Male pattern baldness is caused by muscle tension on the galea(top) of the scalp which occurs due to improper brain expansion in babyhood and is aggravated by poor head posture resulting in greater grade of hair loss. Men who are NW6 or 7 or are programmed to have severe hair loss always have poor facial structure characterized by flat cheekbones, thin nose, narrow jaw and vertically elongated face. When they are fat it's not very noticeable. But you can notice it in skinny bald guys. This happens because the jaw and good cheekbones serve for balance and vertically grown and narrow jaw and flat cheekbones result in your head tilting down constanly. Thin nose causes narrow airway and narrow airway results in mouth breating and further drop of the jawline. Tilting your head down constanly results in neck tension and this neck tension propagates through the scalp muscles to the galea. The galea is constricted the blood flow is reduced and an inflammatory response is atcivated. An increased production of DHT is triggered to reduce the inflammation. But it can't reduce the inflammation because the cycle repeats and this results in the DHT staying too long in the scalp and due to the low oxygen enviroment is connects with TGF-B1 and forms two progressive conditions calcification and fibrosis. Calcification and fibrosis further reduce the blood flow to the scalp and the hair follicle adapts to the enviroment and as calcification and fibrosis advance it becomes smaller and smaller until the hair becomes peach fuzz.
Improper brain expansion results in wide, expanded and ridged looking galea. This type of galea I call bad galea. This type of galea result is the surrounding muscles of the galea causing tension to it. It is then aggravated by poor head posture. I observed many men and I think the combinations are the following:
bad galea + poor facial structure = advanced form of hair loss(Norwood 4, 5, 6, 7)
bad galea + good facial structure = mild form of hair loss (Norwood 2, 3)
bad galea + moderate facial structure = mild form of hair loss (NW2, 3)
good galea + good facial structure = no hair loss
good galea + poor facial structure = no hair loss
good galea + moderate facial structure = no hair loss
moderate galea + good facial structure = minor form of hair loss(little recession NW1.5)
moderate galea + poor facial structure = advanced form of hair loss (mostly duffuse)
moderate galea + moderate facial structure = minor form of hair loss(little recession, NW1.5)
To justify those claims I will provide examples
1. Bad galea + poor facial structure = advanced form of hair loss - Internet is full of pics of guys like this who are bald or balding. I will show only three examples
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You can see how narrow jaw those guys have and how ridged, uneven and how expanded their galeas are. Look where the forehead crease is and how much galea left is above it.
2. Bad galea + good facial structure = mild for of hair loss
The first example of this category is this guy
View attachment 178449.
He has ridged expanded galea but is only Norwood 2 because of his horizontal facial structure.
Johny Depp too. He has bad galea but is Norwood 3 because of his good facial structure.
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And the Third example is Henry Cavill.
View attachment 178451
He's receding but he won't go fully bald because of his horizontal facial structure
3. bad galea + moderate facial structure = mild form of hair loss
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This guy has a facial structure that is neither poor nor good, but has a bad galea and is NW3 and has been staying like this for years.
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This guys also has this kind of facial features and bad galea and has NW2 too.
The last guy has very expanded and bad galea but is not NW6 because of his not so poor facial structure
View attachment 178454
4. Good galea + good facial structure = no hair loss
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Rob Lowe - He doesn't have any hair loss and has horizontal face and smooth galea.
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Again Horizontal face, smooth galea and NW1
View attachment 178457
Josh Turner - Also Horizontal face, good galea and NW1
4. Good galea + poor facial structure = no hair loss
Some guys have poor facial structure but still lose no hair because of how smooth, how flat and how even their galeas are. The first example that comes to mind is the czech prime minister. Just look how lucky is he. He still has all his hair despite his very poor facial structure.
View attachment 178458
Just look how smooth and how flat his galea is.
View attachment 178459
Another example is David Shwimmer. He isn't such dramatic example but he also has relatively poor facial structure but is not balding because he has narrow and smooth galea.
And the third example is this guy
View attachment 178460
If he had ridged and expanded galea he would be bald. Look how narrow his jaw is.
5. Good galea + moderate facial structure = no hair loss
If you have good galea and moderate structure you will also won't go bald.
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6. Moderate galea + good facial structure = minor recession
If you have not very smooth galea but a horizontal face and horizontal jawline you will also not go bald. You will just recede a bit at the corners like the men below.
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Like Danny Walters
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Or Joe Jonas They don't have very smooth galeas but look how horizontal are their faces
The third example is this guy.
6. Moderate galea + poor facial structure = advanced form of hair loss (mostly duffuse)
Sometimes If you have decent galea but facial structure is very poor you can go bald too. It usually happens with thinning with an intact hairline.
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7. Мoderate galea + moderate facial structure = minor recession(Norwood 1,5)
If you don't have very smooth galea and not very good facial features that won't make you bald. You will still have hair. You will have a bit receded corners again.
View attachment 178469
View attachment 178470
This is the general rule according to my observations. There can be exceptions and outliers but they are rare.