
The real reason hair loss has not been cured yet


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cook'n'milkies said:
No, but I can definitely spell "retarded". I'm refuting what you are saying idiot. You need some reading comprehension skills if you are saying that my last post did not address your original post. Many people care about ablding men who are not balding, since they can MAKE MONEY by curing male pattern baldness.

Now suck my c***, f*****.
your an angry little homo arent you...ive seen your pics, id be angry too.


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JayB said:
cook'n'milkies said:
No, but I can definitely spell "retarded". I'm refuting what you are saying idiot. You need some reading comprehension skills if you are saying that my last post did not address your original post. Many people care about ablding men who are not balding, since they can MAKE MONEY by curing male pattern baldness.

Now suck my c***, f*****.
your an angry little homo arent you...ive seen your pics, id be angry too.

haha, that's interesting since don't have any pics up, but if you'd like I can send you some if you REALLY need to masturbate that bad, homo.


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im still trying to understand what exactly i said to have some of you people jump down my throats so vehemently. Was it that I argued the only people who care about hair loss are balding men? Surely that couldnt have been it, for if it was all you had to say was "Jay B, thats not true, plenty of men with hair care because they want money"

No, thats not it..yes , of course it comes back to the idea of women..Naturally. It must be the fact that I said men with full heads of hair view you guys as no competition and in fact quite the opposite, you allow them to feel more confident in their looks around women. Yes..that must be it. Dont tell me that some of you who have no hair still look at yourselves as Alpha Males??!! Are we still in such denial? Ok let me shoot some BS into you to make you feel great...yes your all orlando blooms and brad pitts. YOu are all alpha can get any women in the world you so desire..Come on, there has to be some level of reality maintaned.

Was that seriously the reason why you all got your panties in such a bunch? Ive never seen such angry bitter people respond. That is the definition of insecurity. If you all were truly confident that I was wrong, youd have pointed it out or actually refuted my arguments which didnt even have to do with women for the most part. Instead you let your emotions get the best of you like insecure babies and regressed to mere name calling.
Jeez man some of you seem to have lost your testicles also.


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I was reacting to the UNDERLYING implication in your post that women are not attracted to bald(ing) men. If you are good looking and nice hair doesnt matter. If you think it does, then you are insecure, meaning you lack confidence in the rest of your attributes.

This assumption pisses me off, simply because it is not true. Will some girls be grossed out by a balding guy? Yes! And usually they are REALLY REALLY DUMB! With zero personality!!

You people need to stop worrying about what women think because there are plenty of good ones out there who really, as long as you style your hair in a way that minimizes your hair grossness, will not care!!!


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Not all women like guys with thick hair. I have known a number of women who like bald guys, you just have to keep in shape.


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there will never be a cure. If they found a cure, we woulndt be here anymore and companies would lose money. Stock market would even crash . Take the stuff , grow and never buy anything ever again


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i think we should set sail on the atlantic ocean and discover new islands.


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how come noone noticed this little gem,

JayB "Hair loss only serves to distinguish age and verility"

i assume he meant virility. but seriously the kid obviously has some kind of learning difficulty so i dont think its fair to make fun of him. Just pat him on the head and put him in the corner with a wooden spoon to lick.


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The Gardener said:
Thanks to competition, there is all the motive in the world for a cure to be found and patented.

You know the philosophy behind that statement is the reason Capitalsim works and Communism doesnt.


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capitalism/ communism ?? what da f__? you know the philosophy on how apples are blue and volkswagon's are honda civics?


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the gardener, please dont pass the dildo.

The Gardener

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ronaldkia said:
the gardener, please dont pass the dildo.

You're so coy, Ronnie.

From the nature of your comment I deduce that you've graduated from the crack pipe and have worked your way up to meth and "poppers"...


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from your attitude, ive concluded that youve graduated from putting a dildo in your *** to sucking a man to getting it in the *** from a man, and to finally have a man pee for you in the shower.


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ronaldkia you seem such an angry young man. your sisters beat you up a lot don't they


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huh? actually i dont have sisters. but if you have some you, lend them to me, ill do them real good for you.