
The Group Buy to End All Group Buys: Twist1 Inhibitor


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Never saw such a weird behivor against GB tbh . You are mad weird.
There is nothing NEW here those GBs act the same way on every server we opened .
nothing NEW for the last 1.5 years those GB exist . Move on

Wow, so you’ve been doing this for a long time. Not surprising you angry someone is spoiling the good scam


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Its always the newer members bitching about the groupbuys

I’ve been doing group buys since 2016, some worked a bit, most did not. That the goal, trial and error of new products. The stuff out there gets better and more potent.

Been in a lot of group buys, dozens of discords and I did testing as well to check quality. Never had much issues or got scammed. That hasn’t changed.

Its actually refreshing to talk with other researchers and testers daily to see how they doing (hopium sometime if something works a bit).


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Lol imagine wasting money since 2016 and still defending the scam.
Can you elaborate how is it the scam ? Yes I agree people wasted money, because so far nothing worked. Yes, its' might be hard to accept, but that's the harsh truth. Not sure about 2016, I came here year ago. But no one was offering a cure, and no one was promising any results. Thats why it's called experimental treatment. If you think that group buy organizers have some connections to chinese labs and they somehow profit from GB, please provide some proof or at least some indirect evidence. If the treatment wasn't effective it doesn't mean it's a scam, unfortunately it's trial and error approach and we still hope something may work based on research that was made. No one is forced to buy anything. If there will be any significant breakthrough in terms of results I am pretty sure everyone will know that eventually.


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Of course. Do you think people join groupbuys for a reason other than to cure their own hairloss? They don't owe you anything, especially since they're the ones onboarding all the risk. Though it would definitely be good if they shared the results, don't act like you're entitled to them.


They do recruitment from this forum though at the same time speak bad about this forum.

so yeah fuckk off b**ch justifying this BS


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Without people who risk and invest their money into the GB, there would be no GB at all and you would know sh*t.
Plus testing those chemicals may cause even health risks. So I would say, that at least being the first to get any updates & being protected from those who do not participate - who usually polute the discord the most, is deserved benefit. Especially being protected from mentally unstable zoomercels. We will report here, but only after enough time to be able to evaluate.


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I think you are the same person who posted under the name hmm, and scammed people out of a lot of money. Unlike you, no one in the group buy is making a profit. Each buyer sends payment directly to the lab, and the lab sends the compound directly to each buyer. There is no middleman.

What the fick? I had the same nick as here and yeah I left when I learned it was a paywall. Have to pay 180$ or something to get access to the results, many people actually lied about paying and I wasn’t the only one who was pissed the results require payment.

How the fick am I making a profit? You are the one who hyped people up, asking for a sh*t ton of money.

The only reason I am pissed is because you motherfckers led me and others to believe there is a discord where “knowledge is shared” and I wasted a lot of my good time listening to BS theories from illiterate fuckss who I don’t think have seen the inside of a lab in hopes I would see twist1 results which is what I was interested in. When I learned it’s a paywall I left.

But I have received PMs from people who told me that this is all a scam and that Chinese Alibaba or whatever guy is involved in the cut as well, so then it started making sense to me why you are so a*** about keeping it private. The less people involved, the less exposure.

At this point I know there won’t be any results just like previous GBs ( imagine my surprise when I learned this has been going on for years what the fuckk ), because the people who actually paid and fell for this scam are probably getting crushed rocks or some cheap shitt.


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Pegasus2 the OP replay:
@Hairful there is no paywall. It's not even me who wanted a private channel for buyers to share results. Some people would prefer to only share their pictures with a small group. Those who want to share them with a wider audience is free to do so. No one will get kicked out of the private channel for sharing their results elsewhere, but they will if they share someone else's pictures. This is so that people feel safe and comfortable sharing. Everyone will find out how well it works before long.

You claim that no one is allowed to go against the organizers, but you also say you had to hear bs theories about what causes hair loss and eunuchs going bald. You know that wasn't a moderator, even though you insinuate it was. You leave out the fact that I corrected that person, but of course I didn't mute or ban him. I respect everyone's right to speak their mind and you know that, yet you claim here that I ban people who are critical. I even let you into the server despite your criticisms on here. You even said when you asked for an invite that I probably wouldn't let you join because I probably hate you now. We let you join, and no one told you not to be critical. It was your choice to leave. It is very hard to get banned from the server, as I'm the most tolerant admin on Discord. I don't ban people because they are critical or disagree with me. I have to question your intentions here given the incongruency of your attacks. I think you are the same person who posted under the name hmm, and scammed people out of a lot of money. Unlike you, no one in the group buy is making a profit. Each buyer sends payment directly to the lab, and the lab sends the compound directly to each buyer. There is no middleman.

Again, you are outright lying about the eunuch theory. That was person who joined from this forum, and that theory didn't go unchallenged.

Imagine if researchers ooerated as transparently as the group buy? You never know what a research team is doing until they publish their results long after the research is completed.

You lied again, what is it with you? The study Kevin Mann mentioned is posted right in this thread, and I addressed it. There's no way you missed that.

Furthermore, I don't call an idiotic cesspool. There are idiots here, but there are also people much smarter than me. The only place I call a cesspool is Tressless. It is a terrible format and attracts the worst kind of people. I prefer the bulletin board format of a forum like to Discord, but this site isn't very reliable, and most people prefer Discord.

@tego That is not true at all. Everyone is free to be critical of the group buy. I'm not an expert, I'm wrong a lot and I want to know when I am so I appreciate that. I've only banned 3 people out of 400. One of them was repeatedly posting p**rn. None were banned for being critical.

I was getting chill after venting about my wasted time but since you’re lying about me now and calling me a scammer, I am convinced this is a scam that I accidentally stumbled upon and my venting is probably bringing negative attention that you don’t like so you’re lying about me now.

Why doesn’t the OP post himself? Who is the OP anyway and what are his qualifications


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Since I’ll never get an apology from @Roeysdomi or @pegasus2/jumpman (not sure who’s even accusing me of scamming people for money?)…

I’ll introduce you to OP:

He works in retail, is 45+, reached NW3-4 before trying to address his hair loss in part because he was afraid of PFS

Having waited too late, he became obsessed and decided to go for total hair loss reversal with any substance that’s ever been shown to work in vitro, in mice, or transwomen

He believes most press releases from every hair loss company without any critical though, and he’s fallen for basically every scam on this site

He tampered with his hormones and immune system by randomly mashing things on his head without consistent process and his health has suffered

Same story as Kevin Mann, except Kevin gave up earlier and went for a couple hair transplants.

If you’re not desperate for total reversal, then you shouldn’t participate in these GB, because the end result is probably a hair transplant like one of the previous organizers @FollicleGuardian

That explains why he’s never answered whenever asked what his qualifications are.

lol funny sh*t


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hmmmmm and your friends.

I will show you the real card we play with. I will unveil the secret conspiracy that is going on.

The reality is, the buy link is secretely link to a fund for Jewish Council of Zionism. Sabrina is actually Roey de Shekel. The ultimate goal is to collect enough money with scheme faked theories, so that the council can afford enough foreskins of the innocent, so they can tame their neverending hunger. Jumpman is secret password for Jewish Unity Must Prevail man. Results does not exists.


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Well non of the previous organizer did .
He write some of his research that based on previous papers .
And suggest a theory .
You should go to discord so it would be easier to explain it to you .
You have my word to get full explantion on any question you may have .
Its impossible to have a normal convo here.
Add me on discord

Soon after I left the discord and posted about the paywall, someone PMed me telling me this was a scam and the OP is getting a cut. I half believed it.

Then I am accused of running GBs and scamming people and alt account of someone else.

Well now I am definitely convinced there’s something amiss here but I really don’t want to be involved in this BS.

Besides, it’s clear you don’t say anything against the OP and will try to please him so what are we going to talk about other than you defending him?

I am also certain that there’s not going to be any results and maybe it’s a good thing the GB is paywalled, I could’ve wasted a lot of good time reading that discord when they were probably getting placebo lol

Funny how Pegasus lost his account after successfully funding the GB.

Whatever, not my money and I have said all that I had to say.



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Soon after I left the discord and posted about the paywall, someone PMed me telling me this was a scam and the OP is getting a cut. I half believed it.

Then I am accused of running GBs and scamming people and alt account of someone else.

Well now I am definitely convinced there’s something amiss here but I really don’t want to be involved in this BS.

Besides, it’s clear you don’t say anything against the OP and will try to please him so what are we going to talk about other than you defending him?

I am also certain that there’s not going to be any results and maybe it’s a good thing the GB is paywalled, I could’ve wasted a lot of good time reading that discord when they were probably getting placebo lol

Funny how Pegasus lost his account after successfully funding the GB.

Whatever, not my money and I have said all that I had to say.


You were the first to make scam accusations all based on the fact that there is a channel in the discord only for participants.
You were told repeatedly that the results will be transferred here once people have been using it for a while, as has been done with all previous GBs, but you just don't hear it. "Paywall ahead, don't expect to get the results unless you pay $175" -- results are publicized after a while and you can't pay anymore

Then you attack the server based on a single claim a member made where you selectively chose not to show the rebuttal. Then claimed that person said it with no rebuttals.

Then you accuse the server admins of selling illegitimate compounds but you are told that every participant deals with the drug lab directly with no middlemen, so you retroactively change your narrative by saying "the chinese lab is in on the scam" while claiming "I got a PM" which gives validity and plausible deniability. Why didn't you lead with that?

You claim that the group is all shady and secret and private with zero transparency, yet Roeysdomi with his infinite patience calls you to join again and talk to him (because IM is a better format for these discussions) but you refuse. It's not that we don't want to share information, it's that you don't want to see it.
"What are we going to talk about". Well for one you could ask for the purity tests of the various GB compounds people have done in independent labs but that would disprove your "placebo crushed rocks" claim and you don't want that. You are just so desperate to be right that you refuse to even look at any shred of evidence that proves you wrong.

This is an autism trait and I hope it's not something more because it would mean you're bald and autistic. You better pray ADQ works if that's the case.
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No one gives a sh*t about your personal crusade with pegasus2 tbh, everyone here knows him and his contributions for years. You don't like when he gets overly excited about a compound and suddenly believes is the cure and creates a GB. Okay, we get it, fair criticism.

Everything else is irrelevant and pointless, no point bringing your personal issues with someone on a public forum. No one gives a sh*t.


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Oh wait I’m still there. Looks like not booted, just invites closed and my discord alt is still there

Pretty amazing that they don’t see why accusing someone of stealing money might be taken badly…Yes I’m a jerk but just apologize and I’ll even delete most of the previous posts

edit: OP is making the excuse that his account here doesn’t work. I notice that didn’t stop you from making the accusation in the first place through a third-party on a public forum…somebody even suggested to you @Hairful wasn’t me and that it was a bad idea to include it. Let’s get real - you could retract your statements easily but are choosing not to

You should also all be really annoyed that you attracted my attention for no gain or reason, and that a public invite was posted by one of your members immediately after

I’ve now scraped all the content from the discord for later perusal (as I do with all discords), sometimes there’s actually good research buried in your comments.

Will check back here in a few days to see if a heartfelt apology appears and let the thread be about the (actually very interesting) research
Skepticism is good and healthy and I appreciate some of your posts but this implied threat of doxxing research chemical discords is (extremely) fucked up. If you're this emotionally invested in the group buys you should just join the discords and offer substantive rebuttals and leave the grudges out of it.

At the end of the day, you don't repeatedly post in a forum like this unless you're worried about your hair to the point of mental illness (myself included). We're all on the same team here.


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No one gives a sh*t about your personal crusade with pegasus2 tbh, everyone here knows him and his contributions for years. You don't like when he gets overly excited about a compound and suddenly believes is the cure and creates a GB. Okay, we get it, fair criticism.

Everything else is irrelevant and pointless, no point bringing your personal issues with someone on a public forum. No one gives a sh*t.
This. Nobody gives a F about your comments. People just wanna try what could work. If they lose money, who cares. Not trying is even worse