switching to dutasteride... a little help (jayman?)

hair today gone tomorrow

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JayMan said:
hair today gone tomorrow said:
JayMan said:
[quote="hair today gone tomorrow":efc82]
JayMan said:
[quote="hair today gone tomorrow":efc82]
JayMan said:
lol good one. but that's hard to believe because my mom's been busy for the past month or two taking it from my brother. maybe you meant to say my sister instead.

no...she did it too :D

whose rack did you like better?

umm tough one...theyre both nice :lol:

yeah they really are. not as nice as your dad's though. his are nice and firm and supple.

u were checking out my dads tittys!!.....I always knew you were a HOMO...lol[/quote:efc82]

i never denied it. god i love touching his tits. f*** . it gets me so hot. f*** yeah. i think i like them better than my girlfriend's.[/quote:efc82]

I cant believe you have a gf!


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HTGT may be a homophobe, but at least he knows a bit about working out. Gotta take the good with the bad.

hair today gone tomorrow

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collegechemistrystudent said:
HTGT may be a homophobe, but at least he knows a bit about working out. Gotta take the good with the bad.

haa...iv actually had fags hit on me before its kinda gross ;)

the reason i know about training is from football in HS...reading A LOT of bodybuilding.com and having a lot of friends that are hardcore into training!!


hair today gone tomorrow said:
JayMan said:
[quote="hair today gone tomorrow":a72c6]
JayMan said:
[quote="hair today gone tomorrow":a72c6]
JayMan said:
[quote="hair today gone tomorrow":a72c6]
JayMan said:
lol good one. but that's hard to believe because my mom's been busy for the past month or two taking it from my brother. maybe you meant to say my sister instead.

no...she did it too :D

whose rack did you like better?

umm tough one...theyre both nice :lol:

yeah they really are. not as nice as your dad's though. his are nice and firm and supple.

u were checking out my dads tittys!!.....I always knew you were a HOMO...lol[/quote:a72c6]

i never denied it. god i love touching his tits. f*** . it gets me so hot. f*** yeah. i think i like them better than my girlfriend's.[/quote:a72c6]

I cant believe you have a gf![/quote:a72c6]

why not?


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EOD dutasteride is not much better than finasteride. The sides on every day usage just take getting used to, just like EOD was too.

hair today gone tomorrow

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tonster120 said:
Every other day did not work for me. I gave it over 6 months every other day and it did not work. Then, I took one every day and I noticed an improvement almost immediately. Every other day of Avodart is not better that 1 mg of finasteride. See this Web site and check out the graphs. http://www.dutasteride.org/dutasteride/ ... esults.htm

every other day is SIGNIFICANTLY stronger than finasteride.... actually 1 dutasteride pill every 5 days is about as effective at 5mg of finasteride or 1 proscar pill as far as dht inhibition.

Every other day should inhibit ROUGHLY 95% of dht....while everyday will inhibit around 98.5%


hair today gone tomorrow said:
Every other day should inhibit ROUGHLY 95% of dht....while everyday will inhibit around 98.5%

No. Every other day will cut DHT production by the type II 5AR enzyme by 95%. Every day will cut DHT production by the type II 5AR enzyme by 95%. it is important to not say just DHT because there is type I 5AR as well.

hair today gone tomorrow

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JayMan said:
hair today gone tomorrow said:
Every other day should inhibit ROUGHLY 95% of dht....while everyday will inhibit around 98.5%

No. Every other day will cut DHT production by the type II 5AR enzyme by 95%. Every day will cut DHT production by the type II 5AR enzyme by 95%. it is important to not say just DHT because there is type I 5AR as well.

NO...youre wrong actually...the numbers i stated are TOTAL dht levels...regardless of 5ar1 and 5ar2 the enzymes used to convert T to dht

Read the propecia booklet.

5ar1 is not located in the hair follicle anyway.

I can just say DHT...b/c when studies are giving serum dht levels they are just that TOTAL DHT LEVELS...the enzyme that is being supressed (5ar1 or 5ar2) is irrelevant.

So, in other words when they say your DHT levels after taking propecia are lowered by 70% (that is serum dht)....that means the TOTAL dht in your system...NOT just the dht generated from the 5arII isoenzyme.



actually i am wrong. i said 95% for both but it is 98.5% for every day. i don't know why i typed 95% for both, that makes no sense.

what propecia booklet?

and the fact that 5ar1 isn't in th efollicle isn't relevant. you didn't mention follicle anywhere in your earlier post when giving percentages.

hair today gone tomorrow

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read my post again i edited it....I know i didnt...I assumed he knew, which i probably shouldnt have...but I think you are misunderstanding some things.


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hair today gone tomorrow said:
JayMan said:
[quote="hair today gone tomorrow":01807]

Every other day should inhibit ROUGHLY 95% of dht....while everyday will inhibit around 98.5%

No. Every other day will cut DHT production by the type II 5AR enzyme by 95%. Every day will cut DHT production by the type II 5AR enzyme by 95%. it is important to not say just DHT because there is type I 5AR as well.

NO...youre wrong actually...the numbers i stated are TOTAL dht levels...regardless of 5ar1 and 5ar2 the enzymes used to convert T to dht[/quote:01807]

Nope, he's right. When you take Avodart every day, total serum DHT typically declines by somewhere around 90% to maybe 93% or so.

hair today gone tomorrow said:
5ar1 is not located in the hair follicle anyway.

Oh, I think it's safe to say that there is _some_ 5ar1 located in hair follicles, but the exact location(s) and exact quantity is up for debate. Different studies have given conflicting results.

hair today gone tomorrow

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Bryan said:
hair today gone tomorrow said:
JayMan said:
[quote="hair today gone tomorrow":e5442]

Every other day should inhibit ROUGHLY 95% of dht....while everyday will inhibit around 98.5%

No. Every other day will cut DHT production by the type II 5AR enzyme by 95%. Every day will cut DHT production by the type II 5AR enzyme by 95%. it is important to not say just DHT because there is type I 5AR as well.

NO...youre wrong actually...the numbers i stated are TOTAL dht levels...regardless of 5ar1 and 5ar2 the enzymes used to convert T to dht

Nope, he's right. When you take Avodart every day, total serum DHT typically declines by somewhere around 90% to maybe 93% or so.

hair today gone tomorrow said:
5ar1 is not located in the hair follicle anyway.

Oh, I think it's safe to say that there is _some_ 5ar1 located in hair follicles, but the exact location(s) and exact quantity is up for debate. Different studies have given conflicting results.[/quote:e5442]

Bryan...you misunderstood the argument....he is saying that by taking dutasteride your REDUCING roughly 93% of the dht that is created by the 5arII enzyme only...what IM saying is your REDUCING 93% of total serum dht (regardless of wether its from 5ar1 or 5arII)

Im pretty sure im right on this one.

Its not the numbers we are arguing...those are just estimates (even the 93% i threw up there) as it will vary from individual to individual.

I hope you understand what the debate was about now.


wow way to change your argument and simultaneously put words in my mouth. but no the evidence was there on the previous post and bryan is correct. better luck next time.

hair today gone tomorrow

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JayMan said:
wow way to change your argument and simultaneously put words in my mouth. but no the evidence was there on the previous post and bryan is correct. better luck next time.

WHAT...you thought we were arguing about numbers!? please man...go back and read your POST..

YOU SAID IT WAS IMPORTANT for me to say...that its inhibiting XX% of 5arII dht...and that i shouldnt say TOTAL dht....im not putting words in your mouth...go and read your post!!


here's what you said, HTGT:

Every other day should inhibit ROUGHLY 95% of dht....while everyday will inhibit around 98.5%

THIS IS INCORRECT. Those numbers are for the DHT inhibited from type II 5AR. dutasteride inhibits 5ar1 at a LOWER RATE, so the total 5ar/DHT/whatever you choose to call it inhibition is LOWER than the numbers you gave. Taking dutasteride every day does NOT inhibit 98.5% of DHT. It inhibits approximately 98.5% of the production of the 5ar2.

Get it?

hair today gone tomorrow

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JayMan said:
hair today gone tomorrow said:
Every other day should inhibit ROUGHLY 95% of dht....while everyday will inhibit around 98.5%

No. Every other day will cut DHT production by the type II 5AR enzyme by 95%. Every day will cut DHT production by the type II 5AR enzyme by 95%. it is important to not say just DHT because there is type I 5AR as well.

every other day will cut total dht production by 95%..

your saying it will ONLY CUT DHT production by the type II 5 AR enzyme by 95%

I can say just DHT...B/C ITS TOTAL SERUM DHT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT...it doesnt matter what enzyme is being suppressed to reach those levels

I think your the one trying to pull a fast one[/i]

hair today gone tomorrow

Senior Member
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ok...I think we misunderstood each other.

I had thought that dutasteride reduced TOTAL DHT in the follicle by 98.5%
and that EOD reducted it by 95%


hair today gone tomorrow said:
JayMan said:
[quote="hair today gone tomorrow":7436f]

Every other day should inhibit ROUGHLY 95% of dht....while everyday will inhibit around 98.5%

No. Every other day will cut DHT production by the type II 5AR enzyme by 95%. Every day will cut DHT production by the type II 5AR enzyme by 95%. it is important to not say just DHT because there is type I 5AR as well.

every other day will cut total dht production by 95%..

your saying it will ONLY CUT DHT production by the type II 5 AR enzyme by 95%

I can say just DHT...B/C ITS TOTAL SERUM DHT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT...it doesnt matter what enzyme is being suppressed to reach those levels

I think your the one trying to pull a fast one[/i][/quote:7436f]\

Actually im not, kid. You are. You are still claiming that but Bryan is correct and he was correct in saying that my post was correct. When you take Avodart every day, TOTAL SERUM DHT is reduced by 90-93%. Not the 95% and 98.5% that you claim. Those are the measurements for 5ar2 reduction, and doesn't take into account 5ar1. You can't just ignore the presence of 5ar1 even if there are miniscule or zero amounts of it in the follicle. When you use terms like TOTAL DHT and TOTAL SERUM DHT you have to include it in your measurements.

you are wrong.


hair today gone tomorrow said:
ok...I think we misunderstood each other.

I had thought that dutasteride reduced TOTAL DHT in the follicle by 98.5%
and that EOD reducted it by 95%

nice edit job, too bad i quoted it for posterity after your attacks on me in an attempt to make me look stupid.

we didn't misunderstand each other.

again, your original quote:

Every other day should inhibit ROUGHLY 95% of dht....while everyday will inhibit around 98.5%


Don't say we misunderstood each other. You continued to insist that I was wrong and then after Bryan jumped in, someone who knows more about it than I do, and judging by your posts in this thread, a lot more than you do, you insisted that he misunderstood and that I was wrong.
