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Although what you said makes tragic sense, I am hoping your previous comment doesn't represent some kind of general consensus. I always hated body hair (just a personal hang-up), which is why I resented being handed much of it by genetics. I have hair pretty much everywhere except my back.

I am begining to get antsy now that I'm in the middle of month 5-going-on-6 and there has been no change in the shedding, nor in the quality of the hairs that fall out. Hearing that "hairy bastards" have trouble even maintaining is like getting punched in the stomach with an ice cube.

Penny for your thoughts?


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Chujgcha said:
brasileirao said:
Hey Ty/Chuj.

Can one of you hook me up with an Avartar!!!
Tony Montana

Hey Tony,

Please don't kill me, my Flash software trail version ran out two days ago. I know you don't like to hear excuses, but it's the truth i wait!!...pleease!!! (Chuj flies out a two story window, his feet pedaling through the air. Fortunately a homeless person breaks his fall and Chuj is alive and able to hobble his *** away into the darkness.)

Ty your next...

"Hey Main,

Let dat be a lesson to anyone here okay! You mess wit me, I trow you out da window.......spalsh all over da ground. The homeless man who saved you, he thinks he's big time, I had to show him big he no walk so good main!

Da man,
Tony Montana"

:) Its all good main, I was just wondering....I figure my picture of Tony Montana needs a make over. Hope all is well!

Over and OUT!


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I have hair too, so thats why i can refer to us as hairy bastards.

Propecia worked great for me. Im just saying the amount of regrowth BHD got was seriously abnormal. Was just trying to find a reason for that.


HairlossTalk said:
I have hair too, so thats why i can refer to us as hairy bastards.

Propecia worked great for me. Im just saying the amount of regrowth BHD got was seriously abnormal. Was just trying to find a reason for that. I am no expert on this whole body hair - Testosterone thing (my main area of expertise is bringing popular hairloss forums to a grindng halt through choking it's bandwidth) but do you think there may be an outside chance that BHD is some kind of wolverine/werewolf combo? or prehaps overzealous use of Nizoral has reverted him back to a more ferrral human state?


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Me so far: (on minoxidil 5%)

May - start
July - noticeable regrowth
Auguest - ace hair. Dead thick and I feel a legend
November - it's shed again. Scared and dunno wot to do. But am gonna stick at it and hope it re-grows and it's just a seasonal shed.
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Thats great progress. Bet everyone around you must be commenting on your hair.

Why not cut your hair short? I think it will make it look even thicker.

Best of luck.


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templerecession said:

Thats great progress. Bet everyone around you must be commenting on your hair.

Actually nobody has commented on it. The thing is, people you see all the time are most likely not going to notice because.
#1...People who don't experience male pattern baldness aren't as obsessed with it like we are :)
#2...Regrowth happens slowly over a long period of time

Shoot I didn't even notice how much regrowth I had until I took the 3-4 month photo set.
After I took the photos I showed my girlfriend and she was shocked.

templerecession said:
Why not cut your hair short? I think it will make it look even thicker.
paranoid I guess...I've had long hair for a really long time...Nowadays I don't even wear it down it's in a pony tail all the time. Some day I'd love to cut it short, just not yet :pleased: