Spectral DNC-N nanoxidil


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how do we know nanoxidil isn't just nano minoxidil? I know the ingredients list shows "nanoxidil 5%", but what if nanoxidil is just a trademark or something?


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ive just ordered 2 bottles from biovea uk that should come in a few days , i'll post how it seems when i get it. hope it works and i can get rid of the minoxidil dark eye circles !


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Jojje said:
Timi said:
i am from Germany

where can i buy Nanoxidil?

i ordered from the last one, free delivery ^^




Jojje, is still everything ok side effect wise?
I'm asking this because we can order now in Europe via Biovea.uk
and I think it's time for me to start Nanoxidil also.
Some guys here use Nanoxidil already, also without side effects but you are the
'long time' user currently and you also saw side effects with minoxidil. That's why your feedback if of special interest.


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LostHope said:
Jojje, is still everything ok side effect wise?
I'm asking this because we can order now in Europe via Biovea.uk
and I think it's time for me to start Nanoxidil also.
Some guys here use Nanoxidil already, also without side effects but you are the
'long time' user currently and you also saw side effects with minoxidil. That's why your feedback if of special interest.

No side effects, hair is looking better and thicker when the nanoxidil is aplied.


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To clarify you mean it looks thicker when the stuff is in your hair... compared to liquid minoxidil?

You're not claiming it has actually regrown hair in 2 weeks I'm guessing!


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hairhoper said:
To clarify you mean it looks thicker when the stuff is in your hair... compared to liquid minoxidil?

You're not claiming it has actually regrown hair in 2 weeks I'm guessing!

thats right, looks better. dont think il se anything before 1-2 months when it comes to growth.. or shed.. going to be interesting :)


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Mine is also in the post! I really hope I can use this with success. After a year on minoxidil, I became incredible allergic. Horrible contact dermatitis. Obviously a little wary, because I would hate for that to happen all over again. I have to take the gamble here though, my hair is currently diffusing at a terrible rate despite the use of propecia. Will keep you all updated as far as my tolerance for the formula is concerned.


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Hey guys, been lurking around for about the last year and a half and finally decided to set up a profile. Anyway, I just received my bottle of Spectral DNC N. I've only used it once but the consistency is definitely a little bit thicker than regular minoxidil liquid and its a slightly murky color. It did absorb pretty quickly. Ill keep you posted on how it goes


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hi all - been using the dnc-n for a few days and heres my review...
its a light purple liquid (peptides?) that appears quite thick - about the same consisency as the dnc-l but seems to absorb better

dries in about 20 min and makes hair look thicker , i use it to style my hair now

still makes the scalp tingle like minoxidil did but there is defo no minoxidil in this...
overall i like it but will report back in a few weeks as to its hair growing potential...


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justinstocks said:
hi all - been using the dnc-n for a few days and heres my review...
its a light purple liquid (peptides?) that appears quite thick - about the same consisency as the dnc-l but seems to absorb better

dries in about 20 min and makes hair look thicker , i use it to style my hair now

still makes the scalp tingle like minoxidil did but there is defo no minoxidil in this...
overall i like it but will report back in a few weeks as to its hair growing potential...


I agree - have the same experience with DNC-N. Maybe it's the adenosine in it. Had a similar experience with Adenogene which is basically adenosine 1%.

Did you see any bloated or puffy face?


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no bloating or puffy face but its early days so will report back after a week of use ... dark circles under the eyes seem to be reduced , prob due to lack of minoxidil !


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Glad to se there are more testers, hope we grow a insane amount of hair :D


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I am using this myself for a week now. I got mine for €37.95 incl. shipping.

It is a thick red/brown liquid, i can't tell if it's similar to the other spectrals, because i am not familiar with them.

The package comes with both a sprayer and a dropper. After the second time of usage, the sprayer got clogged or something, anyways its broken.

On both the box and the manual it says that users should see dramatic increase of hair after 3 months of consistent use. Never saw such a promise one a hairgrowth product. Hope they make it true.

Currently i am only using DNC-n in evening, it really messes up my hair and it takes about 5 hours before it's completely dried. I am using rogaine foam in the morning with the dermaroller.

The also say on the box that the efficacy of a particular forumlation does not drop of over time, as comonly happens with topical therapies. So lets say that rogaine will help you 5 years and then you are at base-line again, will this product sustain for at least 15 ?

fingers crossed...


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MarkMayISAWESOME said:
How do you order this if you reside in the U.S? Or can you?
just order it from the canadian shops we mentioned..


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HiHadith had bad sides from spectral dnc. Enlarged pores, puffy face, dark circles, made me look like $h!t. Quit it 6 months ago, face has cleared up, left me with wrinkles though. Just want to request for feedback on the puffiness dark circles and eye bags. If these Side effects are not present, it's goin to be so cool!