that feeling


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It's cool that the women decide to join us in this thread. It has been a while since I have seen them around. Hopefully they make an appearance more often as their input is pretty valuable. It is good to here a woman's point of view on things once in a while.


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Joans 50 pretty sure she does
well she said she saw girls at the store with "no makeup"?

it was prolly that foundation stuff or just the "natural makeup" look . . . . where its supposed to look like they have no makeup

she didn't go up to them and feel it . . . there's no way to know for sure if the girls she saw had no makeup


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Because eventually the wig's gotta come off, and it ain't gonna be a pretty sight.

The problem with women and fpb is that you are looking at wigs through the eyes of women.
1. You have been conditioned to view wigs as despicable (as it is used by men to cover male pattern baldness).
2. You cannot understand how men find female bodies sexy.
Men find womens calves, legs, belly buttons, necks -- everything sexy; there is not a
corresponding analogue in women.
3. You have no frame of reference comparing how men find feminine youth intoxicating.
4. You have been taught to find baldness repulsive.

I agree that fpb is a negative, but I claim femininity has enough in its arsenal to mitigate it.

swingline747, made his comment in jest, but it has some truth in it. Be in shape, not be fat,
take care of your skin, enhance your arsenal.

(Here I used you as a general you, not just for Joan who keeps in shape).

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hence the wig?

I have a sneaking suspicion she feels that if she wears a wig, and then takes it off at home occasionally, her beau would find it unacceptable, extrapolating with how women feel about men wearing wigs.

Men are NOT like that. I would like to ascribe some noble qualities to men explaining this, but really, men have short attention spans. What is in front captivates us. A woman colleague once told me that a friend of hers had been working makeup free with men for a couple of years - and then one day she decided to try on some makeup. She was asked out on several dates in the next two days.


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those are some good points captain forehead. men are more looks focused than women are. add in the fact that there are desperate men like me who wud date a cute girl if she wears a wig and i think women wig wearers have it easier.

but then again i guess it could be like telling a bald guy that there are at least fat girls around who will like her, either way you are settling for less than what you could have gotten with hair

also i feel if female wig-wearers are found out, she is more likely to be felt sorry for and comforted. men would just be laughed at.

in the eyes of society female wig-wearers are better off, but in their own eyes in the mirror they have it worse since baldness is worse for women and all.


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there are desperate men like me who wud date a cute girl if she wears a wig
Pretty much all men are desperate. There are the top 5% who have the pick of the lot, but they too would date a bald girl for the variety, given how men and women are wired differently -- men are attracted to bodyparts, women not so much.

but then again i guess it could be like telling a bald guy that there are at least fat girls around who will like her, either way you are settling for less than what you could have gotten with hair
True, but the difference is "how far less".

in the eyes of society female wig-wearers are better off, but in their own eyes in the mirror they have it worse

This is the crux of the problem. They feel they cannot have a good life when in fact it is not true. It's like the thigh-gap obsession among girls.

There is an easy way to test this. The women should make an online profile in which they are wearing wigs, and say openly that they wear different kinds of wigs; sometimes they are redheads, sometimes blondes, sometimes brunettes..and see if the men run away.

Wolf Pack

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Would never date a girl in a wig. I love my girlfriend and if she went bald, that's a different story, would never abandon her after all these years. But if we are talking getting to know someone new, I would never go for ugly/fat/bald because I can easily get at least a 5/10 with minimum effort.


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those are some good points captain forehead. men are more looks focused than women are. add in the fact that there are desperate men like me who wud date a cute girl if she wears a wig and i think women wig wearers have it easier.

but then again i guess it could be like telling a bald guy that there are at least fat girls around who will like her, either way you are settling for less than what you could have gotten with hair

also i feel if female wig-wearers are found out, she is more likely to be felt sorry for and comforted. men would just be laughed at.

in the eyes of society female wig-wearers are better off, but in their own eyes in the mirror they have it worse since baldness is worse for women and all.

that I have to agree with. When I used to be non-thinning/balding and see a woman with a wig, I would think how sad it is to be her. And In case of balding guys, you're right, they usually get laughed at or teased. One of my friends was bald since age 16, he shaved his head, but I always hear somebody giving a comment about it, jokingly. He looks like he doesn't care, but I know now, that inside he's probably really upset.


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Just get a wig is the female version of just shave it off and get ripped.

uncomfortable man

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I love it when people say anyone who wont accept you due to hair loss is not worth your time. So, easily half of the people out there arent worth my time, great. Not very encouraging statistics there.


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that I have to agree with. When I used to be non-thinning/balding and see a woman with a wig, I would think how sad it is to be her. And In case of balding guys, you're right, they usually get laughed at or teased. One of my friends was bald since age 16, he shaved his head, but I always hear somebody giving a comment about it, jokingly. He looks like he doesn't care, but I know now, that inside he's probably really upset.

I dunno then there is something def wrong with me cause I think those funky wigs women wear now are pretty hot, with the crazy colors..... again though guys have weird attention spans.
Id date a chick, even in my hayday, with a wig. Hell Id go pick them out and buyem for her. Its a thing like thigh highs I guess.

As much as any woman says shes losing her femininity due to hair loss most guys feel the same. We judge our masculinity by the attention we get from women. If we are not getting that then technically whats the point.
I still think a balding girl has it easier than a balding guy. I mean if they are both equally attractive.
What I have YET to hear though from them is "I will just find a bald guy".
Why dont you just get a wig and start dating guys your age who are already NW7?
Then they cant say anything to you, plus you can show how unshallow women are by dating bald guys.


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I dunno then there is something def wrong with me cause I think those funky wigs women wear now are pretty hot, with the crazy colors..... again though guys have weird attention spans.
Id date a chick, even in my hayday, with a wig. Hell Id go pick them out and buyem for her. Its a thing like thigh highs I guess.

As much as any woman says shes losing her femininity due to hair loss most guys feel the same. We judge our masculinity by the attention we get from women. If we are not getting that then technically whats the point.
I still think a balding girl has it easier than a balding guy. I mean if they are both equally attractive.
What I have YET to hear though from them is "I will just find a bald guy".
Why dont you just get a wig and start dating guys your age who are already NW7?
Then they cant say anything to you, plus you can show how unshallow women are by dating bald guys.

My husband has really thick hair, he's one of those guys who will have hair in his 90s. he doesn't really understand the pain I go through everyday. Everyday , the first thing I do is look in the mirror to see if it's getting worse. He thinks I'm obsessing, but I'm sure if it was him, he would be soooo upset. Sometimes I wish my husband was losing his hair so he would understand me.
I'm scared he will leave me, because when we first got married, I was goodlooking, had nice hair and skin, I was blessed. Now I feel like a wheeping willow, without leaves. He used to say how beautiful I was, now it went way down the ladder to "looks don't matter to me". He used to be jealous all the time, now he has no reason anymore. I hope he will still love me IF I ever consider wearing a wig, but I keep hoping there will be a cure or treatment before that day happens, that's my wish for all of us. It's just so disappointing to read a cure will be there in 2 or 5 years and still nothing, not even a better treatment then the products we have today. I think the day there will be a cure for real, I won't believe it anymore. I can't imagine the torture some of you guys ,who have been balding for years and read all those hopefull articles,had to go through.


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Hopefully better treatment will come in the next 5 years I don't know about a cure in our lifetime though


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CaptainForehead: 1. I view wigs as despicable because they ... a constant reminder that I am less than every woman with a full head of hair, no matter how fat they are. No matter how slim I am, how much I lift, whatever cosmetic procedures I have, I will never feel feminine.

I believe for almost all guys, an in-shape bald woman is more attractive than a chubby NW1 woman. For me it is not even close, an in-shape woman all the way.

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Just get a wig is the female version of just shave it off and get ripped.

No it is not.
1. A dude can't show off his ripped body except on the beach.
2. Not everyone can get ripped (without steroids), some genes just don't allow for it.
3. Massive time and lifestyle commitment. Lots of effort.

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I'm scared he will leave me, because when we first got married, I was goodlooking, had nice hair and skin, I was blessed. Now I feel like a wheeping willow, without leaves. He used to say how beautiful I was, now it went way down the ladder to "looks don't matter to me".

Get in shape (are you in shape?). Never, ever, underestimate the importance of a perky butt.
Try out a wig.

Although a lot of it (lack of compliments) may just be due to aging.

You are right in that NW1ers will never get the pain of baldness.


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I believe for almost all guys, an in-shape bald woman is more attractive than a chubby NW1 woman. For me it is not even close, an in-shape woman all the way.

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No it is not.
1. A dude can't show off his ripped body except on the beach.
2. Not everyone can get ripped (without steroids), some genes just don't allow for it.
3. Massive time and lifestyle commitment. Lots of effort.

- - - Updated - - -

Get in shape (are you in shape?). Never, ever, underestimate the importance of a perky butt.
Try out a wig.

Although a lot of it (lack of compliments) may just be due to aging.

You are right in that NW1ers will never get the pain of baldness.

thx for the advice captain.
I've never been fat, was lucky to inherit the skinny gene. Although I would switch my condition with a big woman any day,, I could go to the gym and get in shape and see a positive change in my body image. With all this crap, I'll never see a positive change , just more and more negative .

and yes NW1ers don't understand. My husband always complains about me complaining about my hair loss.
So because of that I plaed a joke on him, to see his reaction to balding. I started staring at the back of his head and he asked me what was wrong. I didn't say anything, but did it again, then I told him his hair looked like it was thinning in the back. A few minutes later he was gone. I went to the bathroom, and there he was, checking the back of his head. I laughed and told him not to tell me again it's not a big deal, don't overreact.


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Maybe if I looked like Candice Swanepoel from head to toe, I'd be handling this better.

Gosh Candice is so pretty,isn't she? If I could look like anyone in the world it would be her. Though i'd be more than happy to look like my old self.


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Once the hair gets past the point of no return, though, I'm finished, and I'll become a recluse.
But why?? Surely you can deal with a wig for a few hours to go outside?

I believe for almost all guys, an in-shape bald woman is more attractive than a chubby NW1 woman. For me it is not even close, an in-shape woman all the way.

Thank you for that!
No need to thank me, it's just the way guys are.

BTW, anyone see the cancer storyline on Parenthood? The wife shaves her head, and in one of the scenes walks out of a hotel bald, in a cool coat. She looked hot.


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Women always want men to flirt with them too, even when we're married, and especially when we always got their attention when we were younger. We judge our femininity in that way too. Even though my husband compliments me every day (I love him for that), I know he's biased. I will always want to be a trophy on his arm compared to all the other middle-aged wives who let themselves go. No matter how old I get, I will always work out and stay thin, and I'll have whatever cosmetic procedures done I can afford. Once the hair gets past the point of no return, though, I'm finished, and I'll become a recluse.

Fena, I'm sorry your husband isn't more sensitive. Truthfully, probably a lot (not all) men don't compliment their wives after being with them so many years. People sometimes start taking each other for granted. Men deserve compliments too. How many wives tell their middle-aged husbands they look hot or text them during the day and say I love you, amongst other things? I feel like my husband's going to be stuck with me when I'm bald. I've told him throughout the years that if I ever become incapacitated, I'd want him to have a physical relationship with another woman. If this baldness ever destroys me mentally, I'd want him to do that too. Maybe if I looked like Candice Swanepoel from head to toe, I'd be handling this better.

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I believe for almost all guys, an in-shape bald woman is more attractive than a chubby NW1 woman. For me it is not even close, an in-shape woman all the way.

Thank you for that!

youre lucky to have a sensitive husband. My husband used to be military/cop, so not very sensitive, he's always been like that, he tells me his job made him like that. He's never been the hug me kinda guy.
And yes, women like men to flirt with them. when men used to look at me , it made my husband jealous, which made him more attentive to me. Now he seems to care less, and I'm telling you it's very destructive. I'm starting to push him away now, because I have no self worth anymore. And yes, I understand what you mean by if the baldness and in my case all the other issues I have ever destroys me mentally I want him to have a physical relationship with another woman. It would be nice to look like Candice, can't imagine waking up and not worry about my hair or skin and just do and think whatever I want.