Success on KSR [with pics]


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0 old are you? i dont think you stated in the thread,if you did,i apologize for asking


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Mid forties now, receding and thinning on top since about 28, bald on the front about 10 years, bald on the crown for about 5 years.


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Looking good! Congrats!

I'm intrested wether the glycolic peel will make a real difference. However, doesn't it damage or bleach your existing hair?


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No... leaves the hair alone from what I can tell. No changes at all after the first peel.


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No I did not find any studies... just thinking that it should work like retin-a only better and faster.


Established Member
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Awesome results pal. I might try adding some extra bits to my regieme as I seem to have lost as much this month as I have in the last 2 years.


Established Member
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any updates? new pics?

also how different are the results from 3/08 to now? better? same? thanks


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I'd say things are improving still, not as quickly as the first 6 months. Not losing ground at all
and I've never had a shed.

I'm going to cut back to just the big three at the start of the year I think for no good reason except
I'm tired of the whole routine. I'm looking into hair transplants to restore the frontal areas that have
not had much regrowth.

Will try to take some new pictures soon.


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that's one pile of regrowth and one psycho regimen. The only other person I've seen who had tht kind of regrowth with no hair transplant is the fella who had a sex change and was on a lot of female hormone pills. Even he..or now she I guess had an hair transplant for the front after a while.

You've probably saved yourself thousands in transplants now that you only need a few grafts in the front. I don't blame you for cutting back to the big three from like the bog 12 or I'd bet you would hold ground with finasteride/min/nizoral as much as you need to after the hair transplant if that's still your plan.



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It is a lot of regrowth but my hair does not look that good in person. And yea it's way overboard on the meds and it's been
a pain in the A$$ for the last year and I'm tired of dealing with it. Prior to starting this crap I could roll out of bed and be
at work 20 minutes later including a shower. Same thing at bed time. Now I spend at least an hour a day on this.

Starting from starting from a bald crown it looks like a lot but much of the hair is fine and light colored and it still looks
thinning on the crown. The front center is better but no where near what I would call acceptable. And there has been
almost no regrowth of the temples except for a few lone stragglers that have popped up. So in my mind it's a failure
for the most part from the standpoint of having the hair I had at 25. If that is your expectations then I would not
recommend this regime to anyone based on the results, time needed(and hassle factor) and the cost.

My plan is to get a hair transplant mid 2009, by that time I will have seen the most results I'm going to see from finasteride
and the rest of the psycho regime... lol. The best I can hope for is to look thinning after that.


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Just getting your hairline back from a H/T will be great! My crown has thin patches but not a bald patch per se, the hairline is the important part to frame the face, so i'm getting about 1800 grafts in the front and ignoring the back, be good to have a defined hairline as opposed to brushing my hair forward and using that as a hairline.

I see you add spironolactone pills to your minoxidil, has this helped much do you think, or are you not really sure which chemicals have helped you the most?

citizen mane

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i think you've had decent regrowth. Sticking to a regime that you can incorporate into your daily regime without too much fuss is probably the best way to go for long term improvements.

although its a psycho regime and a pain in the *** achieve something great you have to be willing to pay the price. I think you have and moreover gained something more than just the physical obvious


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Just getting your hairline back from a H/T will be great!

Yea I guess that is true, it will make a big difference. I mean I was thinning for a long time
in front and I was still happy with my hair.

I see you add spironolactone pills to your minoxidil, has this helped much do you think, or are you not really sure which chemicals have helped you the most?

I have no clue what is working or not, I basically took the approach that I was going to throw everything
but the kitchen sink at it... hence the KSR (Kitchen Sink Regime). I suspect that it may be a combination
of everything. It's possible the big 3 I would have given me almost or the same results but I really have no
basis for drawing any conclusions about what has worked or what has not.

I think you've had decent regrowth. Sticking to a regime that you can incorporate into your daily regime without too much fuss is probably the best way to go for long term improvements

I agree... this was OK for a year... I just cannot do it long term.

although its a psycho regime and a pain in the *** achieve something great you have to be willing to pay the price. I think you have and moreover gained something more than just the physical obvious

You know that is so true, you have to be willing to focus on this and discipline yourself to do these things
every day, never miss a dose or think it won't matter. Maybe that is part of the gains... I don't know.
As far as gains more than the physical, I've never had what I call a lack of confidence but I did not realize
how much my confidence would be boosted in getting my hair back (to the extent that it has come back).
It's been great and in that respect well worth the time and effort.

It has been a couple of months since I looked at my crown with a mirror and I was really surprised last night
at how much better the hair was from even two months ago. The only thing I've been looking at
are pictures that I posted here from last August. I guess I had in my mind that the big
improvements were over then but after taking a look last night I see that it's improving still
and seems to be much better than the August pictures show. I'll try to get some pictures soon to see if
that is really the case and to document it.


New Member
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Im very keen to see how it keeps developing. I'm just researching ATM, just to gather more info before i start a regime. I will probably base it off yours considering your success so far. Very Inspiring. I will get some photos as well.


Established Member
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Nice casperz. I see that you are using xandrox 15, so did you experience more growth after you added it to your regimen?


Experienced Member
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Nice casperz. I see that you are using xandrox 15, so did you experience more growth after you added it to your regimen?

I did not notice any change in regrowth after about three months.


Senior Member
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Casper, did you just starting using hair loss treatments in 2007 or did you use any prior treatments before your KSR?