Some more positivity


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Yup, whenever the subject comes up with my wife she gives me the same song and dance that anyone else would. I made the mistake of respondimg to her once by saying "well at least I know one woman who understands how it is" refering to you of course. She wasnt to happy to hear that as she is the jelly type but I talked her down, lol.
UM, if I were rich enough, I would seriously finance a hair transplant for you and I am being totally serious. After all these years, I would just once want to see you post something good happened to you by a total stranger.


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The only positivity I'll ever acknowledge is a cure for hair loss. Fuck every other lame spiritual advice, that doesn't solve being a social reject that we have means of deterring otherwise.


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The only thing positive about hair loss in my opinion, is that in some cases, it will motivate you not to screw up your life even more.

It motivated me to stay thin, to eat healthy, to finish university, to meet women while I was still young, the list is endless.

On the flip side, I also had moments when I wanted to give on life because of hair loss. I'm glad I never really did when I look back.

I see a lot of NW1 guys just wasting all their potential because they always have that beautiful full head of hair to fall back on.

We don't have that luxury, hair loss has made us aware that life, youth and health are precious and that we should value them.
Fred, I am glad you never gave up on life too. I always enjoy your presence in this forum. You are one of my favorites on here.


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The only thing positive about hair loss in my opinion, is that in some cases, it will motivate you not to screw up your life even more.

It motivated me to stay thin, to eat healthy, to finish university, to meet women while I was still young, to expand my knowledge etc.

On the flip side, I also had moments when I wanted to give on life because of hair loss. I'm glad I never really did when I look back.

I see a lot of NW1 guys just wasting all their potential because they always have that beautiful full head of hair to fall back on.

We don't have that luxury, hair loss has made us aware that life, youth and health are precious and that we should value them.

If it made you to see better things in life thats great, im glad you never let it stop you in those cases, sure you still worry etc, but aslong there is some postivity in you somewhere thats good, i just hope one day it helps you to not worry about it at all.


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Yup, whenever the subject comes up with my wife she gives me the same song and dance that anyone else would. I made the mistake of respondimg to her once by saying "well at least I know one woman who understands how it is" refering to you of course. She wasnt to happy to hear that as she is the jelly type but I talked her down, lol.

Haha, that's funny. I'm the last person she should be jealous of though... The LAST!

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The only thing positive about hair loss in my opinion, is that in some cases, it will motivate you not to screw up your life even more.

That's not true in my case... Baldness made me want to hide inside, so it screwed up my education first, then my job, my friends and my relationship. Basically my entire life came crashing down on me and now I have no motivation to do anything... I just try to get through each day and tell myself that's one less day I'll have to live the baldness hell... Sad but true. One day though, I'll have to do something. I can't spend the rest of my life, however long that is, hiding in a room. I just don't know how to make that first step without hair, maybe the first step is getting fake hair I dunno. Seems horrible but that's about my only option.


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[COLOR=silver said:
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I just don't know how to make that first step without hair, maybe the first step is getting fake hair I dunno. Seems horrible but that's about my only option.

EvilLocks, have you considered starting with extensions and maybe continuing with Toppik? Or do you shed ungodly amounts of hair every day like I do, thus making extensions worthless? If not, at least you wouldn't have to remove them every day like a topper.


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EvilLocks, have you considered starting with extensions and maybe continuing with Toppik? Or do you shed ungodly amounts of hair every day like I do, thus making extensions worthless? If not, at least you wouldn't have to remove them every day like a topper.

I just ordered some tape extenions so we'll see how that goes. I just hope I'll be able to hide the bonds under my painfully thin locks. It will buy me some time at best..

My shed is definitely higher than it was when my hair was healthy, but not alarmingly high at the moment. Yesterday in the shower I lost like 3 hairs that I could tell. Probably more that I didn't see though. I lose more throughout the day though.


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What ever you guys do, i hope it works out somehow, take care.

Agustin Araujo

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DannyBoyy, I won't ever be able to move on from having Male Pattern Baldness. I just cannot not care about hair loss. That's how I am.


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DannyBoyy, I won't ever be able to move on from having Male Pattern Baldness. I just cannot not care about hair loss. That's how I am.

Never say never dude, remember i worried for about two years myself before i stopped.


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Never say never dude, remember i worried for about two years myself before i stopped.

What Norwood are you? From my experience, the less the Norwood, the more positive the person is about hair loss.


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What Norwood are you? From my experience, the less the Norwood, the more positive the person is about hair loss.

I dont know since when ever i look at the pics of them i cant tell which one is mine, but i can say that the "hairline" has moved to the middle of my head meaning the front is gone, and if i was to grow it the back bit would be patchy i can slighty see it now at stubble length, so you could imagine what it will look like fully grown out.


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Yes sadly it's a fact that hair loss will FOLLOW the vast majority of us to our tombs. Too often the greater tragedy occurs when it usurps our free will and precipitately LEADS us there.

Wolf Pack

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Never say never dude, remember i worried for about two years myself before i stopped.

My cousin is fully bald and shaves. He got over it and facially it's okay. Always worked out, dressed well e.t.c. I think he would still want hair obviously, but the pain has become numb compared to when it first happened. He was done over by male pattern baldness by 23. Now he is in his 30s.

I don't think that would apply to me. Even as a Norwood 2.5 max almost 30, I think of hair. Not depressed ever over it as I still have a lot of hair, but the whole thing is on my mind a fair bit. Could be the forum impact. Maybe it's burning me out?


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The easiest way to get over hair is to buzz it off, never look in the mirror other than to shave and brush the teeth and get a family.

Wolf Pack

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The easiest way to get over hair is to buzz it off, never look in the mirror other than to shave and brush the teeth and get a family.

Next you will be saying buzzing your hair is as easy as brushing your teeth :)

Well I get what you're saying, it's game over at that point, I fully agree. **** sake. I am off to a party and I will remember this Resu.


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Next you will be saying buzzing your hair is as easy as brushing your teeth :)

Well I get what you're saying, it's game over at that point, I fully agree. **** sake. I am off to a party and I will remember this Resu.

I firmly believe that's how the "shave it off" started, seeing those wispy hairs on the desk, seeing the hair all ratty... by shaving if off you won't be reminded of it. Unfortunately the shaved look went out of the style for white males where I live, only blacks still do it and get away with it.

I never liked the shaved look and I look horrible with it, I'm just trying the slightly combed look until I can't get away with it, only when I tilt my head is when you see the thinning.

You can get over hair loss but then you get apathy in return, there's a reason criminals and military were forced to shave their heads.


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Resu translated here at means (beloved)Party pooper. Only joking Resu. :)

Wolf Pack

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I firmly believe that's how the "shave it off" started, seeing those wispy hairs on the desk, seeing the hair all ratty... by shaving if off you won't be reminded of it. Unfortunately the shaved look went out of the style for white males where I live, only blacks still do it and get away with it.

I never liked the shaved look and I look horrible with it, I'm just trying the slightly combed look until I can't get away with it, only when I tilt my head is when you see the thinning.

You can get over hair loss but then you get apathy in return, there's a reason criminals and military were forced to shave their heads.

Good points. I do agree what you say about shaved heads. I wouldn't want to see weak thin lifeless hair either in the form of a buzz. I think you can buzz it still, when I looked at your pics. I know you said it has gotten a bit worse, but it's still okay.

Shaved/buzzed head can look comedy/creepy or very masculine, like in a thug type of way. Either way, it's something I don't ever hope I have to do. I am going to the same bar I went to 4 months ago. I saw so many generic pale clones in suit jackets, all with little hair on top. Believe me Resu, get on RU at least if you can't handle Min/finasteride.