that feeling


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I'm using rogaine 5% and 100mg spironolactone a day..are you using and treatments?
I'm taking BCP, yasmine, and 5 % minoxidil , which doesn't help, guess I'm so lucky to be in the percentile it doesn't work for.
I think one more year, and then it's moving to a place where nobody can see me, because at this rate I'm going to be bald.
btw, dif fuse female pattern baldness is not something to mock about, we'll end up looking like plucked chickens . And unlike you guys, we won't be able to get a hair transplant ever. All we can do, is look for a good therapist or maybe better, a hypnotist, who can make us believe we have hair like every other woman. It just sucks, the worst part of it, I can't control it, no matter what it keeps thinning more and more.


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wtf lmao . . . . . "you don't like me right?"

i've never touched a girl and i'm not confident around girls either but thats ****ing hilarious lol. i wud never say something like that to make things more awkward haha

and yea but the "get buff" advice for men could almost be applied to women this way-"keep skinny and maybe do squats to improve tone of ***"

it's still trying to improve what you can


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and yea but the "get buff" advice for men could almost be applied to women this way-"keep skinny and maybe do squats to improve tone of ***"

Won't stop a guy from saying shit like 'her face is busted'. Doesn't matter, people are shallow.


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I'm taking BCP, yasmine, and 5 % minoxidil , which doesn't help, guess I'm so lucky to be in the percentile it doesn't work for.
I think one more year, and then it's moving to a place where nobody can see me, because at this rate I'm going to be bald.
btw, dif fuse female pattern baldness is not something to mock about, we'll end up looking like plucked chickens . And unlike you guys, we won't be able to get a hair transplant ever. All we can do, is look for a good therapist or maybe better, a hypnotist, who can make us believe we have hair like every other woman. It just sucks, the worst part of it, I can't control it, no matter what it keeps thinning more and more.

I hear you sister, nothing has worked for me either and I've tried everything, including finasteride that I bought online. It sucks more than anything really... :( Sending you my thoughts!


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I'm taking BCP, yasmine, and 5 % minoxidil , which doesn't help, guess I'm so lucky to be in the percentile it doesn't work for.
I think one more year, and then it's moving to a place where nobody can see me, because at this rate I'm going to be bald.
btw, dif fuse female pattern baldness is not something to mock about, we'll end up looking like plucked chickens . And unlike you guys, we won't be able to get a hair transplant ever. All we can do, is look for a good therapist or maybe better, a hypnotist, who can make us believe we have hair like every other woman. It just sucks, the worst part of it, I can't control it, no matter what it keeps thinning more and more.

You have wigs. We don't.

As has been mentioned repeatedly on this forum, if guys are ok with women wearing makeup, heels, pushup bras, hair extensions, and god knows what else, why would they not be fine with wigs?


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You have wigs. We don't.

As has been mentioned repeatedly on this forum, if guys are ok with women wearing makeup, heels, pushup bras, hair extensions, and god knows what else, why would they not be fine with wigs?

Oh no, not again...


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You have wigs. We don't.

As has been mentioned repeatedly on this forum, if guys are ok with women wearing makeup, heels, pushup bras, hair extensions, and god knows what else, why would they not be fine with wigs?

Because it's noticeable, just like a prostethic for somebody who lost a limb.
Last week, I was considering buying a wig, until I went to the store. When I walked up to the counter, the lady behind it started talking to me, I looked up and immediately noticed she was wearing a wig. All I could do is look at her wig. So if I wear one, people are going to stare at my wig, questioning themselves: is she wearing a wig? Omg , maybe she has cancer, poor thing. Hell no, I'm not going through that, won't do it.
Sometimes I wish I was african American, because they seem to pull the whole wig thing of. A lot of african American women wear wigs and it looks great on them. White women and wigs, doesn't work, just looks odd and fake.
Anyway, guys have wigs too, but you have the same problem then us.


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Because it's noticeable, just like a prostethic for somebody who lost a limb.
Last week, I was considering buying a wig, until I went to the store. When I walked up to the counter, the lady behind it started talking to me, I looked up and immediately noticed she was wearing a wig. All I could do is look at her wig. So if I wear one, people are going to stare at my wig, questioning themselves: is she wearing a wig? Omg , maybe she has cancer, poor thing. Hell no, I'm not going through that, won't do it.
Sometimes I wish I was african American, because they seem to pull the whole wig thing of. A lot of african American women wear wigs and it looks great on them. White women and wigs, doesn't work, just looks odd and fake.
Anyway, guys have wigs too, but you have the same problem then us.

Don't mind Captain Forehead, he has a weird obsession with telling women to wear wigs.


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Don't mind Captain Forehead, he has a weird obsession with telling women to wear wigs.

Ahhh, I don't mind. i just hate the word wig, can't imagine dealing with wearing one.

Wolf Pack

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Wigs are unacceptable for both genders but a woman walking around bald is also very unnatural due to rarity. More than a man. So it's best you hide it with a wig if all else fails I believe.

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Don't mind Captain Forehead, he has a weird obsession with telling women to wear wigs.

Fetish of his :punk:

uncomfortable man

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You girls with thinning hair should just shave it off and hit the gym! Get RIPPED BRAH!

View attachment 31927

Then just get confidence..... guys dig confidence!

We are all well aware of the double standards between the sexes... but would ^ that be your advice to your young twenty something daughter who just discovered she has fpb?


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We are all well aware of the double standards between the sexes... but would ^ that be your advice to your young twenty something daughter who just discovered she has fpb?


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Ahhh, I don't mind. i just hate the word wig, can't imagine dealing with wearing one.

Me too. The word "wig" actually makes me nauseous. I try not to think about my future of wearing one too much.


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We are all well aware of the double standards between the sexes... but would ^ that be your advice to your young twenty something daughter who just discovered she has fpb?

Again: it was a facetious remark, one that mocked people that SAY that kind of thing. It's like this:


This is a shot after the Battle of Berlin were they mocked Hitler and laughed at the impression. You could view it as celebrating hitler, but its clear that everyone is laughing. The same goes with mocking that stupid 'just shave it bro, own your baldness!' Of course, we all know its bullshit.


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Because eventually the wig's gotta come off, and it ain't gonna be a pretty sight.

Well... when the makeup comes off, it aint a pretty sight either. LOL


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Bald would be way worse. And maybe women my age look horrible without makeup, but do you really think hot ones as young as EvilLocks look bad? And please don't post some god-awful pictures of women who are homely to start with. Whenever I grocery shop on Sundays, there are a lot of girls from a nearby college in the store without makeup, and I think they look gorgeous.

That's not the point. Sure there are women who look good without makeup, but do you really think the ugly ones would set foot outside their house without at least 1 or 2 layers of cement? In the eyes of society it is acceptable for women to fake their appearance in this way. A bald woman taking off her wig is no more shocking that some women washing the makeup off their faces.


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Bald would be way worse. And maybe women my age look horrible without makeup, but do you really think hot ones as young as EvilLocks look bad? And please don't post some god-awful pictures of women who are homely to start with. Whenever I grocery shop on Sundays, there are a lot of girls from a nearby college in the store without makeup, and I think they look gorgeous.

Truthfully... I dont know about that. I'm serious. My ex looked pretty bad without all the makeup... great with it on though. But between no makeup and no hair... That's actually a tough call. The difference for most women with and without make up is night and day.


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Some women, yes, but not the majority. A bald woman, no matter how beautiful, will always stand out in public, and not in a good way.

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I despise the way I look without eye makeup, but I'd rather live the rest of my life without it than be a bald woman.

Wish i could wear makeup, but my skin is way too sensitive and painful when I do. Can't wear eye makeup either because of my dry eye problem and blepharitits. What scares me is my future, because both my skin and hair are going to get worse, and there's nothing to improve either condition, except when some genius comes up with a cure for both issues.


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joan apparently hasnt heard of the "applying makeup to make it look like you don't have make up" thing . . . .