Spectral DNC-N nanoxidil


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Always exciting when something new comes out. Indeed keep us posted on your results. Jojje, where are you trying to see results? Hairline, back or all over?


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ohmanohno said:
Always exciting when something new comes out. Indeed keep us posted on your results. Jojje, where are you trying to see results? Hairline, back or all over?
im putting it everywhere on top, i hope this will replace and improve the minoxidil i have used.. if not im going to get a bad minoxidil shed... but hey.. one got to test these new greate products to se if they work. :woot:


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Well good luck to ya. I'm probably going to buy as well. I have the classic receding hairline that looks like a V. Hope this does the trick.


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Let us know if you have any sides like facial bloating or anything out of the ordinary. Does the stuff dry up the hair? Give us a full review of what you think of this compared to minoxidil. I was surprised they released this without doing any studies to see if there are any side effects.


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DoctorHouse said:
Let us know if you have any sides like facial bloating or anything out of the ordinary. Does the stuff dry up the hair? Give us a full review of what you think of this compared to minoxidil. I was surprised they released this without doing any studies to see if there are any side effects.
2 days now, no bloating or sides.
It does not dry out the hair.. makes it more moist actually.. feels like u have a dab of moisturasior in it even 4-8 hours after... could be problematick for people who like to style theyr hair a certain way, and use topikk.
But the hair feels alot better then after minoxidil have dryed, hair looks better to then with minoxidil.
Maybe i should try to style the hair with topikk just to test that to after it has dryed ^^
Have to see in 2 months if it has given any better effect or if i get a minoxidil shed...


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Jojje said:
DoctorHouse said:
Let us know if you have any sides like facial bloating or anything out of the ordinary. Does the stuff dry up the hair? Give us a full review of what you think of this compared to minoxidil. I was surprised they released this without doing any studies to see if there are any side effects.
2 days now, no bloating or sides.
It does not dry out the hair.. makes it more moist actually.. feels like u have a dab of moisturasior in it even 4-8 hours after... could be problematick for people who like to style theyr hair a certain way, and use topikk.
But the hair feels alot better then after minoxidil have dryed, hair looks better to then with minoxidil.
Maybe i should try to style the hair with topikk just to test that to after it has dryed ^^
Have to see in 2 months if it has given any better effect or if i get a minoxidil shed...

Thanx Jojje, I'll try the DNC-N as soon as avail here in Europe.
I was using old DNC quite successfully but had to quit due to minoxidil sides
that became stronger over time. Finally it was unbearable...
That's why my question. Are you experienced in minoxidil sides esp. bloated face?
Did you suffer from them?
I know 2 days is just a short time - would that have been enought to produce minoxidil sides for you?
I was quite a good responder to minoxidil and lost a lot of ground since quitting.
That's why I have high hopes in DNC-N. Do you think that's reasonable?

Thanx for help


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LostHope said:
Jojje said:
DoctorHouse said:
Let us know if you

Thanx Jojje, I'll try the DNC-N as soon as avail here in Europe.
I was using old DNC quite successfully but had to quit due to minoxidil sides
that became stronger over time. Finally it was unbearable...
That's why my question. Are you experienced in minoxidil sides esp. bloated face?
Did you suffer from them?
I know 2 days is just a short time - would that have been enought to produce minoxidil sides for you?
I was quite a good responder to minoxidil and lost a lot of ground since quitting.
That's why I have high hopes in DNC-N. Do you think that's reasonable?

Thanx for help

Actually im in europe too, Norway ^^. They companys in canada deliver bouth to norway and the rest of europe..the one i ordered from even gave free delivery :D
I did get some minoxidil sides from the rogain foam.. it just takes a couple off days then.
No side yet though on this.


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Hello! I am the distributor for all DS lines in Canada but also sell internationally.
The Spectral F7 will not be shipping until early November, The Spectral DNC N is in stock in the mentioned websites (both located in Vancouver Canada) and both are excellent sites to use and ship worldwide. Performance Beauty Lab gives free shipping anywhere with purchases of over $100.00


I have been dealing with my hair loss since I was 20 and I am now 41 and still have a great head of hair! I have tried everything (except surgery)
my current regime for a year has been the Revita shampoo and Conditioner and the Spectral DNC - the results have been incredible, its why I became their distributor!! I have not experienced any minoxidil sides. I will switch over to DNC N so I can report my own experiences with it but from what I have been told and seen it is a great product.
I am happy to answer anyones questions here to the best of my ability.


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funneldistribution said:
Hello! I am the distributor for all DS lines in Canada but also sell internationally.
The Spectral F7 will not be shipping until early November, The Spectral DNC N is in stock in the mentioned websites (both located in Vancouver Canada) and both are excellent sites to use and ship worldwide. Performance Beauty Lab gives free shipping anywhere with purchases of over $100.00


I have been dealing with my hair loss since I was 20 and I am now 41 and still have a great head of hair! I have tried everything (except surgery)
my current regime for a year has been the Revita shampoo and Conditioner and the Spectral DNC - the results have been incredible, its why I became their distributor!! I have not experienced any minoxidil sides. I will switch over to DNC N so I can report my own experiences with it but from what I have been told and seen it is a great product.
I am happy to answer anyones questions here to the best of my ability.

Hello funneldistribution,

thanx for help!
PM'ed you.


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Jojje, thanks for the update. Please keep us updated with this new product. I am wondering if nanoxidil is very similar to Proctor's nano ingredient. I get no sides with Proctor's products. I quit using minoxidil about 6 weeks ago (other than the little amount that is in Proxiphen) because I was tired of the facial swelling, enlarged pores, mild swelling causing bags under my eyes and irritated eyes. I have noticed all the signs and side effects dramatically went away without using additional minoxidil. As far as shedding, my hair is shedding more now than it did before but nothing too dramatic.


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DoctorHouse said:
Jojje, thanks for the update. Please keep us updated with this new product. I am wondering if nanoxidil is very similar to Proctor's nano ingredient. I get no sides with Proctor's products. I quit using minoxidil about 6 weeks ago (other than the little amount that is in Proxiphen) because I was tired of the facial swelling, enlarged pores, mild swelling causing bags under my eyes and irritated eyes. I have noticed all the signs and side effects dramatically went away without using additional minoxidil. As far as shedding, my hair is shedding more now than it did before but nothing too dramatic.

If you start increased shedding already 6 wks after cessation of minoxidil you will probably loose alot after 3-4 mths. 6 wks is nothing... be prepared, it will hit you hard if you were on minoxidil for a long time.
The Proctor concoctions will not help you with that, perhaps the prescription
proxiphen due to the minoxidil in it will give you some maintainance protection in case you use that.


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Minoxidil never really did wonders for me. Over the past few years I used less and less of it. Right now by using Proxiphen, I am getting something that is equivalent to about 2% minoxidil along with other growth enhancers so I really don't think I will experience a big shed. If they say your hair goes back to the state it was before you used minoxidil, then I would be in much better shape. My hair was better before I ever used minoxidil. Minoxidil syncs all your hairs to stay in the growth stage so things will look thicker. Your hair looks thicker simply because your are offsetting the hair growth cycles. Is not preventing balding, its just making everything "look" cosmetically thicker which is definitely a big plus if you are thinning alot. Propecia is the big powerhouse behind minoxidil. At least Propecia does block DHT which we know is one of the main reasons we bald. I think any chemicals that also help with inflammatory issues will help slow down balding as well. Minoxidil does not do that either. However, once Allergan releases their hair growth stimulant of Latisse, I am wondering if this could replace the use of minoxidil for some. So, I think Proxiphen along with taking Propecia and discontinuing minoxidil is not going to lead to massive loss in my case. Alot of my hairs are already Proxiphen dependent too since I have been using it for many years.

I think if this new nanoxidil can be used less frequently than minoxidil and be more effective in giving cosmetically thicker looking hair without any sides, then most people would definitely consider using this instead. Most of the minoxidil quitters would consider trying this if it would not cause the cosmetic negative side effects such as a bloated face or bags under the eyes. I still find it unusual how a product can be released without any studies behind it. I would be curious to know what Proctor thinks about this new chemical vs his Nano chemical.


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That's a quite solid reply. It comes close to my experience with minoxidil. The difference was, that I was maybe a very good responder and I had to phase out extremely slowly over 1.5 yrs to avoid Telogen Effluvium. I did recognize that a quite low maintainance dose ~ 2% 1x ED was necessary to do the trick but even then the sides did not disappear fully and so I decided to quit the minoxidil completely. This was a big step health wise and esp. look wise. No amount of hair is worth that.
But nevertheless my overall hair volume and hair thickness is significantly decreased.

For Latisse: one of the users wrote he has sides comparable to minoxidil sides esp. bloated face, but worse than minoxidil. That would make it a no go for me.

For Proxiphen: you are the 1st Prox user alive on these boards, who gives reply.
I do fully agree to you that finasteride+Prox will give you maintainance after quitting of regular minoxidil. This complies with my minoxidil phase out, where I reduced to 1x ED then 50:50 dilution of 5% regular minoxidil with aqua. But this is supposedly to the ~2% minoxidil in Prox, so it's no surprise at all.

But there are other ( supposedly spamming ) claims around prox that I do severely doubt: prox alone is better than finasteride + 5% regular minoxidil????
I even fear that for a 'normal' minoxidil responder finasteride+5% regular minoxidil is probably superior to finasteride + Prox.
What is your opinion?
Do you have experience with ProxN? This is on the watchlist of many of us who cannot use minoxidil any more due to sides.


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LostHope said:
For Proxiphen: you are the 1st Prox user alive on these boards, who gives reply.

LOL, I sure hope the others who have used Proxiphen have not died. :woot:
I understand what you are trying to say as I guess English is not your native language. You mean I am one of the current Proxiphen users who is still active on this forum and will talk about it besides Bryan and Jacob.......................... :whistle:

I am sure using minoxidil with finasteride can be as effective as using Proxiphen with finasteride. In order to use Proxiphen sparingly I use it along with Prox-n. I still think Proctor's products are a good alternative if you don't want to use minoxidil but I still think taking finasteride is the most important arsenal for the fight. However, none of these treatments can save the hairline fully. I continue to recede very slowly at the hairline areas and temples but more in a diffuse pattern. It has helped the rest of my hair maintain very well. Hair transplants are the only way to thicken the hairline and maintain it.

Since the hairline is the toughest area to save, I seriously doubt there will be any new future treatments other than a hair transplant that can thicken your hairline up to level of "densely packed" hair transplant. Even if we develop a way to increase your donor supply, you are still going to have a hair transplant. Hair transplant doctors will just have a large increase in business once this happens.

If you think about it, it is really interesting that one section of your scalp is resistant to DHT and another area of the scalp where you hairline sits is so sensitive to it? I wonder if the guy who invented the hat was bald?


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hi jojje are you saying that you have stopped using minoxidil and are now just using nanoxidil? as that would be good to find out if it is better than minoxidil and we could all give that up then.
Also the ds labs astressin-b of f7 are you going to be using that as well when available as i emailed ds and they said to use them both together,in that case it could work out a bit pricey we do not mind if it works but am very sceptical. :bravo:


i become from Minoxidil a bloated red face

is it by the New nanoxidil the same?


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doke said:
hi jojje are you saying that you have stopped using minoxidil and are now just using nanoxidil? as that would be good to find out if it is better than minoxidil and we could all give that up then.
Also the ds labs astressin-b of f7 are you going to be using that as well when available as i emailed ds and they said to use them both together,in that case it could work out a bit pricey we do not mind if it works but am very sceptical. :bravo:
Yes i am just using DNC-N at the moment to se if it can replace and improve my minoxidil results. I wil not be using the F7 since the research shows it to helps against hairloss that are stress related, and mine is male pattern baldness.


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Timi said:
i become from Minoxidil a bloated red face

is it by the New nanoxidil the same?

Well i got bloated from minoxidil foam, not getting that from this yet.. but people react difrent from products so..


Hello Jojje

and what for am minoxidil take You
from Foam i was soooooo swollen
and take You Finasterid?


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Jojje said:
doke said:
hi jojje are you saying that you have stopped using minoxidil and are now just using nanoxidil? as that would be good to find out if it is better than minoxidil and we could all give that up then.
Also the ds labs astressin-b of f7 are you going to be using that as well when available as i emailed ds and they said to use them both together,in that case it could work out a bit pricey we do not mind if it works but am very sceptical. :bravo:
Yes i am just using DNC-N at the moment to se if it can replace and improve my minoxidil results. I wil not be using the F7 since the research shows it to helps against hairloss that are stress related, and mine is male pattern baldness.

Man thats a bummer. Was hoping F7 would really work out.