This, my best friend would laugh hard at my baldness, then a few hours later, we see a midget, and I see that he wants to laugh, so I laugh and then all of a sudden, he gets dead serious: "Stop, we can't do that, you don't make fun of that!"
I got mad, f*****g hypocrite, oh that is too far, but mocking baldness is OK? You don't get to have double-standards here.
I read a theory the other that made sense: the more politically correct drones tell us we can't laugh at women, fat people, trans people, black people, Arab people, handicapped people, the more people are going to target the categories that are still seen as acceptable to mock because humans need that "release" so to speak, they need to vent their frustrations and insecurities at someone.
"Look, a bald guy! We can finally blow off some steam!" If you're short, but not short enough to be considered a midget, there is also more chance that it's going to be open season for you. People still wish that they could mock the office fattie but they can't, so this transfer happens and bald/short men get assaulted from all sides.