Strap In ... And Hold On To Your Rage


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Not exactly true. Tellersquill is loosing his temples, sure at a moderate pace, but I'm certain it's quite painful for him to watch them disappeare.

Quite often it's the most painful and soul destroying period of hair loss, the early stages.

Constantly looking in mirrors, constantly worrying if your sex appeal is really heading south and you may become invisible to the top tire women.

Constantly looking at your phone to see if you have any matches on tinder/grinder, or whatever your preference may be.

Not getting smiles from the cute checkout girls anymore, and so on.
It's a real emotional minefield and I for one don't wish it apon anybody.

If tellersquill wasn't stressed then he wouldn't have joined up to hair loss talk.
His plight is just as valid as the rest of us and is worth acknowledging.

Give him some thought, because I do. Often.
This part is so true - not just for those losing hair but generally when you get older and less attractive you don't realize how the simple pleasure of someone giving you a smile and accepting look means till you don't have it anymore. Lets not kid ourselves a lot of this communication is non verbal - you can feel someones vibe or what they are thinking.


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Unfortunately, you just described the vast majority of women (and people in general) out there.
I kind of agree with this Dantee.
I'm a misanthrope from way back.
Way before junior high even.


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You can't change people's perception of others, if that's the way she feels it doesn't bother me at all, it's not like it matters.

Something caught my attention though:

Unlike when I was 22, lived on Taco Bell, and thought running was for suckers, I now incorporate live foods into my diet and exercise three to four times a week.

What the heck are live foods? Surely not worms and the like.

Women always look their age or older, things seem fine then they reach 26-29 and they look like an aunt.