
the end of the world at the age of 20


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treeshrew said:
then you've got people offering this incredible insight and words of wisdom and "chin up son!" who have full heads of hair themselves...

so many people on this board want to offer advice without having experienced true baldness themselves. what a sham!

man - everyone here is going to say the same old crap, that it gets easier, go the gym, focus on your health, etc, etc. i don't think you're ever going to find anything on an internet message board that's really going to make you feel better... except maybe stories from guys who are even worse off....

Well would you like him to just roll over and admit defeat?

I would love to see this place if people without a negative outlook were banned. The people who come on here seeking help for their hair loss would get ridiculed or banned if they were anything less than a NW4, just out of their bitterness.


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treeshrew said:
i don't think anyone should be allowed to post on this board without having a pic of their hair for all to see! well.. not really.. but sometimes i feel that way.

you've got kids coming here saying life is over, they post a pic, and they are actually very good looking (with or without hair) and overreacting which is common..

then you've got people offering this incredible insight and words of wisdom and "chin up son!" who have full heads of hair themselves...

so many people on this board want to offer advice without having experienced true baldness themselves. what a sham!

man - everyone here is going to say the same old crap, that it gets easier, go the gym, focus on your health, etc, etc. i don't think you're ever going to find anything on an internet message board that's really going to make you feel better... except maybe stories from guys who are even worse off....

one thing i've realized that is true is males are much more visually stimulated then females. not universally true, but in general. there are many girls who would go for the guy who makes them laugh then the guy who hooks up with random girls all the time...

anyway.. if it helps to post here and read through then do.. it's a great community. i've just seen this exact same thread too many times to count.

ok i really didn't believe anyone will doubt my credibility so here it is...this photo was taken 2-3 months ago .


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Shock 1... you really look fine, that's the weird thing. I think guys with hair loss like that (shaved or buzzed really short) just look.... male. Basically :)

If you wanna save it then maybe smother it in strong anti-androgens (RU58841 and fluridil or something) and then shove on some proxiphen or minoxidil or something and some folligen/tricomin/spectral RS for collagen softening and rebuilding.

finasteride may also be beneficial but I think that depends on the individual - I am scared of finasteride lol


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got to back up the guy before me. can't see your face, but that looks like a good buzz cut. and you do have some hair up top. if you really want to save it, go on finasteride and minoxidil and give it a year.


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Hoppi said:
Shock 1... you really look fine, that's the weird thing. I think guys with hair loss like that (shaved or buzzed really short) just look.... male. Basically :)

This from a guy who's posting obbsessivley even though he has Hippy hair?

Well I'm sorry to have doubted you, to have that degree of loss at 20 must be harsh. I was there at about 26/27 and that was terrible.
It all depends on the individual and how it suits (or doesnt) them.


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thanks for the advices guys but i don't think it would do me any good to try and treat my hairloss because it's really too late... I have also read so many bad things about dht blocker so I'm not going to try it...The side effects I might get aren't worth to keep the 5-6 hairs that I still have on the top:(


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s.a.f.: you really think it's worse to be like that at 20 than 26/27? sometimes i'm not sure. if it hits you when you're 20, you don't have much choice but to just buzz it. that probably helps you accept it sooner and also move on.
i think it's those of us who got to our mid twenties with a decent head of hair and then suddenly it kicks in when we hadn't ever thought about it up till then who probably end up obsessing about it even more, desperately trying to stave it off for a few more years and finding it harder to accept, cos we'd thought we were one of the lucky ones...
then again, probably if i was 20 i wouldn't say that :dunno:


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rogber said:
s.a.f.: you really think it's worse to be like that at 20 than 26/27? sometimes i'm not sure. if it hits you when you're 20, you don't have much choice but to just buzz it. that probably helps you accept it sooner and also move on.
i think it's those of us who got to our mid twenties with a decent head of hair and then suddenly it kicks in when we hadn't ever thought about it up till then who probably end up obsessing about it even more, desperately trying to stave it off for a few more years and finding it harder to accept, cos we'd thought we were one of the lucky ones...
then again, probably if i was 20 i wouldn't say that :dunno:

hehe man that's a really interesting way of looking at this situation but no, i would give anything to have 5-6 more years with a full head of hair. these are supposed to be the best years of my life and instead, my only wish right now is to get older as soon as possible and reach the age of 35-40 so that i won't be the only bald guy among my friends...


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That'sIt said:
rogber said:
s.a.f.: you really think it's worse to be like that at 20 than 26/27? sometimes i'm not sure. if it hits you when you're 20, you don't have much choice but to just buzz it. that probably helps you accept it sooner and also move on.
i think it's those of us who got to our mid twenties with a decent head of hair and then suddenly it kicks in when we hadn't ever thought about it up till then who probably end up obsessing about it even more, desperately trying to stave it off for a few more years and finding it harder to accept, cos we'd thought we were one of the lucky ones...
then again, probably if i was 20 i wouldn't say that :dunno:

hehe man that's a really interesting way of looking at this situation but no, i would give anything to have 5-6 more years with a full head of hair. these are supposed to be the best years of my life and instead, my only wish right now is to get older as soon as possible and reach the age of 35-40 so that i won't be the only bald guy among my friends...

Exactly if you dont like it you dont like it wether you're 20,30, 40, 50 .... But to be 20 yrs old and have your youthful look taken before you've even experienced it ..... well lets just say thats what scarred me. :( And its something I've never gotten over.


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I hate how different I feel compared to my friends of the same age. I look like an ugly old troll and some of them look very youthful and handsome, with NW1 hair. They even look more "intelligent" and "friendly" than me in the eyes of the public, due to the nature of their looks. Whenever we go anywhere and we meet someone new, the person will always talk to my friend rather than me.


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That'sIt said:
thanks for the advices guys but i don't think it would do me any good to try and treat my hairloss because it's really too late...

Not necessarily. You will need to be lucky, to be a good responder to treatments. You'll also need a multi-treatment approach but you could, in theory, save what you have (and I agree with the comments about there being a big difference between what you still have a true 'slick' NW6/7). Maybe even see some decent regrowth.

Topical spironolactone
Shisedo Adenogen

take your pick...


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What are some of you guys smoking? Theres a HUGE difference between where the OP is at now and a a NW6? It just shows how obsessive some of you are...unfortunately, most people in the world would regard the OP as "slick bald" can pretty much count the number of hairs on his head.

That's It...if you want to go on meds to try and see if you can get crazy regrowth, thats one thing...but to maintain what you have doesn't even seem that worth it to me. Instead, you need to see what you look like completely bald, or at the very least shaved with a no guard against the grain to the point of very fine stubble...and then you need to keep it like that on a nearly daily basis. I mean, you've lost a lot of hair unfortunately so I'd prbly reccomend the razor shave at this point. The horseshoe look you've got going on now isn't the best look for somebody so young unfortunately. See what you look like with a full razor shave and try and keep it that way if it looks somewhat decent. But to cling to little scraps of hair doesn't make too much sense to me. Its already mostly gone at this point so you might as well see what it looks like with it all removed...then you can make the decision as to whether or not to pursue treatments in the hopes that you're one of the lucky responders. But right now your hair is kind of in no man's at least take the plunge and go fully bald.


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That'sIt said:
thank you
by the way what Norwood do you think i am?

I would say an extremely diffuse NW6. While you could try something since you are so young, and lost it that quick. Yet, it is up to you.


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I'd say he's heading for a NW6 but he still has some hair ontop, So its a big difference to being a slick NW6. Wev did'nt get to see the crown so it could be in the NW5 region.

uncomfortable man

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Obsidian said:
treeshrew said:
then you've got people offering this incredible insight and words of wisdom and "chin up son!" who have full heads of hair themselves...

so many people on this board want to offer advice without having experienced true baldness themselves. what a sham!

man - everyone here is going to say the same old crap, that it gets easier, go the gym, focus on your health, etc, etc. i don't think you're ever going to find anything on an internet message board that's really going to make you feel better... except maybe stories from guys who are even worse off....

Well would you like him to just roll over and admit defeat?

I would love to see this place if people without a negative outlook were banned. The people who come on here seeking help for their hair loss would get ridiculed or banned if they were anything less than a NW4, just out of their bitterness.

What's it going to take for some people to just admit that That's It and others like him are in a fucked up situation that they themselves wouldn't want to be in? To just admit that no amount of weight training or tanning or fashion sense or mental conditioning can compensate for being bald at that age.


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Being bald as a guy is so common, it really does look ok, but yes I know that is hypocritical and stuff coming from someone like me. I do agree that hair looks nicer though.

One of the reasons I do so much research (and I am being honest here) is not just for me, but also because I want to help others because I feel that male pattern baldness is a very unfair and harsh thing to experience ._.


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uncomfortable man said:
What's it going to take for some people to just admit that That's It and others like him are in a f***ed up situation that they themselves wouldn't want to be in? To just admit that no amount of weight training or tanning or fashion sense or mental conditioning can compensate for being bald at that age.

Never said anybody wanted to be in this situation, but he is young, yes it sucks, but he can still make something of his life.

Not everyone has to have a 17 year old mentality like you.


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uncomfortable man said:
What's it going to take for some people to just admit that That's It and others like him are in a f***ed up situation that they themselves wouldn't want to be in? To just admit that no amount of weight training or tanning or fashion sense or mental conditioning can compensate for being bald at that age.
True, at that age being bald is a real social hit. But again, I've seen successful while I was at college, of course not everyone can pull of the bald look, but some do.

So what is your opinion about the kind of advice people should give?
Reaffirm the idea that he is a loser for losing his hair and will never accomplish anything in a haircentric world?
Continue to feed his misery?
Advocate suicide?

I don't really understand the mentality of the misery crowd around here. Just look at Boondock, he believed in people like you and now he is gone because his hair loss was not enough for people like you.

Thank god you are just white guys losing hair, with that mentality I would love to see what being non-white in America would have done to your heads


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bigentries said:
uncomfortable man said:
What's it going to take for some people to just admit that That's It and others like him are in a f***ed up situation that they themselves wouldn't want to be in? To just admit that no amount of weight training or tanning or fashion sense or mental conditioning can compensate for being bald at that age.
True, at that age being bald is a real social hit. But again, I've seen successful while I was at college, of course not everyone can pull of the bald look, but some do.

So what is your opinion about the kind of advice people should give?
Reaffirm the idea that he is a loser for losing his hair and will never accomplish anything in a haircentric world?
Continue to feed his misery?

Advocate suicide?

I don't really understand the mentality of the misery crowd around here. Just look at Boondock, he believed in people like you and now he is gone because his hair loss was not enough for people like you.

Thank god you are just white guys losing hair, with that mentality I would love to see what being non-white in America would have done to your heads

UM seemed to turn out pretty well doing that.