
The real reason hair loss has not been cured yet


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I think all of you are fags and should never come to this site again. no offense.


ang_99 said:
Doesnt matter if merck or whoever else is making a gazzillion $ off pills, sprays, topicals or whatever. If some biotech firm finds a cure they want to be extremely rich and nothing will stop it.

Companies and Gov don't think that way.

If those guys find a cure they will only make money with "a one time fee"

While Merck and others could make money forever, selling their "pill that work in 80% of males and that has only 2% of males with side effects"

FDA and Merck are friends ;)

Of course you can always travel to Europe and make the HM procedure there ;)

The Gardener

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GoodGuy said:
ang_99 said:
Doesnt matter if merck or whoever else is making a gazzillion $ off pills, sprays, topicals or whatever. If some biotech firm finds a cure they want to be extremely rich and nothing will stop it.

Companies and Gov don't think that way.

If those guys find a cure they will only make money with "a one time fee"

While Merck and others could make money forever, selling their "pill that work in 80% of males and that has only 2% of males with side effects"

Sure, Merck is making money off of Propecia and Upjohn did on Rogaine, but what about Glaxo, or Aventis, or Amgen? They aren't making jack shiit off of the existing treatments and I bet they would love to patent a breakthrough cure that would funnel all of this money into their company, and away from their competitors.

Thanks to competition, there is all the motive in the world for a cure to be found and patented.

GoodGuy said:
FDA and Merck are friends ;)

Is the relationship that the FDA has with Merck any different than the relationship that the FDA has with the other big pharma companies who compete with Merck, and could potentially steal a LOT of Merck revenue by patenting a more effective treatment for male pattern baldness?


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It is all about compromise. Some do, some don't. It is scientifically proven that when you first fall in love someone you don't see their faults.
Those who have image as their main interest may have great insecurity, and that can push them either way. Those who see beyond image will better judge the good guys whether they are hairy or smooth. Teenagers from rich cultures are obsessed with image, and it is remarkable how many suicidal teenagers are intelligent, perhaps a little too deep about what might seem like small problems. Beyond teen years the hairy vs smooth thing becomes gradually less important. I started to get smooth when I was about 23-25, but at least I didn't start as a teen, which seems to be a growing trend. Girls who make fun of that group should be classed as bullies, just as much as physical bullies. And to state the obvious about image, without understanding the psychology can be just as cruel as sticking pins in a bunch of strangers to prove it hurts.


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what sort of women are we talking about here???? when these sort of topics come up is it only me or do you think of some sort of tera patrick style p**rn star quality babe rejecting you for being a balding mofo because if thats the level you are pitching yourself at then yes - not having hair is going to be difficult as is having a beer gut and manboobs or just being plain ugly looking

If on the other hand you are talking about the millions of AVERAGE looking women like the type on the Dove soap commercials - you know big hips , stretch marks, flat/saggy chests etc and all the other imprefections that women obesses over then trust me the "competition" to get with these women is not really that tough - I dont think their standards when it comes to being a bit thin on top are that high.


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Ever since I stared using Nizoral twice a day I have begun to find bald men a little bit more attractive.

So yea....


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Jayb and Goodguy

I'm sorry you are so bitter about being balding. I was only trying to relay the point that as long as you are handsome and have a good personality if you're balding women doent really care. This is true. Women are different from men. And the eomen who are completely repulsed by balding men are shallow, shitty, dumb sl*ts who want a boyfriend who will buy them lots of useless sh*t. There ARE people in this society who are different from the norm, but if the norm is what you want, then yes, you will have problems.

Plus you're faggots.


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don't forget to go f*** yourselves everybody, all your posts here are useless, not to mention very stupid. anybody who replies to this bullshit topic with more then 5 lines is a homosexual. period.


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You're so gay and lonely, Ronny.

I bet any money in the world that you have cried yourself to sleep at least one night in the past two weeks. Don't deny it. Just pop another lexapro instead.


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ronaldkia said:
don't forget to go f*** yourselves everybody, all your posts here are useless, not to mention very stupid. anybody who replies to this bullshit topic with more then 5 lines is a homosexual. period.

Ronny ronny, you dont even make sense, bud. Why is it useless? Obviously these people are suffering from distress due to misconceptions about image and women. I'm trying to free their minds from being stupid!!! yay!!!


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cook'n'milkies said:
Jayb and Goodguy

I'm sorry you are so bitter about being balding. I was only trying to relay the point that as long as you are handsome and have a good personality if you're balding women doent really care. This is true. Women are different from men. And the eomen who are completely repulsed by balding men are shallow, shitty, dumb sl*ts who want a boyfriend who will buy them lots of useless $#iT. There ARE people in this society who are different from the norm, but if the norm is what you want, then yes, you will have problems.

Plus you're faggots.
if anyone is bitter its your f***** ***. this thread was never supposed to be about getting women you insecure b*tch. I wouldnt make such a cliche'd thread again about how hard it is for bald dudes to get chicks.
it has to do with men and men who have no agenda to cure hair loss because you make someone like me look better if the two of us were standing next to a girl in the same bar. it was about human nature and jealousy and the competitive nature in all of us when it comes to looks. Your anger is really coming through man.


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ronaldkia said:
don't forget to go f*** yourselves everybody, all your posts here are useless, not to mention very stupid. anybody who replies to this bullshit topic with more then 5 lines is a homosexual. period.
lol your a fcking joke man. 24 years old and making polls about if we are relaxed or if we like to tell jokes or if our faces are oily.
youre a fcking mess bro.


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Jayb, I don't even want to address your retarded opening thread anyway. First of all, the only thing people care more about than sex is money, and since there is bazillions of dollars to be made by the company who cures hairloss, there goes you idiotic theory. Secondly, you said doctors dont want to cure hairloss because they will have more competition. Funny how most doctors I meet are bald or balding, and, oh yeah DOCTORS DONT MAKE MEDICINE YOU f*****g DUMBASS, DRUG COMPANIES DO!

God, you are f*****g stupid.

And please, explain to me how I'm insecure. do you know what that word means?


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cook'n'milkies said:
Jayb, I don't even want to address your retarded opening thread anyway. First of all, the only thing people care more about than sex is money, and since there is bazillions of dollars to be made by the company who cures hairloss, there goes you idiotic theory. Secondly, you said doctors dont want to cure hairloss because they will have more competition. Funny how most doctors I meet are bald or balding, and, oh yeah DOCTORS DONT MAKE MEDICINE YOU f****ing DUMBASS, DRUG COMPANIES DO!

God, you are f****ing stupid.

And please, explain to me how I'm insecure. do you know what that word means?
ARE U RETARTED OR ILLITERATE? honestly now your a fcking fool. I stated in the first paragragh the only people who give a sh*t about bald men are those within the balding community. MY GOSH MAN READ YOU MORON


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cook'n'milkies said:
And please, explain to me how I'm insecure. do you know what that word means?
Simple, i made a thread about how men with full heads of hair, dont care about bald men nor do they want to see them with full heads of hair because it goes against their competitive nature and you completely transform the thread by stating "i got a hot chick man! I could get girls man"

noone cares loser.


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No, but I can definitely spell "retarded". I'm refuting what you are saying idiot. You need some reading comprehension skills if you are saying that my last post did not address your original post. Many people care about ablding men who are not balding, since they can MAKE MONEY by curing male pattern baldness.

Now suck my c***, f*****.