Socks' story - (general thinning, pics included)


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badasshairday said:
Yea dude, how long do you plan on staying on oral spironolactone? Aren't you worried about the long term effects?

Long-term side-effects as in what?


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socks said:
badasshairday said:
Yea dude, how long do you plan on staying on oral spironolactone? Aren't you worried about the long term effects?

Long-term side-effects as in what?

Hopefully for ur sake none. Only time will tell.

How long do you plan to stay on oral spironolactone??? Do you have a time period in mind. What if you stop? Do you lose everything in 4 months or so like other orals?


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badasshairday said:
i don't know. turning into a girl...

Come on man! I think I've already made clear in this thread that spironolactone is not going to change you into a woman.


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LookingGood! said:
socks said:
badasshairday said:
Yea dude, how long do you plan on staying on oral spironolactone? Aren't you worried about the long term effects?

Long-term side-effects as in what?

Hopefully for ur sake none. Only time will tell.

How long do you plan to stay on oral spironolactone??? Do you have a time period in mind. What if you stop? Do you lose everything in 4 months or so like other orals?

I plan on staying on spironolactone indefinitely. No dobut, if one was to stop an anti-androgen therapy w/o substituting it for something equal or greater one is going to lose hair to the point pre-determined by one's genetics.


it just doesn't seem like it could be all that good for you in the long run. Some adverse health consequences could result. Have you thought of experimenting with lowering your dosage? Maybe finding an optimal minimum would be better.


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badasshairday said:
it just doesn't seem like it could be all that good for you in the long run. Some adverse health consequences could result. Have you thought of experimenting with lowering your dosage? Maybe finding an optimal minimum would be better.

I dont know why spironolactone wouldnt be any less healthy for you then any other given drug (generally speaking). I have read though that after a prolonged period on spironolactone one can lower the dosage and still maintain the same hairloss preventing effects.

Ideally, for the ease and money, I would like to be able to take 100mg (broken into 50mg pm and am) daily. My plan is to give it one more year on 200mg (total of 2yrs) and then drop it down to 150mg for 6 months and then to 100mg. So, if all things go well, by my 2.5 year I should be down to 100mg.


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Have you ever tried topical spironolactone along with minoxidil and the oral finasteride (when u were on it back in the day?)

Topical spironolactone was proven to inhibit type 1 DHT in the skin. No reported sides. JUst curious.


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hey bra,

are you alive ?

update us about how'r ya doing with 200mg and please check your pm.. :eek:


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I'm glad to see your results. Can you make a norwood progression/regression resume since oral spironolactone? Thanks.


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Hello socks, I found your story very interesting and I'm glad for your incredible results. I' m taking oral spironolactone too, cause I think it can be helpful for me, considering my Androgenetic Alopecia pattern (not great recession in hair line but diffuse thinning on all top of my head and vertex). I' m on OS since 4 months, i noticed regrowth in temples but not great thickening in the front-mid scalp. Did you see noticeable results after 4 months? Do you think I have to wait 6-8 months to understand if OS is working for me, as it worked for you? I'm on finasteride too, since 8 months.
I have a lot of questions for you, but i will start with these ones, thank you!


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i omitted the most important detail, i ' m taking 100mg... should i increase the dose to 200??


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Well I had to scale back on the spironolactone after re-adding Finasteride. It would help if you posted some pics of your hair.


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Well, I re-did my story on page one if anyone is interested. After all these years of hairloss (5yrs now) I felt it needed to be updated. So my story as it appears on page 1 is the definitive current account of my hairloss journey and two-cents :D


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Hello socks, i'm glad that you're having amazing results and give us hope.

About norwood scale: you were worse than your picture in 2003? Or that is your worse?


Great read, I have developed a similiar "frontal cowlick" as you did in 2003 but mine disappeared by finasteride within the last weeks. A little success for me (hopefully just the beginning). I am particularly interested about whether your spironolactone results can be maintained by Finasteride only. Good Luck mate!