a hierarchy of NWs but it might lessen the "blow". Unfortunately, there are not going to be many NW4's and above posting because most high Norwood's get a transplant or feel its too late to do anything.

In all reality, since this forum is not going to be divided, I guess its best to learn how to coexist and respect each other's view and realize you don't have to always agree. I think most men with low self esteem come on this forum with the goal for self validation to feel just a little more positive about their situation. In the above post, that is a fine example how self validation could make someone feel alot better about themselves. When it becomes a "pissing contest" that is when most "bromances" end. Its best to keep this forum at a "bromance" level and I think it will be more enjoyable.


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No matter what, we all are insecure in some way or another otherwise we would never be here. I struggle with insecurity every day and even if I got a transplant tomorrow it would not change my insecurity. The only thing that can change my insecurity is me mentally not physically. This forum is part of my therapy and it has helped me see how insecure most humans tend to be.