I was going to go from here again for awhile, but i thought i would send some postivity once and a while instead enjoy
It's easy to motivate yourself when you are a NW1.
Its up to you dude, its simple, either carry on worrying about it (like i use to) or turn things around and make things better (like i am now), we all need postivity once and a while, it will be hard but thats life at last try, but again its up to you i know what i will be doing.
Evil locks what is your Norwood??
Females are rated on the Ludwig scale. See one that matches?
Waiting for ol danny boys response to evil. Should be interesting.
But since I cant find the thread where you asked the question about my hair transplant plans evil, I will answer you here. Im still conflicted. I dont make alot of money and I would have to save for quite some time besides looking into getting a loan. The higher up you go in the Norwood scale, the more difficult your chances of regaing an acceptable amount of hair. I say acceptable instead of full because I already know that us baldies always have to keep our expectations low, unless you have an unusually dense amount of donor hair. I would consider an acceptable amount of coverage to be everything from my natural hairline nack to the crown to be thick enough to where you dont see scalp through it. I already know that it isnt possible and the best I can hope for is diffused coverage which is why smp would be needed to fill the gaps.... so after all the expense of an hair transplant and smp, I would still be forced to shave everyday albeit with some sort of shadow on top but not convincing enough when grown out at all.
I already responded on the 1st page of this thread .
Yes indeed you did. There is no way anybody can watch that Rocky video and still have a negative attitude toward balding. NO WAY!
Hi uc man, thanks for your response. I still believe you would benefit tremendously from a hair transplant, if you look at Fred he's much happier now that he has some hair on his head, although not optimal coverage still an acceptable coverage for him. Of course you make the final decision. I wish you good luck no matter what, you deserve to be happy! Shame this baldness thing came around to f*ck up our lives, right?