
the end of the world at the age of 20


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Going bald is not a good thing - but I'm confident in my belief that in the scale of things, it's not that bad. I mean it doesn't really prevent you from doing anything, sure it can dig into your looks somewhat, but then again you could end up looking good bald too.

Of course if you can prevent baldness with a reasonable regime and minimal side-effects, then by all means do so - it will for sure give you a great sense of accomplishment and give you that 'phew!' feeling that you get when you narrowly escape an undesirable situation. But if it doesn't work out - don't kill yourself either, just say 'f*** it', go with the flow and see what life throws at you. I can almost guarantee you that it won't be as bad as you fear it will.

Certainly, whatever you think baldness makes harder to do (and I'm not at all convinced that it makes it harder to find a job, or even to find a girlfriend), can still be accomplished with just a little more effort. And just what is wrong with a little more effort? If not for baldness then you would have just been more lazy and complacent - not a good thing either.


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there is no hope left...i simply can't understand why i got all this sh1t , i always try to think how it would have been like not being a bald guy. how perfect my life would have been. and it's not a cliche or something. it's a fact. because i had a great life before this sh*t started.

why god, why?....why from all the places in the body you chose this particular spot ? do you get it? from all the places there is- ***, chest, face , hands, legs, god decided to make me bald only on the top of my head. why?!!?! why couldnt i lost my hair in my *** or in the chest or even in the horseshoe ? take all my hair in my body, just give me a normal hair in the top of my head so that i won't look like an alien!

i feel so empty and useless...being a bald +short is the most cruel thing in the world. i would rather have a cancer. at least there was a chance to make it and after the cancer's gone i could live a nomal life. but being a bald is the end of the road . being NW6-7 at the age of 20 is the absolute end.

say what you want , say that i am a looser, it won't matter. you would never like to have a girlfirend that looks like an alien. so why would any average girl want to be with me? if i cant look at myself in the mirror, i don't expect anyone else to look at me .


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M.. i kinda familiar with those feelings like many others here :) it comes and goes, but honestly there is nothing you can do... you cant change the world (ie how people see bald men, in particularly at you age) but you can adjust, so here is my tip for you: if you cant win this mentally then its time to try something practical; here are the ONLY 2 options as for this moment that i can see for guys like us :
A) transplant (for you - out of the question for you too young and too far gone it seems on the Norwood scale)
B) Wig.

and THAT IS IT That'sIt!

if its women aspect that bothers you then forget about flings and start thinking about a serious relationship because girls who only want random sex will go for the hot guys as a rule f thumb bald at 20 =/= sexy (unless your black)


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Ori83 said:
M.. i kinda familiar with those feelings like many others here :) it comes and goes, but honestly there is nothing you can do... you cant change the world (ie how people see bald men, in particularly at you age) but you can adjust, so here is my tip for you: if you cant win this mentally then its time to try something practical; here are the ONLY 2 options as for this moment that i can see for guys like us :
A) transplant (for you - out of the question for you too young and too far gone it seems on the Norwood scale)
B) Wig.

and THAT IS IT That'sIt!

if its women aspect that bothers you then forget about flings and start thinking about a serious relationship because girls who only want random sex will go for the hot guys as a rule f thumb bald at 20 =/= sexy (unless your black)

thank man
about the wig- i think about it every second...i really consider this option but then i try to imagine what it would be like when someone will realize that i wear a wig...what can be more humiliating than this?


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Well I think you should give the hair piece a try if you want, but obviously educating yourself about it should be a primary concern. Just don't slap it on and go out.


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The worlds best pick up artist is short and bald!

Go read a book called "The Game" by Neil Strauss. Based on true events and funny as hell. might make ya feel better ;)

Mens Rea

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hudsonhawke said:
The worlds best pick up artist is short and bald!

Go read a book called "The Game" by Neil Strauss. Based on true events and funny as hell. might make ya feel better ;)

I personally dont think he is the best but it definately proves ALOT

I think alot of people are stuck in their own realities. Personally its easily done, being bald takes one hell of a mental strength to really come through. Im struggling but i know with hair or not who i am.


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hudsonhawke said:
The worlds best pick up artist is short and bald!

Go read a book called "The Game" by Neil Strauss. Based on true events and funny as hell. might make ya feel better ;)

man f*** that guy

stop bringing him up


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barcafan said:
hudsonhawke said:
The worlds best pick up artist is short and bald!

Go read a book called "The Game" by Neil Strauss. Based on true events and funny as hell. might make ya feel better ;)

man f*ck that guy

stop bringing him up

At the start of that book he describes himself as 'not actually bald.'


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hehe classic..


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s.a.f said:
barcafan said:
hudsonhawke said:
The worlds best pick up artist is short and bald!

Go read a book called "The Game" by Neil Strauss. Based on true events and funny as hell. might make ya feel better ;)

man f*ck that guy

stop bringing him up

At the start of that book he describes himself as 'not actually bald.'

If thats true then hes a pretty pathetic, we know you're bald as a motherfucker strauss, stop being cunty to your bald brothers