
the jealousy issue


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doesn't anyone else spend half their day just looking at people with thick hair and thinking, man, what a lucky guy? how awesome it must be to just wake up, shower, play sports, go to a restraunt under bright lights and just have hair NEVER EVER even cross their minds? I find myself being really really envious of these people regardless of anything else. I've even seen people in the hospital who can barely walk, but with full heads of hair that i am seriously jealous of. its so weird.

In fact, sometimes i'm even jealous of people that are bald but just seem to not even care, they just go about their business. I however, am burdened with thoughts of this all the time. this is really strange. I had a dream last night i was on a boat, and i was supposed to jump in the water to save some stuff that fell over, and i actually thought about how my hair looked outside, and after i get it wet IN THE DREAM!!!! this is nuts, i wish someone would just turn off the vanity part of my brain so i could move o and let the treatments work.

i would give three toes to be rid of this burden.


I definitely agree. I know a guy from college who got into a random car accident that was entirely not his fault, and he's now spending his time at intensive therapy clinics, trying to regain the ability to walk again. And when I go to his website, one of the things I can't help thinking is, It didn't affect his hair. Which is insane, because he'd probably give every strand of his hair to walk again, and I definitely don't want to be a paraplegic. Anyway, I definitely know what you're talking about, especially since Propecia hasn't worked for me.

Why me?

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its funny cause i was just thnking this the other night.

i was at the club and i see these kats with full heads of hair, hair all styled and happy as hell with WHAT SEEMS TO BE not a worry in the world.

here i am trying to hide in the dark hating on them kats and i feel they are better then me just for the fact they got all their hair.

as much as i want to forget about it I CANT and that is the hardest part. i am always staring at some dudes hair wishing it was me.


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I agree with both of you. No matter how hard I try to not think about my hair loss it's always in the back of my mind bugging me.

In class, at restauratns, playing sports, all I do is look at other peoples hair. I try to stop but I just can't help.

I just feel to jealous and mad that god chose to screw me over.

I'd give my left nut, two fingers, and 4 toes to have a full head of hair.


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Why me?

You in Italy? I am in Europe too. Dude, I sympathise. This stuff is not in your head, and sorry to stick the knife in, but I have a full head of hair and look at balds heads and think, "That poor hack." It really changes a guys looks and it f*****g sucks. The only thing I am battling is a slightly thinning hair line.

Not sure what to say. You are not alone.


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another one...

although for me, its not so much about the jealousy... I'm just annoyed at how my hair loss affects my every day life. For example, anytime I need to wear a hat, beanie, helmet, etc., my hair is ruined and it can't be seen again until I wash or style it. Basically if you see me somewhere wearing a hat, it ain't coming off. Same goes with going swimming or anytime my hair gets wet. And lets not forget about our friend the wind. If its especially windy outside I need to make sure I put enough gel/spray to prevent the wind from f'ing up my hair. If I'm indoors, I actually make an effort to not expose my head under areas of strong lighting, again, to hide my hair of shame. Am I just being excessively vain or do you guys go through the same? I'm 27 btw and feel as if none of my peers have to deal with the same thing.

I've got my hairline intact and have pretty bad diffuse thining all along the top. If anything I wish I had the more typical receeding Norwood pattern of hair. At least I would be able to flaunt the portions of dense hair that were there. With this diffuse crap each day its a battle between me and my hair trying to hide my scalp.


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i'm going through the EXACT same thing. I study everyone's hair. I get really depressed when I find myself getting jealous of 60 year old men with full heads of hair (i'm 22). I really hate it when I see a fat man with a lot of hair. I keep thinking he's wasting a perfectly good head of hair.

My hairloss has completely taken over my life. I am constantly thinking about it. I probably spend 20 minutes/day NOT thinking about my hair. I also know myself well enough to know that this problem will always be in my mind.


This stuff is not in your head, and sorry to stick the knife in, but I have a full head of hair and look at balds heads and think, "That poor hack."
You'll be there too, prick, and you're going to look bad enough by the time your hairline's inched back to the middle of your head. But enough from me--do you have any more inpiring words of wisdom?

Bone Daddy

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Everyone starts off depressed after being diagnosed. After the self-pity and the WHY GOD? WHY ME? you start to analyse every other person's hair on the planet, and secretly hate the basterds in doing so. Then, if you get on meds, and grow up a little.. you start to just get the hell over it. It's the same thing that cancer patients do towards the end, they resighn themselves to their fate, and try and enjoy life. I'm very close to that point, my haircut and meds helped me to do that. I still get small panics now-and-then but they don't last long. Eventually I'll just pop my pill, stop posting here and only check in every once in a while. If I do come back for a problem it will be if I want to add something to my regimen, or I'm having one of those "OMG2YEARSONFINSHITIMSHEDDING" posts that some senior membors make. (though I hope not)

Relax, and accept it.. you will anyway. It feels GREAT when you finally do, and it doesn't mean your not fighting just as much as before, it just means that your fighting smarter.


The Bone Father

Why me?

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freudling.... yeah i am i Italy, I go back and forth to the America for boxing.

"This stuff is not in your head, and sorry to stick the knife in, but I have a full head of hair and look at balds heads and think, "That poor hack." It really changes a guys looks and it f*****g sucks. The only thing I am battling is a slightly thinning hair line"

Yeah I know bro I never said it was in my head... I know it is reality espcially in Italy where most have their hair but America their is alot of thinning hair people.

I am not sure why you brought that up and if hairloss isnt a problem for you why are you on this site?


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freudling said:
Why me?

You in Italy? I am in Europe too. Dude, I sympathise. This stuff is not in your head, and sorry to stick the knife in, but I have a full head of hair and look at balds heads and think, "That poor hack." It really changes a guys looks and it f*****g sucks. The only thing I am battling is a slightly thinning hair line.

Not sure what to say. You are not alone.

Hey, ever thought about writing an inspirational book.

Should I refer you to as Anthony Robbins? I think you guys would sell millions, you could sell out Madison Square garden!

Book title could be something like: "Your Balding! HAHAHA! Sucks to be you!"

Let me know!


Vinton Harper

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Re: another one...

combforward said:
Am I just being excessively vain or do you guys go through the same?
My wife calls me vain when I'm checking myself in the mirror to make sure my Dermmatch hasn't deposited some of itself on my forehead or to make sure some of my more noticeable grafts on my hairline are covered.
Vanity and self-conciousness are two different things. And I sure as hell am not vain.
Maybe I use to be back in the day. ...Boy, would I like to be again! :(

Vinton Harper

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smudge said:
I really hate it when I see a fat man with a lot of hair. I keep thinking he's wasting a perfectly good head of hair.
I know what you mean. I can't stand it when I see someone with alot of hair and they have a bowl-over-the-head type of haircut(no offense to those of you who like that look) or if they do nothing at all with their hair. I think, "what a waste". Give me that hair and I'll do something with it!

not me!

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Heh heh.

Just to add to this, I have to admit that I had a similar thought once. I was watching one of those "Real-Life Crime Shows" on Court TV once. This guy was, like 24, and got sentenced to death row for raping and murdering some poor old woman.

My first reaction was: That poor old woman.

My second was: Why would someone rape and old woman?

My third was: Damn. That evil bastard has a perfect head of hair. Wasted.


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1) if you never think about it, why are you on this site? =[

2) what is your secret? Or rather, what do you think keeps you from thinking about it? I ask because I believe that I mainly think about it because I am perpetually single. Haven't had a girlfriend in years. It's a matter of poor demographics in the city I live in (Tucson, AZ), not meeting anybody anyway because my friends don't know any girls, all the girls are much younger college honeys who don't dig 29 yr old guys like me, and other issues- self confidence and what not, I won't deny it. Point is, I *think* I obsess over it for this reason, but maybe I'm wrong.

What others are saying on this thread is that not only do we wish for the obvious- a full head of hair- but since we can't have that, we wish it didn't matter to us so much. How have you convinced yourself that it's not a big deal?


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this thread sounds like a bunch of girls gossiping, no offense though, but i really am being serious and not sarcastic this time

are you MEN or woMEN? geez...


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Rawbbie said:
this thread sounds like a bunch of girls gossiping, no offense though, but i really am being serious and not sarcastic this time

are you MEN or woMEN? geez...

these forums are desperately in need of an ignore feature.