Success on KSR [with pics]


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About the 4th month I started thinking "this sh*t actually works" looking in the mirror.

Then after comparing 4 month pictures to the before's I could really tell how much my
hair had improved.


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Here is my progress at start, 2 months, 3.5 months and 8 months:


Not much has changed since 3.5 months. I had not realized how much the front had improved until
I looked at these side by side. It's still bald but there has been a lot of regrowth compared to
where I started. The crown looks much thicker with normal lighting and you see a lot less
scalp than you see in these pictures.

I just filled out Dr. Lee's questionnaire and I'm going to try his 12.5% or 15% minoxidil on the frontal areas to
see if I can kick start it.


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Weel done Casperz... its always good to get an update from you... keep climbing that Norwood scale mate !!!


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Thank man!

Just ordered the 15% minoxidil from Dr. Lee and some copper peptides serum.

We will see what it does for the front.


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Dude that is AWESOME. I'm so happy for you. Thanks for sharing the pics, they're a real encouragement to all us guys fighting the battle


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Dude that is AWESOME. I'm so happy for you. Thanks for sharing the pics, they're a real encouragement to all us guys fighting the battle

Thanks man... that is why I share... I came here and saw positive results from others and it got me started. Just giving back.

I had tried minoxidil alone about 10 years ago with no results when my hair was much better. So the combo does
work where minoxidil alone does not.

Wow. For anyone who thinks these things don't work on the front, look at this guy!

It does work to some extent but not as well as it has on the back. And I will still need a hair transplant to fill in. I'm happy
that I've gotten some regrowth in front but the bottom line is I still have vast areas where there is no response.
And things have stopped improving so I'm going to try to add 15% minoxidil to see what happens.

There has been a psychological effect that I never expected with the regrowth. I did not lack confidence
before but now I seem to have more than before. I had not realized that hair loss was affecting me in that way
but now I can see that it was.


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I have a new pic from yesterday with better lighting comparing crowns, I wish the front was
improved this much.


Also wanted to report my first major side effect. I just started 15% minoxidil about 4 days ago and
all day yesterday I was feeling light headed when I would stand up. I also had a hard time during my
workout last night... it was a struggle to finish. I attribute this to the 15% minoxidil and a reduction in my
blood pressure. I checked my BP last night before going to bed and it was 99/59. Prior to starting
minoxidil 8 months ago my BP was around 120/80 or around there.

I have been using 1ml of the 15% am and pm and adding 5% at night becuase 1ml was not getting my
scalp as wet as 2ml of the 5%. I think what I'll do is buzz my hair back to a #1 or #2 so that I can
get max coverage with the 15% and cut back a little on the dosage and get my BP a little higher.


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crown looks fantastic your also hard on your self about front it looks good as well. so you were on minoxidil for 10 years without any regrowth they suddenly added finasteride? thats amazing that when you are missing one piece of the puzzle the hair doesn't grow back. who knows what other piece of the puzzle we are missing to regrow even more hair i guess in do time we learn more and more. anyways congrats on hair looks like finasteride was all you needed 10 years ago i bet you wish u hoped on finasteride 10 years ago instead of minoxidil.


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Thanks man. I guess I'm disappointed with the front so much because it did not respond like the crown. And you
are so right... I wish I had started finasteride when it first came out but it was too expensive for me at the time.

I tried minoxidil for about 6 months around 10 years ago... I had no re-growth at all so I stopped using it. It was
fairly expensive back then too. All of the improvements you see here are since Nov 2007 when I started KSR...
basically the big three plus all that other crap in my sig. It was a last ditch try before I jumped off and got a
hair transplant. I'm glad I did becuase now I can concentrate the hair transplant in the frontal area.


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first i have to say congrats on your impressive results :bravo:
two questions
1. how do you add the spironolactone to the minoxidil ? do you just throw 4 pills in the bottle ? much do you think all the vitamins conributed to your success ?


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Congrats, feeling like a millionaire?


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1. how do you add the spironolactone to the minoxidil ? do you just throw 4 pills in the bottle ? much do you think all the vitamins conributed to your success ?

I just grind the spironolactone up and put them in. It turns a funny color and I have no idea if the
spironolactone survives. I'm certain that MSM makes my hair grow faster but I'm not sure about
any of the others. It can't hurt is the way I look at it. My joints also feel about 10 times
better since starting MSM.

Congrats, feeling like a millionaire?

Thanks man, but no I don't feel that great about it, the front is what I see and it looks like
crap still. I mean I had no idea I had gotten as bald as I had in the back until my wife
handed me a mirror last year and said have a look. I was shocked at what I saw... I just never
thought about the top/back. So from my perspective not much has changed and to be honest I
don't care what other people see or think about my hair... but when I look in the mirror I want to
see hair not scalp.


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Casperz, I think the amazing thing about your story is you are having success even in your 40's and even with not having minor or recent hairloss. You are definitely a great responder. These hairloss treatments are supposedly not as effective with people in their 40's but you have proven it can happen.


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Thanks man, but no I don't feel that great about it, the front is what I see and it looks like
crap still. I mean I had no idea I had gotten as bald as I had in the back until my wife
handed me a mirror last year and said have a look. I was shocked at what I saw... I just never
thought about the top/back. So from my perspective not much has changed and to be honest I
don't care what other people see or think about my hair... but when I look in the mirror I want to
see hair not scalp.

casperz, congrats on your success.
Though you are upset with what you see in the scalp, you are in very good shape for a transplant. It is nearly impossible
for any hair transplant to give back those hairs on the top and the crown.
Fixing just the temples with hair transplant should be easy for you. Also if you color your hair black (dye) it might give more coverage.


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casperz, congrats on your success.
Though you are upset with what you see in the scalp, you are in very good shape for a transplant. It is nearly impossible
for any hair transplant to give back those hairs on the top and the crown.
Fixing just the temples with hair transplant should be easy for you. Also if you color your hair black (dye) it might give more coverage.

Thanks man. Are you saying you can't transplant at all in the top/crown or just that the results are not good?

I may give the hair color a try at some point, you are probably right, it would make more hair show up. I'm hesitant now
to go for the hair transplant now becuase I think HM or something like it is just around the corner. I've decided that I can live with
my current status for a few years. At some point I will get HM and if not that then hair transplant.

Casperz, I think the amazing thing about your story is you are having success even in your 40's and even with not having minor or recent hairloss. You are definitely a great responder. These hairloss treatments are supposedly not as effective with people in their 40's but you have proven it can happen.

Yes it can happen in your forties. I'm not sure if it's something that I'm doing or if I'm just a good responder, but whatever
it is I'll take it. And I did not mean to sound like I was totally dissatisfied, I really think it is amazing that I've grown
so much back, I just want more. Somehow I need to find a way to kick the front into gear. I have a ton of tiny
hair just sitting there waiting for the magic potion to make them start growing again.

I came here last November looking for hair transplant info and I read about the Big 3. Since I had no results from minoxidil alone several
years ago I was as skeptical as anyone. But for anyone that is mid forties and thinking that the big 3 does not work I can tell you it does. It may not work for everyone or as well as you want it too... but I can tell you it 1000's of times better than nothing.


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casperz said:
I think cutting into 5 would be hard but 4 takes about 5 seconds with a pill cutter.

finasteride stays in your blood about 14 days if you stop taking it so the minor day-to-day variance's
are no big deal.

Wrong. finasteride is out of your blood almost completely after 24 hours and certainly after 48 hours. Tissues are a different story. It's important to realize that finasteride's effects last longer than 48 hours, because it takes time for your body to regenerate the a 5alpha reductase enzyme (which is irreversibly inhibited by finasteride).


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Re: Success on KSR [with pics] (11 month update)

I'm into month 11 now and here are some updated pictures. The first shot is the hairline
where you can see a lot of new terminal hairs. These were not there about 2 months ago:


Here is where I started last November:


And here we are now at 11 months:


And a shot of the crown:


The last shot shows way more scalp than you can see normally. I look thin from the back, but
not as bad as that shot looks.


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i have no clue why this thread isnt bump as this is one of the better success stories..most of the people who start threads have alot of there hair,this guy clearly doesnt..good there anyway you can take a photo the same way as yer b4 one?


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I was really bald before I started. Still am to some extent in the front. Thanks for the comments.

The camera that I used for the first one was a point and shoot 35mm and it got wet
last year and now it works about 10% of time... lol... I'll try to get a shot out of it though.

My other camera can only focus so close, so I cannot get the entire head in the shot and it
magnifies everything when it is so close.