Haven't made any political/religious comments for quite some time. You just want to
suck people's dick here and score some points. Your posts are too boring for most
people to read. You haven't figured out where the period key is on your keyboard yet.
a**h**, you've been waiting to write that to me. Oh thy shining WHITE KNIGHT.
Go suck someone elses dick.
Look, your posts are so long winded and boring.
Seriously, I don't waste the board with idiotic paragraphs.
Your style of writing hasn't changed. It's long winded, whining, and juvenile.
I have noticed one thing about you though, that has changed. You don't challenge popular people, like
you used to.
I guess when you have a huge vagina, with nothing to say, it become standard.
When you grow a pair of balls, let me know. We can talk it out.